Friday, March 20, 2009


3 is commonly accepted as a sacred number and as I walked in the door from mailing my first MAIL ORDER package, the clock in the kitchen read 333. More than once, I have awakened at 3:33am and it feels like such a gift. Some may think getting up at that time is crazy but those early morning hours can be very productive hours for me, especially spiritually and creatively. So I am heartened that the clock read 333 because that is a very good sign.

I worked hard on my flyers, artist bio, set up the template for my invoice, went to the post office (twice), and sent and received a dozen or so e-mails. I am so excited about my "Scrappies" art cards and 25 of them went off at the Post Office today and I sent them with loving energy knowing they will do their good and perfect work.

Communication is so important and so many of us are e-mail only communicators and mail is used solely for marketing and paying bills. I thoroughly enjoy getting a card or a note through the mail and I enjoy sending cards. I suppose that's why my "Scrappies" note cards are so special to me. I am sharing my art and my love at the same time when I jot a quick note to a friend.

I've set a goal of making a minimum of 25 cards, four days per week. I only managed three days this week but there were administrative tasks that needed to be accomplished, as well as research for my workshops.

I spend at least and hour to an hour and a half in the mornings doing what I call my "morning work" and I'll talk more about that in another blog.

For now, I'm happy because 333 has come up for me today, more than once. A good sign. A very good sign, indeed.

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