Monday, April 20, 2009

Celebration of Love

Monday morning and I'm glad for the new week. We've all been so wrapped up in wedding preparations and now it's over and the families are all going back to their respective lives and reality is seeping back in and life is settling down and we're on to the next thing.

The "wedding in a meadow" was a beautiful event. The kids were married under a rustic arbor that Elliot and Arlo had made just for the day and it touched my heart in so many ways. It was a beautiful wedding and pretty much what THEY wanted, from invitations to reception. I felt a little left out of the planning process and lost in the middle of it all because I wasn't the one "in charge" and no one seemed to be "in charge" and everyone was wary of stepping on anyone else's toes (a result of "blended families" I suppose) and it felt, for me, out of control but I did the best I knew to do and if I offended someone with what I did or didn't do, oh was never intentional. The most important thing, in my opinion, is that the KIDS were happy with EVERYTHING and so from that perspective, it was a tremendous and wonderful SUCCESS. It certainly was a touching ceremony even if I didn't expect or understand the "readings" which are, I am assuming, an "Episcopal" part of the service and it was a lovely addition to have even more family involved. God certainly shined on those two because the day could not have been any more glorious, full of sunshine and warmth. It was about as perfect a Spring day as one could imagine. (I lifted them up to God/Goddess/All There Is, in my own way when I bowed my head.) The sun was shining brightly, there were sounds of moving water in the background (from a bubbling brook) and birds sang from trees under a cloudless sky. It was glorious.

It seems odd to think of my daughter being a part of another family now. I went to the home of her new family the morning after the wedding to offer help to clean up since they had hosted the reception (since the kids were married on their property) and most everything had already been cleaned up but I did what I could do or was asked. For some reason, it felt a little "frosty" and I am not understanding why but can't worry about it so I am just letting it go (I guess I felt "judged" and I don't know why so that was a bit uncomfortable for me. It was like I'd done something wrong but I don't know what I did, if you know what I mean.). My grandson, Ian, was there, sleeping and it felt odd not to see him or hold him and to step back and let them have "their" time with him. They don't get to enjoy him as often I do so it was the right thing to do.

The rehearsal was interesting because Jenny and Jessica got lost on the way up and they arrived in the meadow an hour and a half after the rehearsal was supposed to begin...but we got through the rehearsal just fine and then got to the rehearsal dinner where Elliot's Mother had prepared a nice Greek meal. Afterwards, my WHOLE family went back to the hotel and it felt so good to know that ALL of my children were under one roof, as well as their Dad. That doesn't happen too often! My room had two queen beds so I had my 3 grandsons and 2 granddaugther's spend the night in my room and it was cozy and comforting to have all of them in my room, if a bit crowded. They didn't seem to mind and I sure enjoyed seeing all of them as they slept so peacefully!

My brother and sister totally missed the wedding ceremony and arrived just as it was all over and everyone had headed up to the house for the reception. Fortunately, Jenny was still in the meadow talking to friends so my brother, Jack, gave her a ride up to the house on his Harley. We've got the pictures to share! I felt badly for my brother because he spent a lot of time, effort and money to be at her wedding and he was distressed to have been late (that's another'd have to know my sister to understand). My sister (who was traveling in a car behind my brother and his wife who were on the motorcycle) had made the jewelry that Jen was to wear in the wedding (and it obviously didn't make it in time). As it was, Jen had to borrow jewelry from Elliot's stepmother to wear (which didn't make me happy) but Jenny was, as she is about almost everything, cool with it. She put it on when Mechelle got there and was happy enough. Poor Mechelle was as distraught as my brother but it is what it is and they missed it so we'll show them the pictures and at least they made the reception and got to see the toast, cake-cutting, etc.

Part of the reason Jenny and Jess were late getting to the rehearsal is that they went to pick up the cakes. Well, unfortunately, the wedding cake somehow fell over in the box (going up the mountain roads, I guess) so it looked like a leaning tower of Pisa when it came out of the box. Jen and Elliot took it all in stride and it still tasted wonderful. It was a 3-layer cake, very simple with their initials and a curl of fresh daisy's as decoration. Elliot's cake was a drum (because he is a drummer, of course) and it was equally delicious and fortunately, suffered no damage. Oh, and the cake knives were left in the box at the hotel so we had to use one of Elliot's Mom's knives for them to cut the cake. At least Elliot remembered the "bridge and groom" glasses when we did the champagne toast. We were getting ready to do the toast and Elliot looked at Jenny and said "where are our glasses?" and then she remembered and Jess went to get them! As I said, NO ONE was in CONTROL of anything but EVERYTHING worked out just fine! Elliot's brother offered up a touching, heart felt toast and then we put Jessica (Jen's sister) on the spot and she offered up a very sweet toast. It was lovely.

I saw my old boyfriend (who I had hoped to never have to see again) and it was okay to see him and I had a nice wall that will never be let down again so it didn't hurt to see him. I was happy he was able to be there to see Jen married as it was always my dream that he would be a part of it so I guess it was a dream come true although not exactly as I had once envisioned it. There was still that little place within me that was holding the hand of her own first love...I guess that's okay...still I was sitting next to the man who was the REAL partner in my life and who I love dearly still).

The best part of everything, for me, was having my son, his wife and two children, my older daughter, her husband and three children, my ex-husband (and friend) and Jenny all TOGETHER in one place and I hugged and kissed them all as much as I possibly could! I also especially loved seeing Jen's grandmother and her half-brother and yes, it was nice to see Reid, too. That was as exciting to me as the actual wedding ceremony (which was much too traditional for my taste but it wasn't my ceremony...but THEIRS and that's what they wanted).

Jen and Elliot were already a couple in my mind as they have a child, just bought a home and have a promise to each other and a life together. The ceremony cemented it FOR THEM and ON PAPER FOR POSTERITY. Elliot was brought up "in the church" so this was all very important to him and his family who are still active in their church. Jen's great-grandfather was a Presbyterian minister and her Grandmother rarely misses a Sunday at the church she has attended for years. I guess the "church" is more-or-less in her blood. I'm sure they will incorporate the church as a part of their lives and Ian's (who was baptised (?) or is it christened (?) in the Episcopal church the Saturday before Easter. I didn't attend but not for any reason other than I was tired because I had a shower for Jenny the same day and the event for Ian was in the evening.).

I, personally, don't align myself with a particular church but with God/Goddess/All There Is (for God is neither male or female in my opinion...God is the "nameless") and don't feel the need for the church for support. However, that having been said, I do attend Church, on occasion, when Spirit moves me and it doesn't matter the denomination because I don't believe the teachings of any one particular church but I go to Church to celebrate God and because the church is a symbol of God's house. I love to take communion for the same reason. However, I feel as close to God when I am working in my garden or walking in nature or sitting in my chair, as I am now because GOD is always with me, no matter when I am, God is right here with me. So why do I need to go to a church to celebrate and worship God? I don't. I have been involved with different churches over the course of my (seemingly long) life and have been a "born-again Christian (Baptist Church when I was 24) witnessing on street corners and praying to bring souls to Jesus so they wouldn't go to hell. I've chanted Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and recited portions of the Lotus Sutra to the fundamental Object of Worship called the Gohonzon when I was learning about and practicing Nichoren Shoshu Buddhism. I've stood, genuflecgted and sat in Catholic churches including the Basilica in Washington, DC (where I took communion even though I "wasn't Catholic"...I told my good Catholic friend that I didn't think God would I lined up for the wafer and wine) and Catholic churches all over South America (thanks, Kris) and I took my confirmation at 12 years old in the Destin Presbyterian Church. I've read my St. James version of the Bible (which was a gift on my 24th birthday from B.J. Stevens) several times, especially the New Testament. I've read The Bhagavad-Gita, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Essential Kabbalah, the Tao Te Ching, studied Joseph Campbell's and Carl Jung's beliefs and on and MANY different views and ways to reach enlightenment and grow spiritually and yet it all comes right back to me...sitting here in this chair as I write...with GOD in me...a part of me. And that GOD within is celebrating the love my daughter feels for her new husband and for her child and her family. It is the LOVE that is the most important part of ALL...for GOD IS LOVE and what more is there? May their love deepen and grow throughout the days of their lives and may they raise their child(ren) in the way that seems most appropriate to them, be it in the Episcopal Church or not and may they always listen to their HEARTS and the GOD WITHIN instead of basing their lives on a canon or what someone else tells them is truth for there are many truths. Okay, so I got off on a tangent there but organized religion makes me a little nervous, especially when one is told "this is the ONLY way..." However, I understand the purpose and the meaning behind organized religion and accept that it is "A" way and necessary for some. God speakes to each of us in a different way and the churches do a lot of GOOD in this world, too so that's a good thing.

Wow, writing this blog today has had me "all over the place." Bottom line...the wedding was beautiful, the kids are now a Mr. and Mrs., family and friends came together to witness, celebrate and share in is ALL GOOD...God is good, my family is healthy, happy and all three of my children have WONDERFUL people as mates who love them dearly and whom they love equally and good lives before them with healthy, happy children. It's all a Mother could ask for her children.

So, to Jen and Elliot...I celebrate your LOVE and wish you joy, happiness ,togetherness, prosperity and health...all the days of your lives.

Wishing everyone a glorious, love-filled day!


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