Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Mini Adventure

In about 4 hours I will be leaving for a mini adventure with a woman who was one of my best friends in high school. We lost each other for some time in our wanderings and life experiences but reconnected, joyfully, about ten years ago. Her name is Regina and she's a Real Estate broker now and was the agent for the purchase of my little home that I love so much here in historic downtown Buford. She also helped my brother get in to his house. We go to the high school reunions together and enjoy social events at each others houses and although our paths took us in different directions, we find that still, we are heart-to-heart. She's a conservative (I forgiver her) AND I'm a liberal (she forgives me). Her husband is a "hunter-gather" and their home abounds in dead, stuffed animals that always gives me the willies but it makes them happy and I love them anyhow. Her husband is one of the sweetest, kindest men I've ever met (she teasingly calls him "Daniel Boone" and he would have lived well in that era) and the two love each other madly and I so appreciate that about them, especially given my dismal history with love.

They own a darling beach home in Carrabelle, Florida and Regina and I are having a "get-away" for the next four days with the high point (aside from one-on-one time together) being the Apalachicola Seafood Festival which occurs on November 6th-7th. I'm excited to check out the artist's booths as I've been looking around for shows and festivals where my art may sell.

I've been working in the yard again and last weekend I bought a couple of flats of pansies (50% off at Lowe's, how could I not?) so I've been in a dead heat to get them all in before leaving on my mini-adventure. I finished yesterday and already I'm so excited for the color and the joy they will bring through the cold winter months when the trees are barren and everything else has gone to sleep. I also moved a climbing rose bush that tries to overgrow my house to a place beside the arbor in the front and I am hoping it will be happy there. Actually, I am just hoping it survives the move. What a job! It took me a good half-hour to get it dug up because after 3 years in that spot, it was well-rooted and I had to cut some of the roots just to get it out. I ended up with about a 12" diameter of a root ball and I can tell you it was NOT easy getting that rascal up and then it was so heavy I had to use the wheelbarrow to move it. I had a clematis at the place where I moved the rose bush so I had to dig that up first (it got moved to a place by the mailbox and again, I'm hoping it survives the move as it is a beautiful plant through the spring and summer). Anyhow, another two holes to dig. When I got up this morning, I could hardly move my arms and I have a streak of pain in my back. It's all good though! Nothing like manual labor to clear the mind.

After the planting and cutting back of some things, I transported two wheelbarrows of yard debris to the street for pick up and then I got out the blower and blew my walkway, driveway, back deck and front porch. Now, it looks neat and clean but by the time I get back, the leaves will have built up again. I don't mind because I love the trees and so I put up with the leaves and the mess (see my earlier blog about the pecan messes!).

Time to start packing. I hit a bonanza jackpot at Goodwill last week and picked up 3 college Literature textbooks (Elements of Literaure, 3rd, 4th and 6th) for $2.50 each and they are the teacher's editions so more prized by me. I'm sure the books probably cost in the hundreds because textbooks are so expensive. I was so happy with the find and can't wait to delve into them because there are many, many good authors represented. I also bought a book of Shakespeare that can be read with children (maybe I'll "get" it now, too!) I'm taking a few books with me. I'm also reading a book about Eastern Philosopy, Greek and Roman Mythology and Vein of Gold by the wonderful Julia Cameron. I would be equally happy just staying home and reading but I make myself do fun things and socialize because I could too easily become reclusive.

People ask me if I'm lonely because I'm single and I'd have to answer truthfully and empathically NO! I am never bored, I like my time and space to do what I want whenever I want. If I want to go to the Comedy Club or to listen to music or whatever, I can always find a friend to go with but most of the time, I'm happy as a clam (are clams happy?) just puttering about the house or writing or painting... whatever strikes my fancy. I communicate daily with friends by e-mail or phone and I'm never lonely. I also have my brother and sister on the same street and that's a comfort and my children and grandchildren are close so am I lonely? Never!

I've had two big loves and several minor ones in my life and I think that's my quota and that's okay with me. Right now I'm obsessing over Robert Pattinson because he's so darn sexy and pleasing to look at and dream about being with someone so intelligent, talented, and easy on the eye but if I had the choice, I'd choose to just obsess as I do (he's less than half my age, after all, but I'm not DEAD even though I'm not lonely!) from afar. My kids think I'm crazy but there was a time when John Travolta held that place of honor for me (back in the "Staying Alive" phase of the 80's). It's no different from men obsessing over Megan Fox or Marilyn Monroe or Angelina Jolie (oh, I almost forgot my past obsession with Brad Pitt but he's looking gnarly to me these days and John Travolta, well forget it! They are ex-sex symbols for me. Robert Pattinson is thre man and check this out and I'm sure you will agree. This is the link. I hope it works because it is SMOKING HOT! You'll have to cut and past it in to your browser because I don't know how to embed it in this blog. Enjoy!

I've made that video one of my favorites and I watch it at least once a day (talk about obsessing!) It's just good fun and nice fantasy. I can't wait for New Moon to come out this month and I blew through Stephanie Meyers four books a day at a time and one was 700 pages! Because I am "alone" I could do that so why would I not enjoy this life?

Back, but to my mini-adventure. It will be interesting and fun to see the weekend unfold and we'll walk the beach and take pictures at sunset, go to the Blessing of the Fleet, eat copious amounts of oysters, drink too many martinis and have some good laughs! She lets me bring Wiz with me (can't be too far away from him) and she's considerate in that way because she has had "elderly" dogs that adore her and she has adored so she understands and I'm so happy for it. If he's not at my side, my feet or in my room I feel like something is missing. Last night he was curled up in his bed snoring! It made me laugh as I remembered others in my life with only two legs snoring equally as loud! We'll walk the Seafood Festival and enjoy all the arts and crafts and eat nice meals. It will be lovely, I'm sure and I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with everything you love!
