(One)Someone who was once significant to my life apparently took the time to read my post and came back to Facebook to tell me "Bullsh**." At first, it made me angry and then, it just made me sad for him. I'll admit it bothered me. This morning, I picked up the book "In the Spirit" by Susan Taylor and on page 9 she says "We can't experience the love we crave when we are angry or holding grudges." I have spent way too much of my life being angry at this person for one reason or another and he's about the only one I know what can make my blood boil in what is an uncharacteristic manner for me. He's "got my button" which means he's mirroring a part of myself that I need to resolve.
Miss Taylor goes on to say "Expecting them to be who we want them to be, or to operate BEYOND THEIR LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING (my emphasis) is an exercise in frustration for us and is unfair to them. We'd best accept folks as they are, or let them grow on without us." I believe she is on to something there, especially the last part where she says to "let them grow on without us." I closed my eyes,went to my center and channeled pure love to this person. I surrounded him with love and light. I released any negativity towards him and lifted him up to God and with a prayer that all that happen to him be for his higher and better good and that he find his way and his joy in life. I found that any anger I had towards him was gone completely. His derogatory remark could only hurt me if I let it and I choose love over hurt. By sending love to him, I am, in essence, loving myself. I guess that's the next step for me. We can hear something over and over and over in a number of different ways. One day, it's just "clicks" and we hear what we are supposed to hear and THAT is when we are one step closer to realizing our own self. His words have no power over me unless I let them.
Miss Taylor wrote: "Under the influence of love, everything in your life gets better. Clouds begin to dissipate and your sense of inner freedom expands. You realize that you are free to love, free to be, free to create the good life you envision. And so your life becomes the joyful journey that God promises."
So even though that "Bullsh**" could have been destructive (as was intended) it became an opportunity for growth. I think we all have someone in our life who is always saying "bullsh**" to what's important to us. Someone who says "no, you can't" or "you'll never be able to..." That person has value. That person makes us GROW. Until we do, we'll get more of the same. Perhaps today I've realized the value of that person and I can truly get on with the joyful journey. I have to say, it was much easier this time. That's a good thing!
Secondly, a friend suggested that I was ...
Well, I got a "something special" as I was writing this post. My precious friend from my favorite place on EARTH...(Linda Mar)Pacifica, California called to chat. I'll have to get back to that second "mirror" train of thought tomorrow. I have spent my blogging time chatting with CN so it's on with my day and the joyful journey! I am lightened from my contact with my friend and thank GOD for her and our time together this morning.
The message from my morning work was very interesting because after thoroughly shuffling the cards and fanning them out, I drew two of the same cards I drew yesterday. I had to laugh and call it "God's magic trick!" The third card from the draw was in my deck "by mistake?" It was card with the address for the Ordo Templi Orientis in Austin and there was a message indicating that "at first sight one would suppose this arrangement to be arbitrary, but it is not." Pretty cool, wouldn't you agree? So anyhow, to make the above more undstandable to us "everyday" people, there are no accidents and the cards are synchonistic to the message I need to hear for this day. I believe it and so it is!
IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE...and the BEST is yet to come! Wishing you a joyful journey of your own today!
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