Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hump Day...! - Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I should be up cleaning the kitchen floor since I took everything except the table out of the kitchen yesterday yet here I sit! This is much more fun and I'm all about fun today.

Monday I went to an interview at a staffing agency and when she called (yes, this one called me) I thought she had an "imminent" position and I completed all the paperwork, including tax information, and sat and chatted with the "Recruiting Specialist" and went over my resume. She thanked me for my time and told me that she may need me to come back and take some tests and I said "Bring them on!" and here it is Wednesday and I've not heard another word from her.

Same day around 5:30pm I got a call from another recruiting specialist who is in Tampa who also saw my resume online. He told me about a position he thought I would be a good candidate for and I felt a little excited. So he sent me the information via e-mail and then asked for something so sacred I couldn't believe he was asking me to tell him over the telephone or by e-mail and I wondered if he was a scammer. He asked for my social security number.

Now what is the one thing you always hear about your social security number? Do NOT give it to anyone over the telephone or by e-mail. But, guess what?! After "Googling" the job position and the agency I decided what the heck and I called him back and gave him my ssn. He said AT&T has their own way of doing things and they will not accept any candidate without the SSN. Now I may be crazy to have done this or so desperate for a job that I am throwing caution to the wind, but if anyone tries to use my SSN to get credit, well they will get what they deserve which is NOTHING!

I read an article last night about a young woman, 23, who lost her $50,000 a year job and ultimately ended up homeless and then blogged and wrote a book about it. It was an interesting article and really a bit frightening because it's as if we are in a mini-depression but it is not so well-covered by the media so there is the "illusion" that everything is okay and we all love our illusions, don't we. She finally found a job that she likes and is back "in business" so I am happy for her. I guess the premise was, "see, it worked out for me and it can work out for you, too." Apparently there are many, many people, especially in California where she lives (and in Georgia, where I live) that are looking for a job. I never thought in my lifetime that I would find myself in a position where I am ready to work and can't find a job.

That may all change tomorrow though and I am going to enjoy my day. I am hopeful and optimistic and what's the worse that could happen? Well, let's change that thought...what's the BEST that could happen and I'll hold that energy today! For now, it's all good.

My children are healthy, happy (and employed) and my health is still good and I am definitely "employable." I am certain something will open up for me by the end of...well, better change that because I was going to say by the end of the month but since we're almost there, I'll say by the middle of May. Yep, I'm sure.

So, back to living in the moment and whew! It is really ALL good! I have the entire day to do whatever I want to do. I made a pot of espresso and steamed some milk with thick foam, just the way I like it and since I had one little, tiny bottle (the kind you buy in the liquor store that are called "mini's," I think) of Grand Marnier left, I decided to go ahead and add it to the mix and yum! yum! What a treat and it feels so decadent to be having alcohol before noon. Almost like being on vacation and having a Bloody Mary (or two) to start the day! For today, I consider myself on vacation!

I am going to play some music that I love (perhaps some Uriah Heep, "Demons and Wizards") so that I can sing along at the top of my lungs because there's no one to hear but me and now that Wizzie is deaf, it won't bother him either. I am going to go in and give my kitchen floor a deep steam cleaning and change some things around, reorganize a cabinet and clean the refrigerator. Oh, what did you say? Am I boring you?

Well, it helps me to feel happy when things are clean and organized so I try to stay on top of it!

I made it to the gym several times last week but even with my best intentions haven't made it yet this week but maybe later today? I have seen Water for Elephants twice now. I am obsessed with Robert Pattinson but only in my dreams. He makes me wish I were 21 again or perhaps it is that he makes me REMEMBER what it felt to be 21. He seems to be a genuine, good person who has done well and I wish him continued success and happiness with the love of his life who seems to be his co-star in the Twilight Saga, Kristen Stewart. They are a little wierd about their relationship but whatever makes them happy! I can't even begin to imagine what life would be under the media glare they live on a daily basis and I've seen pictures where I would love to smack down the photographer and tell him to just leave them the hell alone. It's just part of it, I guess, but not a very enjoyable part for them. Anyhow, I loved the movie and I think he acted the part well and I will probably see it again. I enjoyed his movie "Remember Me" and cried buckets at the end. It was a great movie and I don't understand why the critics tear his movies up so badly because they are as good, if not better, than a lot of the movies out there. I think if "Crazy Heart" which is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen, could win an Oscar, then Robert certainly deserves one for WFE!!!!

There's a slight breeze through my open window ruffling the curtains. I can hear my wind chime tinking and a bird is singing. I'm glad I sat down to write because I am cheered as a result.

I have been doing my "morning pages" (from "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron) but sporadically and when I do, I feel great! I self-motivate more often than not but some mornings, I just sleep in because I can and I know when I finally "retire" for good, sleeping in will be something I do several times a week. I'm not one who wants to "waste time" sleeping, normally, because there is so much to do!

Soon, I will have my studio BACK and I can't wait to get started "creating" again! Expect to see paintings, cards, paper and I don't know what else will flow but it will all be fun!!!! I'm still holding the dream of my own little motor home and doing arts/crafts shows! It will happen! I am confounded by gas prices and hope they get back DOWN (which is unlikely) before I hit the road in about 6 years! Still, it is a nice dream.

So, that's is ALL ABOUT ME...right? No, it's about US! WE need to stay positive and motivated. Don't let the "news" get US down, look for the GOOD, the PURE, the POWERFUL, the POSITIVE and the OPTIMISTIC because it has been said that you WILL find what you are looking for so make sure you're looking for the right stuff!

Now...on to my kitchen and on with the day. I'm about finished with my cappucino's (hey...Jess & Arlo...I'm still using the expresso machine y'all gave me for Christmas some years (eons?) back! It's still working great and I love that you guys gave it to me! It is a gift that has been well appreciated!).

Okay, I'm done for today. I hope YOU have an awesome day...if you have a job...give it your best. If you don't and you want one (like me), keep sending out those resumes and while you're waiting for that perfect position, ENJOY the time and make the most of it. It is so easy to get depressed. I know, believe me! Perhaps tomorrow I can write about suicide thoughts but then again, maybe not because that is SO negative but I will jump out there and admit, it's a thought that has once or twice crossed my mind...but briefly. Anyhow, that's a topic for another day and I am here to help not only myself but anyone who reads my blog to stay POSITIVE and MOTIVATED and if not happy, at least to be able to see the JOY in the day. It is a great day to be alive and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!! And so it is! Namaste!

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