10:53pm on Day 2 and I have about 4 more ounces of water to drink and the herbal tea and today is another success! I haven't been hungry or missed my coffee today, at all. I did only one breathing treatment today and I did get out with Wiz and take a nice walk. I had a bath with epsom salts and I added some mandarin orange and eucalyptus essential oil to the bath. Hopefully those toxins are being sucked right out of my body!
I'll admit that once or twice today I thought of food but only briefly and it was when I was watching a movie and people were eating. Mentally it crossed my mind but physically, I have to tell you, I am NOT hungry and you'd think I would be for not having eaten for two days.
In his book, "The Master Cleanse" Stanley Burroughs says that you can stay on this fast for 40 days. I recommend reading the book because it's a short book but it provides good information about the fast, why to do it and what the expected benefits could be. There's also a ton of information online about it. The cleanse has been around since 1941. Stanley Burroughs was a naturopath and a man well ahead of his time. I've been aware of this fast since the early 80's and it is finally making its way to general knowledge because movie stars and other celebrities have used this fast and raved about it. I saw a note online the other day in one of the entertainment categories that Angelina Jolie's friends were worried about her because she was on a liquid diet for 21 days and it was a concoction of lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Go, Angelina! She probably has a coach to help her through the fast and people don't do this fast only to lose weight but to rid their bodies of toxins and it's especially helpful if you are sick.
So, I go to bed tonight feeling great, feeling successful, feeling lighter already! It IS a great day to alive and I am healing as I sleep!
Wishing the same for you with Love & Light...
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