Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lazing about on Saturday morning!

An Alaskan sunrise from 2005 that I just felt like sharing. I've been sitting here in bed since 6:30am (so almost five hours) doing absolutely nothing. I had my latte and a devil's food cupcake with vanilla icing and that's all I've accomplished today other than letting Wizard out so he could take care of his business. I'm just lazing about and that's okay. It's a gift I give to myself occasionally. I am sure everyone could benefit from a lazy morning. I spend so much time either thinking about what needs to be done or doing what needs to be done that it feels good to let that all go for a minute. It will be there when I'm ready to get active again.

I have been pushing hard and being so aggressive about my job search and it takes a lot out of me. I think it would be easier, and less tiring, to sell beachfront property in Arizona than it is to sell ME to a recruiter or a potential employer. There is a good reason I'm not a salesperson. I don't enjoy it! I want to present the facts, step away, and let the other arrive at their own conclusion or decision about those facts. I know it doesn't work that way though. We have to finesse the facts, highlight the facts that are pertinent to the "buyer" and oh! I am getting a headache just thinking about it and I choose not to let it ruin my relaxing, lazy morning! I present myself and just don't understand why I am not immediately chosen (as I have been in the past) because my skills are above average and my experience is varied. Oh, there I go again...thinking about it (which is just as tiring!)...change the thought, Sabra. Back to "relax..." Just breath!

Okay, I'm relaxed! Jen, Ian and Ethan came over to spend the evening with me last night. We had dinner and then baked a cake for Jen to take home and some cupcakes to eat immediately (one of which I had for breakfast). I steam mopped the living room, hall and kitchen before they got here because Ethan, at 7 months, is crawling all over the place. I am happy to say his knees were not even dirty when they left so I guess it was a good idea to give the floors a once over before they got here.

Ian, who is three, had to have a bath at Mimi's. He played with the same toys I bought when Austin, who is now 15, was a baby. It makes me feel good when they have fun tub-time at Mimi's. It makes me feel very, very happy whenever they are at my house and I love each of them in their own special way. My niece came over to visit last night, too. Ian is crazy about her and they were sitting together in the chair and it was too cute.

I don't have much to talk about of merit today. Just rambling. Jess is back in Connecticut and hating it and we miss her. Josh is in Costa Rica with his girlfriend and loving it. Jen is finding that being a stay-at-home Mom has it's challenges and "adult conversation" takes on new meaning. Lisa is thinking about a new job although she loves her current one. Keeping her options open and that's smart.

I surfed around this morning, spent time on Facebook and was shocked when I saw the profile picture of my 10-year-old niece. I would not allow my 10-year-old to be on Facebook but she has something like 71 friends and most of them are about the same age. I can remember when Jen was about 14 and I was just letting her have e-mail and yes, I did go in and lurk about her e-mails and I found pictures some young boy had sent to her and he was exposing his junk and very proud of it. So, I had to block her e-mail from getting any photos. I had parental controls and blocked everything but the bare minimum and I was a "mean" Mom. I once read that the greatest compliment your child can give you is to call you a "Mean Mom!" This is a new day, though, with access to the Internet and everything on it so different than it was only a few years ago. I learned my granddaughter had stumbled on to a porn site when she was looking something up on the internet. I hated to think those images were even available to her yet they are easily accessible. I am all for SUPERVISED time on the internet, tracking where they go, etc. etc. You wouldn't let a 9 or 10 year old go to the Mall alone so why let them on the internet alone? BE AWARE...or at least as aware as you can be because I thought I was aware but when they grow up and tell you some of the things they got by you, well...let's just say TRY to be aware.

I am rambling but I know you guys want to know what's going on so here you have it. It's a lazy day for me. I am brain dead. Wizard is beside me snoring and a few minutes ago he was dreaming. Must have been a hell of a dream because he was moving parts of his body that I haven't seen him move lately. Maybe he was chasing a cat? Someone outside is mowing a lawn. Windows are open and breeze is delightful. I'm starting to feel hungry again so I'll need to get up and heat up the leftover broccoli and salmon I didn't eat last night. I am facebooked out as I commented on photos and status updates and watched linked youtube videos. I think I'll watch Gone With the Wind now as I eat my lunch. Maybe afterwards I will take a nap and when I get up, I might do something productive and then again, I might not. It's lovely to have the choice.

I hope you are having a day of doing whatever you want to do, even if it is absolutely nothing. Have no guilt and enjoy the moment! It is a great day to be alive in America and I expect a miracle! Remember, the best is yet to come. And so it is! Namaste!

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