Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's a beautiful day!

Wow! Mother nature kicked up a ruckus across the South last night but my sweet little haven barely even got any rain although it was quite windy. I read that 250 people had died in the storms and my heart is heavy for all of those affected by the storms. I have been praying for my friends in Birmingham today because I haven't learned if they are safe yet, or not. I am hoping!

So, for the good was a beautiful, balmy day today and I had all of the windows open and the cross breeze was divine. I love this time of year when we can have the windows open to enjoy the fresh air.

I am excited to see my son and my grandchildren who are visiting from Denver tomorrow. Well, I am visiting them tomorrow although they arrived Wednesday night. I am especially looking forward to seeing the kids because I haven't seen them for 16 months! It's another of the downsides of being unemployed. Travel has stopped completely and I sure miss it!

I love sending cards to my friends and to my family. Texts, e-mails, and Facebook are wonderful ways to communicate but I am a firm believer that it is still very exciting to get something in the mail besides a bill or an advertisement! Letter writing is becoming a lost art and it's too bad. I have letters I received over 40 years ago and they are incorporated into a part of my life's history. I'd hate not to have that, wouldn't you? So when you have a moment and you are walking by the greeting card section in any store, take a moment to look at the cards (some are quite amusing) and grab one and send it to someone you care about. I guarantee you that it will make their day and come back to you tenfold!

Prince William and Kate Middleton get married tomorrow. I wonder how they are feeling tonight!!!! Probably like anyone about to be married except intensified by a million percent! I'll bet it is going to be so beautiful and I have my DVR set to record so I can enjoy it at my leisure. I am excited to see her dress and how she will wear her hair and ALL OF IT!!! It's a fairy tale! The Prince has found his Princess and hopefully they will live happily ever after! That's the way it should be anyhow, or so I read many years ago.

Hope you are having a terrific day (or night!). Expect a miracle and remember, the best is yet to come!


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