Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A new day...

I'm feeling great today and more relaxed and comfortable in my own skin than I was yesterday and I'm excited to paint with my group tomorrow and Friday/Saturday is the "Plein Air" event I'll be painting up a storm in downtown Buford across from the new "Variety Theatre" on Main Street!

I bought more art supplies yesterday and am going to try my hand at some watercolors. I took a lot of pictures of clouds yesterday and am feeling the urge to paint some clouds. Today the sky is monotone in the palest blue but what is even more exciting to me is that as I look out my window, I can see the trees are really getting into the Spring finery and greens of all hues delight my eyes.

I need to get into the studio today and make more cards and I will do that this afternoon. This morning, I am all about housework and laundry (so mundane!). Would that I had a housekeeper/valet and could focus only my art. That would be too much fun! I think the housework and other stuff keeps me more balanced. I think when I get to heaven I can paint to my hearts content. Maybe the clouds will come easy as I'll be sitting on one or two.

Actually, speaking of that, I'm reading "The Gnostic Discoveries ~ the Impact of the Nag Hammadi Library" by Marvin Meyer. The jacket says that he is one of the foremost scholars on Gnosticism, the Nag Hammadi library, and the texts about Jesus outside the New Testament. Gnosticism is a term derived from the Greek word, gnosis which means "knowledge." Before the Nag Hammadi library was found in 1945, Gnostics were considered "heretics" by early Christians who thought their way was the ONLY way (scares me to think about it) and they were the ONLY right ones on the history of Jesus and his truths and they either killed or abolished anything that said otherwise, including any knowledge of Gnostics (who were tortured and killed by the thousands). The book has been a source of inspiration for me and I've had more than one "aha!" moment while reading it and it makes me want to read all the other sources mentioned in the book, too. It's pretty heavy reading though and I read a chapter, at most, at a time and then I have to stop and asbsorb and assimilate all the information. After I finish the book, I'll go back and read "The Gnostic Bible" which was co-edited by Marvin Meyer and contains Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom from the Ancient and Medieval Worlds (Pagan, Jewish, Christian, Mandaean, Manichaean, Islamic and Cathar). I find it all immensely interesting.

Phone just rang and it's Jen reminding me I'm going over to help them get it together for their BIG MOVE today! Mostly, I just get to play with Ian while they do all the work. It hardly seems fair, does it!

So, I'm off and running (I'll get to the housework later, I guess...or not! Hope no one stops by to visit unannounced!). Wishing you a happy day filled with everything you desire!


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