Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Too much information! I deleted my Facebook and MySpace accounts this morning. I guess I have my son to thank for that, too. He helped me inadvertently, to make that decision.

Those sites are called "networking" sites and as soon as possible after becoming aware of them, I signed on and put my "life" out there for anyone and everyone to see. So proud of me. Well, it was a phase and I'm moving on from there and trying to get BACK to good old verbal (or written) communication. I don't need to know where my cousin is today or what someone had for dinner, their latest trip, their problems sleeping and on and on and on. TMI. When I see a picture of someone I love and respect looking frazzled and shooting a bird or another with a lovely, buxom lady draped around his married ass then it's time for me to go...TMI. None of MY business!

I think it's time to realize I'm too old for the bullshit and the drama. I'm tired of getting people hating Obama or loving Obama or the health care reform (which is NEEDED) or invitations to join a Mafia or get a heart for the day and on and on and on. So much wasted time. So much wasted energy.

Yet here I sit blogging about my LIFE...well, here it is. Take it or leave it. If you don't care and don't want to read it, then don't. We all have choices to make and this morning, I am choosing to respect and love my very own self. Yep, that's what this is today. I'm loving and respecting and caring enough about Sabra to take two steps back and reassess what is really important in my life. I know that Facebook, Myspace and all the inane chatter thereon is no longer in my best interest. I have more productive things to do with my time.

I have three children and one is a mystery to me and it hurts my heart but it also helps me to grow. I think it is only natural to want to be loved and respected, especially by one's children. When I allow an ex-significant other to disrespect me, especially IN FRONT of my children, then how can I expect my children to respect me. So I'm fixing that right now, today and it won't happen again because I won't let it.

I find myself, as I'm aging, pulling more and more into my own self. Yes, I'm very comfortable here and I like myself just fine and my life is happy and content. I think I'm becoming a bit of a recluse and I guess that's okay, too. I have a rich life, filled with many good things. People, and not all people, but some people, continue to shock me with their actions. Reading certain blogs or comments about stories can almost make me fearful because there is so much anger and suffering and downright HATE spewed on the internet. Why is that? I just don't understand why we can't just live and let live. I really don't.

Well, I'm wondering but not wandering this morning and just wanted to get this out for what it's worth. Have you ever felt this way, too or is it just me?

So now, I'm moving on in to my day of being productive around my house. I'm cleaning and then I'm going to do something creative because that's what makes me happy and being happy is what we all want, isn't it?

So to anyone reading this who is on Facebook and/or me if you want to talk to me...or don't. I'm here but I bow out of those sites and the drama surrounding them, in an effort to allow more peace, understanding and joy into my life.

Wishing you a happy day without TMI!


1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what happened to your page. Trust me I understand what you mean and am glad that you shared this with everyone.


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