Friday, May 27, 2011


After a full week of work, the weekend has taken on new meaning for me! I have had a terrific week and I love my job, the people there, and the commute is so sweet! From my driveway to the driveway at work is 2 miles! How AWESOME is that?!

It's about time for me to jump in the shower but right at this moment, it is peaceful here. Wizzie is spread out on the bed beside me, snoring his little doggy snore. He has a way of moving the bed covers around with his paws to get it "just right" and then he circles a little and finally plops down. He likes a little pillow, too. Who knew dogs could have such personalities? That would be a silly question to my friends who live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. They have a rescue home for Golden Retrievers and would look at me as if I had an extra head if I asked that question of them. God bless those who have rescue homes!

A slow week for news about my young Mr. Robert Pattinson but he's filming a new movie. Less than six months more to wait for "Breaking Dawn" but I am sure it will be an event for me and "my girls!" I'll let you know what we cook up.

A long weekend coming up and I have a secret desire to work on Monday. Is that wrong? I just want to go to my job. Not my call so I will celebrate Monday, remember the reason for the holiday and spend the day with my family. I plan to write, read and relax this weekend and if the mood hits...I have canvas sitting there blank, calling to me.

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend and holiday! Remember to share your love and be good to your own self, too. It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is!


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