I smelled Fall in the air this morning as I stepped out onto the porch. Time for leaves to fall and the weeds to die off, at last. With all the rain this year, keeping up with those weeds has proved to be a losing battle. I give up, you win. Next year, I WILL spray weed and feed at the first sign of Spring.
I spent the night at my sister's last night because they were finishing up re-doing the wood floors at my house. I'm excited to move back in and have my space reorganized and it will feel like a new home to me.
I made the mistake of looking at the news this morning. More of the same, economy sucks, GOP and Democrats squabbling, people doing mean and hateful (and deadly) things to other people, LA is on fire (again) and I'm sure it's flooding somewhere and another hurricane headed to Mexico. Same-o, same-o. Nothing I can do about it but shake my head.
I had an opportunity to watch TV yesterday (she has cable...I don't) and watched a great show on National Geographic channel about some new finds in Egypt that put writing being developed there long before it was developed in Mespotamia. It was an interesting program and worth the time to sit and watch. I woke up to Sponge Bob Squaredpants and my sister telling her daughter what she needs to do after school today. Glad it's her time and mine is done! It takes a lot of energy to raise a child and the most I do now is have to walk my Wiz a couple of times a day. Much easier now.
9:44am and I'm still sitting here in my pajamas. I had to catch up on the news of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (I need to get a life). I tried to call the Director of Financial Aid at UGA yesterday and let it ring over 60 times. Either they weren't in or they weren't taking calls and NO VOICE MAIL. What is the world of academia coming to these days? I'll try again later today.
Sending out a few resumes and trying to make more constructive use of my day. Surfing around on "SeniorsMeetPeople.com" and that's interesting. I've perused hundreds of seniors but they all look so old. LOL! I have to remind myself that I, too, am "old." I don't feel old but when I look in the mirror, I sometimes wonder who is that old woman looking back at me. Age just catches up to us sooner or later. In my heart and soul I'm still young, though! Just wiser. I like the phrase that "age is just a number." It's not completely true but I like it just the same.
Haven't been painting much but I've a couple of paintings rolling around in my mind and once I get my house back together, I hope to do some painting later in the week. One is really trying to break lose and it's a gift for my daughter and her husband. Canvas is sitting there calling to me and I hope to touch it soon and let it flow.
Time to get dressed, step away from the computer and do something productive with my gift of this day. I love my life.
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