Friday, February 3, 2012

Fabulous Friday

Creativity Workshops started on Wednesday and will run for the next 6-8 weeks, depending on how far we get and how quickly we get there. It is time for further self-exploration and I am starting anew the journey of a thousand steps.

I've been trying to "push" time the past few weeks and it's not working. No matter how hard I try to pretend there may be 80 seconds in a minute, I am constantly reminded there are only 60. So, yes...I've been "running late." I'm working on it as I want to be punctual as much as the next person but something about me wants to "push" time. Wonder why?

Nothing is coming this I blocked...seem to be. Does that ever happen to you? Nothing to do but jump in the shower and get on with the day, trying to see the beauty in every moment. I have to remind myself that there is beauty in every moment if I only take the time to look. Simple things are sometimes the hardest to accomplish.

So...CARPE DIEM! Look for the beauty, arrive on time, expect a miracle! Got it! Go get 'em!