I start a new job today and I am beyond excited. I signed the paperwork on Friday the 13th so that day is lucky for me! I feel like a kid leaving home for the first day at school. I went shopping yesterday and bought a new lunch bag. It felt sweetly poignant.
Being an artist is a marvelous and wonderful use of my time but it didn't provide the financial rewards I need to survive so heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to work I go. The painting is from my "Through the Door" series so I thought it would be appropriate for today.
My job search has been extensive, long and time consuming but I prayed about it and as I feel I live in Divine flow, I knew the perfect job would appear at the perfect time and it has. I learned from my last job that sometimes there are opportunities for growth we can't know until we are in the middle of the experience. Sometimes those "opportunities" are a little uncomfortable but that is what makes us stretch and grow and become more of who we are meant to be.
I am in for a wild ride this morning and although it's only 27 miles to work, I expect it will take at least an hour with the morning traffic being what it is but I'm okay with it and will use my time in the car to "get my mind right" as I take this new road (literally and figuratively!). I am having a Robert Frost moment as the road is diverging once again. We have an intersection here called "Spaghetti Junction" and there are overpasses and underpasses and it's a mish-mash intersection and exactly where I pick up 285E. Traffic is ALWAYS backed up on those over/under passes but I am expecting it and that's half the battle of keeping my cool on the road! I am also a defensive driver so I keep enough space in front of me that I can stop (and this makes some other drivers mad but I do what feels right for me on the road and they can go on around me if they are not happy with my 10+ over the speed limit).
My biggest regret is that I won't be able to go to Pacifica, California this year for the Fog Fest and to visit my friends. It will be at least a year before I have enough vacation time accrued but again, I suppose this is as it should be. (Divine Flow!) Wahhhh! See you next year Colsy!
I will be working in an office with only women which should be interesting. Lots of estrogren and I understand the age range to be 20's to 60's with me being on the upper end of the range (bringing my sageness to the table). I have worked in an all-woman office once before and it was fun so I'm expecting nothing less from this one.
Wishing you a beautiful day. I have a job! Amen! I have a job! Amen! I have a job! Amen! Bring it on God, I'm up for it!