I've been up for a couple of hours and listened to a meditation to self-motivate for exericise ( which I want to do more of now!), did my morning meditations, sent out some e-mails around the wedding (18 days to go) and a bridal shower I'm having for my daughter the week before (yes, I know...it's very LATE to be planning a shower but everything seems to be AT THE LAST MINUTE and it's a challenge for me to maintain my peace around it but I'm doing okay so far.).
I feel a bit disassociated from this wedding because I haven't been as involved in the planning of it as I would like to have been but I have learned to step away when necessary. I don't have to control it all. I'm am just "letting it be" as they seem to be okay with the flow so I must step back and let it be, too. That's a hard thing for me as I like to plan an event from beginning to end with checklists and double-checking. That doesn't seem to be their way of doing things. I remind myself that this is THEIR wedding and if they need me, they'll ask. As a Mom of the Bride, I have to say I feel a little cheated though. Okay, so there...it's said and I guess it IS about me, after all!
Sometimes it's hard to know, with children, when to step back and let them do it on their own and when to step forward and take control. I've tried to raise independent, self-sufficient children and I guess I've accomplished that to the point where I'm not needed. So, wait...what AM I whining about? That's a good thing. So, I just release it all to the Universe knowing this event will occur, on the date and time it is planned and it will be beautiful and there will be plenty of food, plenty of decorations, plenty of everything needed to make it the beautiful, wondrous event it is meant to be. I release all my cares and worries BUT...I will still call every day to get an update or status of what's going on and if they need me, I'll be there in the wings to help them if they call. What more should a parent do?
So, that having been said, today is Day 2 of the fast. It's 8:48am and I haven't even gotten out of the bed although I've been busy working and writing from my favorite warm, comfy place. With a feather bed under me and an electric blanket on top, it feels as if this is my coccoon and I'm not yet ready to emerge this morning. I can hear the birds singing though so I suspect it's going to be a beautiful day today.
As soon as I finish writing, I'll get up, make the bed and go into the kitchen and have my 32-oz. of warm salt water (salt water flush) and then my first "lemonade" of the day. I am not hungry, at all and there are no signs of a headache this morning. My breathing seems a little better this morning, too. I am going to take a nice long walk today and enjoy being outside.
Tomorrow I paint with the ladies again and I'm excited to go. I'm going to work with red, orange and yellow tomorrow. I've decided to do a 7-painting series with each painting relating to a particular energy center in the body. I did the crown chakra (or 3rd eye) last week. I guess because that's one of my favorite energy centers and the color is indigo blue, another of my favorites. Red is the color of the root chakra and is our connection with the earth, the material. Red, orange and yellow are the lower (denser/more physical) energy centers. The connection (to everything) is the heart chakra which is located in the center of the body. It is associated with the color green, which is my favorite color. There are other colors around each chakra but those are the most prominent colors. Pink is sometimes associated with the heart and green is the color of creativity. Fun!
Time to move into the day and accomplish my goals. My affirmations for today are: (1)I set personal limits, honoring myself and saying no when it is appropriate for me. (2)I enjoy being with Jenny, full of thankfulness and joy. and (3)EVERY CHALLENGE WHICH ARISES HELP ME GROW. EVERY STORM STRENGTHENS MY ROOTS.
Yes, it's all good. My "Angel of the Sea" arrived at it's destination yesterday and was welcomed with open heart. I let the Light shine through me and it touched someone who most needed it. God is good!
Wishing you a joy filled day of love and light! Expect a miracle. I know I am and I'm never disappointed! God IS good! And so it is.
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