My clock said 9:42am when I woke this morning and my first thought was "I love my life!" I made coffee and sat down at the computer and the clock on the computer said 8:02am as did the clock on the stove. I guess I inadvertently pressed the "hour and minutes" button when I hit "snooze" on Monday morning (because I spent the night with my sister on Monday night when they refinsihed my floors). So, my next thought was "I love my life!" because now I have an "extra" hour and 40 minutes in my day. It's all subjective, isn't it? Either way, I love my life and that's a good thing!
They finished the floors and moved the big furniture back into the living room and I worked on it a little last night and I have fallen in love with my little home again. The floors look awesome and add a warmth and richness to the room and I am so happy just sitting in the room, relaxing and enjoying the peaceful ambiance. Now, it's time to bring back order from chaos AND I get to look at all my books again as I put them back into the bookcases. I'm sure this project will take until Friday to complete because I know how I am when I reorganize. I'll put some beautiful music on and enjoy the process of reorganization and the peace of the day.
Today is the "Painting Group" meeting at Anita's ArtsCool and she sent an e-mail asking if I was coming. I think I will wait until next week to go again because I want to stay in and work on the house. To paint or not to paint? I can't paint when everything is disorganized (even someplace else) so I'll get my house together and next week I will start painting with ladies group again.
I have a party on Sunday (Monday is a holiday) and on Monday I'm going to start the fast again and get back to my exercise routine. I find I am finally shedding all of the negativity I'd absorbed during my short 60-day stint at the job from hell. I was NOT loving my life at that time although it was something I knew I had to do and I'm glad the Universe provided that opportunity to grow because I certainly learned a very valuable lesson. The owners were nice people but the company was already at it's bottom and there was so much stress because they had not only already lost a lot but had more to lose and their downward spiral was like a vortex and I was being caught up in it and felt I were drowning as surely as they were. It was not entirely of their own making but greed got them where they were and I wanted out and when the Universe provided that option I was overjoyed to no longer have to be a partipant in their opportunity to reassess their lives. I felt their anger at loss was being directed or projected is more apt, onto me. I was happy to get out of Dodge!
Now, it's upward and onward again to creating the life I want to live and today, I am loving that life. It is a gorgeous morning outside, the sun is shining brightly through the trees and I have the day to my self. I have also been given an opportunity to make a difference in a child's life and I am happy to be a positive force for a bright, happy, growing child. She's my niece and she is in the third grade and comes home from school at 3:30pm to my house. I help her with her homework and we read together and I am enjoying her energy. My sister and I have reconnected as a result so it's all good.
I'm going to call the Director of Financial Aid at University of Georgia again today and hope I can actually talk to a person. I tried on Monday and after 3 times of 20 rings and no answer, I gave up for the day. If it's meant to happen, it will. I'll do my part and we'll where it goes. I'd love to get my degree in Journalism from UGA.
Two cups of coffee down and time to move into my day (the nuts are still falling onto my deck and today I need to go out and sweep them off!). It IS a great day to be alive in America and everything in MY WORLD is absolutely wonderful. Hoping the same for you (don't read the news!).
Wow, Sabra! That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with me.