Since there are only five, I surmise that by now you’ve guessed Sabra ate one and you would be right! It was delicious! I'm going to have another with Mom when she gets up.
So, you may be asking yourself what I’ve been doing with my time while I’ve been “snowed in.” I have been busy reading, writing (and making pretty muffins!) besides playing rummy with my Mother. As you know, my 81-year-old Mom lives with me and I believe it is part of my duty to keep her entertained at least once or twice a day so since she loves to play rummy, I sit and play cards with her and let her tease me unmercifully while maintaining my patience.
I’ve also been doing my “morning work” fairly consistently. This is what my coffee table looks like this morning:
My morning work is an essential part of my creative process. I love to start my day with my spirit/mind/body (physical) tarot reading. It gives me an idea of what to expect and what to be aware of in my day. There are always so many opportunities for growth. This is my "message" for today:
The VIII, Adjustment/Justice card keeps coming up for me and it is also my growth card for the year. So, what does that mean? It’s the question I’ve been pondering since January 1st and I’ve looked at several different sources in my attempt to understand what it is that I am meant to know or to learn so that I can grow and become more of who I am meant to be. I look at all the sources I have available and then I go within to seek the answers that are relevant for me. The main message is about taking responsibility for my own self and recognizing personal responsibility in everything I experience.
That seems to fit with my belief that we “create our own reality” (have you heard that one before?) by either CREATING or ALLOWING something into our experience. Good, old (and he is OLD now!) Zig Ziglar said that we can have anything we want in our life by focusing on the good, the pure, the powerful, the positive and the optimistic. He said, succinctly, what so many others have said and we all hear it in the way we need to hear it when we are ready to hear it. “Change your thinking, change your life.”
William James said it best when he said "The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be."
That message (VIII-Adjustment/Justice) was in the “physical” position today. In the “spirit” position I got the 10 of Swords which is “Ruin.” It means I am ready to move through a fear of ruin that has been sitting on me. I am ready to bring peace and order back into my physical reality and it starts, always, on the spiritual level. In the “mind” position came the beautiful Princess of Disks which signifies mastery of creativity and birth of new forms. When the new is given birth, the light is brought to the earth. So, with ruin, creative mastery and adjustment as my message for today, I know that I need to work on getting my room in order and reorganizing my books which is a project that has been on my plate for several months now. Once that has been done, I am setting up a “creative space” in the corner of my living room so I can paint again. I’m ready! I release my fears and negativity, fill with the new and from that will come balance and peace. That’s what my message is for today, at least as far as I understand it now. By the end of the day, I am sure I will understand even more what the message meant for me.
Pretty cool, huh? I love the Thoth Tarot because of the art and the mixture of symbols, mythology, color, and, in my opinion, it is the most beautiful of all the cards available and the most "intelligent" of all the cards available. However, I haven't really explored any other sets in depth because I knew this was the Tarot for me from the first time I picked up the pack. After 13 years of working with it, I know it was the right choice for me. For you, it may be something else. For me, it's my way of "touching God" within and without. It's a meditation while for someone else, it may be a prayer. What's important is that we touch God (or allow God to touch us) in a way that makes sense to our life. What do you think?
Here’s what Day 4 looks like from my kitchen window:
The footprints are my brother’s. I tried to go out but slipped enough to get nervous about maybe breaking a bone slipping on the ice and I decided I’d wait until it melted, which it will by Saturday when it will get up to 50! It’s all good. That looks like snow but it’s more like a long slick of ice right now. Those footprints were made two days ago, too, when it was still more like snow than ice. This is a rare occurrence here in the Atlanta area and the whole town has shut down. We haven’t even had mail all week!
Well, it’s been fun sitting here sharing with you but now it’s time for me to get up and heed my message of the morning. Much to do today and I’m very excited about being productive. Orange is the color of creativity (also sexuality but that’s for another day!)so I conclude this morning by sharing one of my paintings honoring the creative energy of the Universe. I meditate on this painting when I want to open my second chakra (energy center)and get it spinning and whirling and putting off sparks! I hope you enjoy the painting and I hope you enjoy your day. It’s your gift to do with what you will. Make it a great day for YOU!
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