Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Master Cleanse - Day 2 - Evening

10:53pm on Day 2 and I have about 4 more ounces of water to drink and the herbal tea and today is another success! I haven't been hungry or missed my coffee today, at all. I did only one breathing treatment today and I did get out with Wiz and take a nice walk. I had a bath with epsom salts and I added some mandarin orange and eucalyptus essential oil to the bath. Hopefully those toxins are being sucked right out of my body!

I'll admit that once or twice today I thought of food but only briefly and it was when I was watching a movie and people were eating. Mentally it crossed my mind but physically, I have to tell you, I am NOT hungry and you'd think I would be for not having eaten for two days.

In his book, "The Master Cleanse" Stanley Burroughs says that you can stay on this fast for 40 days. I recommend reading the book because it's a short book but it provides good information about the fast, why to do it and what the expected benefits could be. There's also a ton of information online about it. The cleanse has been around since 1941. Stanley Burroughs was a naturopath and a man well ahead of his time. I've been aware of this fast since the early 80's and it is finally making its way to general knowledge because movie stars and other celebrities have used this fast and raved about it. I saw a note online the other day in one of the entertainment categories that Angelina Jolie's friends were worried about her because she was on a liquid diet for 21 days and it was a concoction of lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Go, Angelina! She probably has a coach to help her through the fast and people don't do this fast only to lose weight but to rid their bodies of toxins and it's especially helpful if you are sick.

So, I go to bed tonight feeling great, feeling successful, feeling lighter already! It IS a great day to alive and I am healing as I sleep!

Wishing the same for you with Love & Light...

Master Cleanse - Day 2 - Morning

I've been up for a couple of hours and listened to a meditation to self-motivate for exericise ( which I want to do more of now!), did my morning meditations, sent out some e-mails around the wedding (18 days to go) and a bridal shower I'm having for my daughter the week before (yes, I know...it's very LATE to be planning a shower but everything seems to be AT THE LAST MINUTE and it's a challenge for me to maintain my peace around it but I'm doing okay so far.).

I feel a bit disassociated from this wedding because I haven't been as involved in the planning of it as I would like to have been but I have learned to step away when necessary. I don't have to control it all. I'm am just "letting it be" as they seem to be okay with the flow so I must step back and let it be, too. That's a hard thing for me as I like to plan an event from beginning to end with checklists and double-checking. That doesn't seem to be their way of doing things. I remind myself that this is THEIR wedding and if they need me, they'll ask. As a Mom of the Bride, I have to say I feel a little cheated though. Okay, so there...it's said and I guess it IS about me, after all!

Sometimes it's hard to know, with children, when to step back and let them do it on their own and when to step forward and take control. I've tried to raise independent, self-sufficient children and I guess I've accomplished that to the point where I'm not needed. So, wait...what AM I whining about? That's a good thing. So, I just release it all to the Universe knowing this event will occur, on the date and time it is planned and it will be beautiful and there will be plenty of food, plenty of decorations, plenty of everything needed to make it the beautiful, wondrous event it is meant to be. I release all my cares and worries BUT...I will still call every day to get an update or status of what's going on and if they need me, I'll be there in the wings to help them if they call. What more should a parent do?

So, that having been said, today is Day 2 of the fast. It's 8:48am and I haven't even gotten out of the bed although I've been busy working and writing from my favorite warm, comfy place. With a feather bed under me and an electric blanket on top, it feels as if this is my coccoon and I'm not yet ready to emerge this morning. I can hear the birds singing though so I suspect it's going to be a beautiful day today.

As soon as I finish writing, I'll get up, make the bed and go into the kitchen and have my 32-oz. of warm salt water (salt water flush) and then my first "lemonade" of the day. I am not hungry, at all and there are no signs of a headache this morning. My breathing seems a little better this morning, too. I am going to take a nice long walk today and enjoy being outside.

Tomorrow I paint with the ladies again and I'm excited to go. I'm going to work with red, orange and yellow tomorrow. I've decided to do a 7-painting series with each painting relating to a particular energy center in the body. I did the crown chakra (or 3rd eye) last week. I guess because that's one of my favorite energy centers and the color is indigo blue, another of my favorites. Red is the color of the root chakra and is our connection with the earth, the material. Red, orange and yellow are the lower (denser/more physical) energy centers. The connection (to everything) is the heart chakra which is located in the center of the body. It is associated with the color green, which is my favorite color. There are other colors around each chakra but those are the most prominent colors. Pink is sometimes associated with the heart and green is the color of creativity. Fun!

Time to move into the day and accomplish my goals. My affirmations for today are: (1)I set personal limits, honoring myself and saying no when it is appropriate for me. (2)I enjoy being with Jenny, full of thankfulness and joy. and (3)EVERY CHALLENGE WHICH ARISES HELP ME GROW. EVERY STORM STRENGTHENS MY ROOTS.

Yes, it's all good. My "Angel of the Sea" arrived at it's destination yesterday and was welcomed with open heart. I let the Light shine through me and it touched someone who most needed it. God is good!

Wishing you a joy filled day of love and light! Expect a miracle. I know I am and I'm never disappointed! God IS good! And so it is.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Master Cleanse - Day 1 - Evening

Success! I'm almost through day 1 and it was easier than I had anticipated. I keep forgetting that the most difficult part of this fast is STARTING. I relaxed, for the most part, today and stayed to myself, as I had planned. The caffeine headache was brief and that's a good thing. I've still got about 8 ounces of water to drink before I tuck in and my herbal tea is brewing beside me. I am feeling very good about this day and have high hopes for the remainder of the fast. The best thing for me to do is focus on only one day at a time. I had a couple of brief instances where food passed through my mind today but it wasn't any big deal. I love brown rice and if it has wild rice mixed in with it all the better. That seems to be what I most crave when I am fasting. The "processes" seem gentler this time. I'm wondering if it's because I can't really remember the last time I had red meat. It must make a difference.

I still needed to use my inhaler a couple of times today and I did a breathing treatment (actually two) but I am really working towards NEVER having to use the inhaler or the nebulizer again. I want to get all of the mucus out of my system and stop needing these artificial methods of opening my bronchial tubes enough so that I can get oxygen. I take ventalin and albutural sulfate and just the names alone make me cringe. I wonder what it's doing to my liver and other internal organs and if some of it is sitting in my joints? However, I will say that when I can't breathe, I am very grateful for those medicines, very grateful indeed. I am sure tomorrow will be a better day in that regard for me.

It was beautiful out today and I hope it's as nice tomorrow. If it is, I'm going to take a long walk in the fresh air. I'm sure anyone can benefit a nice walk in the fresh air and if you haven't had one in a while, find a park or a nature path or just go outside on the sidewalk and breathe deep of the scents of Spring. I smelled the hyacinth's this morning and what a scent! Lovely, lovely, lovely.

Time for tea and then I'm tucking in. Day 1 was a good day and I am feeling GREAT!


Master Cleanse - Day 1 - Morning

The view from my window allows me to see that it is a glorious Spring morning here. The flowers on the Dogwood trees are not yet fully opened but enough to enjoy. It's funny because there are four trees, all planted at the same time and yet they are all different. The diameter of the trunk, the height of the trees and the time they come into full bloom are all different. The one closest to and hovered over by the pecan tree is short and squat but it has the prettiest blooms. Each is majestic in its own way, just as each of us are majestic in our own way.

I started the fast this morning with the 32-ounce salt water flush. As I write, I'm enjoying my first drink of the day (a "double") of 20-ounces of water, 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup and 1/5th teaspoon of cayenne pepper. It actually tastes pretty good. I have just a little bit of a nudge in the back of my head letting me know my body is reacting to the lack of caffeine.
I've planned a very low-key day. There are three books I'm going to read (re-read) and I also downloaded a meditation and a lecture by Dr. Dyer that I intend to listen to after I write this morning. I watched his movie "Ambition to Meaning" online yesterday for only $4.95 and then, when I got the receipt, I was gifted with the meditation and lecture so I downloaded it in mp3 format so I can listen to it later. Very nice of Hay House and Dr. Dyer to offer the free gift. He's all about serving others and I appreciate that about him and am grateful for his gift.

Well, let me get on with the day. There are books to be read and a mind that wants to be expanded. Do something nice for your own SELF today. Listen to some beautiful music, feel the sun on your face and notice the flowering of Spring! It IS a great day to be alive in America and I know that I am very blessed.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ready to cleanse...

Just back from shopping where I bought my lemons, water, some fresh organic cayenne pepper and I already have the Grade B Maple syrup and I've got herbal "Dieter's Tea" (which can really m-o-v-e one, and often!). This is my 7th cleanse and I've only been successful for the complete 10 days twice. The 7th day seems to be the most difficult for me, not because I'm hungry but because I am wanting to chew something. I WILL be successful this time and partly because I know I need it so badly to heal my body. I have been diagnosed with COPD which is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It's partly self-inflicted because of smoking but that's behind me now and it's time to heal my lungs and cleans the toxins from my body. I bought a bag of epsom salts and I'm going to take a hot bath in a little while with two cups of salts in the water. Supposedly the salts will pull toxins from my body.

I bought two cases of bottled water and will have to buy two more before the fast is over and then I will make every effort to drink more water every day. In the past, I've been told that my skin "glows" when I've done the fast. I think the water hydrates my skin and that's why it looks better. I don't normally drink enough water as I'm not thirsty but still, I know I should make an effort to drink more.

I'm boiling the water for my herbal tea as I write and that will signal the true beginning for me. I'll drink it while taking my "salty" bath!

So, say a prayer for my success and hold the resonance for me over the next 14 days. I forgot to mention that the most important part of the fast is BREAKING the fast. It's a slow introduction of solids after letting all of my organs rest. That takes an additional three days. Just think, I'll finish up the fast just in time for the wedding. It's all good!


Savoring Sunday...

I watched "From Ambition to Meaning" today. It's a movie that stars Dr. Wayne Dyer and it was very interesting and I enjoyed seeing him being interviewed in the movie and hearing what he had to say. I can easily see how he moved from ambition to meaning in his life (because I've read all of his books along the way) and he talks about it in the movie. He believes one of our purposes in life is to just "be happy." In my opinion, that's a wide open definition because we have to ask ourselves, WHAT does it mean, to ME, to be happy? What does being happy mean to YOU? I am most happy when I _______________? My list would be long... I am most happy when I am creating...when I paint, make cards, work at my computer on a project...I am most happy when I am enjoying leisure time with my family. I am most happy when I am walking on the beach and see a rainbow or a beautiful sunrise or sunset. I am most happy when I am boarding a plane to a place I've never been on an adventure I've only dreamed. I'm most happy when I am home alone, doing whatever I want to do in the time I want to do or doing NOTHING except taking a nap. I am most happy when I feel the spirit of God move over/through me, especially when I'm working in my yard. I experience a moment of pure bliss and it seems to be happening to me more and more these days. When it does happen, I burst into tears but it's a good crying and I guess it's just because I'm overwhelmed by a spirit that is so loving. It's difficult to explain that one. I am most happy ....could go on for pages and pages because I am so happy and in a state of gratitude every single day, every single moment of my life and I take nothing for granted. So, tell me, for I am curious...what makes YOU happy? If you don't tell me, that's okay but THINK about it and ask yourself, "what does make me most happy?" Make your list...I'm sure it's a long one, too.

I believe, for me, that I came to this life to grow spiritually. It is not my only purpose but it is the MAIN purpose of my life and I work towards that goal which is a goal that can/cannot ever be met. How far is enough? How many lifetimes do I live to attain this purpose? How can I be more like Jesus...Buddha...and other enlightened masters?

Oh, yes...it's a Sunday to be savored and so delicious. After the rains, it's a little cool today and a good day for staying inside.

I begin my fast tomorrow. I was going to start today but didn't get to the store to get everything I need. So, are you wondering what can one possibly need when one is FASTING? You'd be surprised! I'll share it with you as I go along as it is a 10-day fast called the Master Cleanse and it's been done many times, by many people and some have shared their experiences online so if you do a search for "master cleanse" all kinds of sites come up, including a support site for people trying to do the cleanse. Some call it quackery. Some call it a miracle. Those that call it quackery, for the most part, have never tried it. Those that have done it, swear by it. It's not easy and requires determination. I AM DETERMINED as this cleanse is not only for my body...it will include my mind and my spirit in conjunction with my body AND I believe I complete it successfully and feel better as a result.

"THE wedding" is in 20 days. I drove up to the North Georgia mountains (Blue Ridge) yesterday to see where Jen and Elliot have chosen to speak their vows. My heart was touched for a number of reasons. They are getting married beside a tree, in a meadow, by a bubbling brook that makes the most gentle of sounds on what I hope will be a warm, spring day. The crab apple trees will be in full bloom and the walkway, over a little bridge which spans the brook and was built by Elliot's Dad and Stepmom last year, leads to an open meadow surrounded by beautiful trees. E's grandparent's ashes are scattered under that tree and it seems so sweet that he would want to be married there. It is a PERFECT place for a wedding under God's great sky!

Time to go shopping and get my "head right" for the journey I begin tomorrow. Monday will be spent at home in solitude, silence and prayer. The first day is always the most difficult because I will sorely miss my morning coffee and will probably have a "caffeine" headache which if you've ever had one, you know it's not very pleasant.

Hope your day is a peaceful, and HAPPY (whatever that means to you!) one. Namaste!

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Rainy Day In Georgia

Well, I just lost the entire post just as I was finishing up so I'll just wish you a happy day and get about my business!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Finding Balance between Doing and Being

Woke up at 4:57am this morning, got the coffee going and when it was ready brought a cup in where I was sitting in my bed doing my morning meditations. I've stopped being amazed that the message I get each day is EXACTLY what I need to know for my greater good in the day. This morning, the message was loud and clear about doing and being or rather BALANCE in my life. I also spent some time visioning the reality I want to live with conscious intent.

Sometimes, I get so fired up and I want to DO EVERYTHING and KNOW EVERYTHING and I want it all RIGHT NOW. That's when I start losing control because I get too busy with the DOING and forget about the BEING. I know that balance is an essential ingredient for me to live my life in the way I want. I have been so busy, busy, busy and I'm starting to live by my calendar and panic if I can't immediately put my hands on it so I don't forget something important. That in itself is not a bad thing but I can see how it is easy for me to allow myself to become overwhelmed. I had two things planned for today and have decided, after my morning meditations that I need to do only one of those things and spend the remainder of my day bringing order back to my home. My home is a reflection of my inner self and it's getting out of control. So, if I am to accomplish all that I want to do in the coming weeks, I know that it is important to stay home today, listen to beautiful music and get my house in order.

In doing that for myself, it means I won't go to the "Thursday Things" at the Tannery Row Artist Colony today and I regret that I'll miss it but know it's more important to do what I need to do here so I can enjoy my lecture tonight with peace in my being. I also have a list of six other items that must be accomplished today so it's not like I'm going to just BE but doing those things will provide the peace I need to continue and achieve my goals.

I was invited to a Law of Attraction and Creativity Meet-up last night but after the magnificent day yesterday my energy was waining (and my back was aching!) so I didn't go although I did sign up to get the e-mails and became a member (online) of the group. I will look forward to future Meet-ups and to getting to know the people involved. I am trying to learn to "listen" to my body and the back ache was a sign to me that I was trying to do too much and it came right back to me this morning. The load was becoming too heavy to bear and it is all self-imposed.

I did take the time to listen to an online lecture by Joe Vitale who is a part of the "Law of Attraction" movement. "The Secret" was a big hit a couple of years ago but after watching it, I realized it wasn't really about a Secret but it was information that I'd already been exposed to and practiced for years. However, it is coming into mainstream thinking now and I believe that's a good thing. Dr. Earnest Holmes wrote "Science of Mind" over 75 years ago so he was a pioneer well ahead of his time. Seems there's a further awakening of the collective consciousness about how we can be co-creators of our lives and the focus is on spirituality rather than on religion. If this were the early days of Christianity, I am sure we would all be burned at the stake by now. Glad it's now and not then! :-) Anyhow, although I didn't attend the Meet-up, I still exercised my mind in a good way last night.

My messages this morning (for my Spirit, Mind and Physical Reality) were to go step by step (don't try to have EVERYTHING at once) and to avoid extremes (see how that works?). Centeredness and balance are needed. Fear of losing control came up for me and I was reminded that FEAR IS IRRATIONAL in nature and does not reflect the real situation.

One of my artistic endeavors was to design a set of Motivational Moments cards. There are 30 cards, one for each day of the month and on each card is a positive, motivational affirmation. I bought colorful satin bags to hold the cards and put some kind of fun or whimsical embellishment on the bags and I sell them for $25.00. I also gift a lot of them because I want to share the goodness I have learned with others. If I can also find financial reward, then it becomes a win-win situation. My goal in life is to have many win-win situations. If you'd like to purchase a set, send me an e-mail. If you need a gift, I am happy to share with you so just let me know and I will be happy to give you a set. I know there were times I wanted something and knew it would be of benefit to me but didn't buy it because I needed to use my financial resources in other ways. If you're in that situation, I am happy to share with you a love gift. Just ask.

I am a very big believer in the power of positive thought and my Motivational Moments are a result of my practice of writing my affirmations each day. From my morning meditations come three affirmations. One for my Spirit. One for my mind. One for my daily physical reality (Body). To conclude my morning meditations, I write my affirmations 10 times each in a spiral notebook that I keep with my books and cards that I use in my Morning Meditations. Writing them makes me slow down and think, which is harder than you'd imagine. My mind is going "90 to nothing" all the time and I have to make a conscious effort to slow down. I do my deep breathing and meditate just to CLEAR my mind and reach a state of inner peace. I write my affirmations for the same reason and to set my intent for my day. On the days I DON'T do this, I can certainly tell a difference in how my day unfolds so I am a living example of the benefits of AFFIRMING the positive.

My affirmations for today are (S)I am more and more capable now of expressing my feelings and my creativity in all facets of my life. (M)I am at rest in my own center. (B)I accept my fear and let it go. This is exactly what I needed for my day. An accident? No, I think not. When I meditate, I tap in to the collective unconscious (C. G. Jung) and know that the message I receive is EXACTLY the message I need to hear. God IS good!

So, I am slowing down today and taking things step-by-step. It's okay for me to do that
and it is what I am choosing to do for myself. We all have the choice. What are you choosing for your own self ? Are you loving yourself?

Today, I am bringing order back into my life. Once I've accomplished that task, I can move forward with all the other things I want to be doing and I can do it with peace in my center. I will spend some time reading today. I want to re-read "Empowering Women" by Louise Hay. I read it years ago and it's time to revisit it with new eyes. If you've never read anything by Louise Hay, I highly recommend her books and her teachings, whether you are a man or a woman. She has some excellent insights and one of my favorite meditations come from Louise and it begins..."Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of love." It's a beautiful meditation and a reminder to me that we are ALL infinite wells of love and some of us don't even know that about ourselves or give any conscious thought to it at all. It IS true and I believe it wholeheartedly.

As I write this morning, I am listening to "Sacred Journey" by WhiteFox. It makes my spirit sing and the flute takes me away to the heavens and beyond. We are so blessed, in so many, many way and need not only to remember it but to express our gratitude for our many blessings.

Sending love and Light to you.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Painting with the Ladies

I made it to the group painting session at Anita's ArtsCool today and it was a total blast. I enjoyed meeting the other artists and watching their process as I was going through mine. Just getting out the door was an adventure and I went through the house like a mad woman getting my stuff together, leaving drawers open and items out that should have been put away but I was in a tear to leave and I had worked until past the "very last" moment before leaving. I always seem to believe a minute has more than 60 seconds or that an hour is longer than it really is because I am always "just a minute or two" late for EVERYTHING. Story of my life.

I got up at 5:00am and started my morning meditations and then my brother called so I talked to him for a while. Back to my morning meditations and when I finished around 8:00am, I came in and started working on my flyers again. I had made two, one for the Artist's Way workshop and another for the other three workshops I am planning. After doing some printing, I decided it would be more cost effective to put all of the workshops on one page instead of two so now it has to be redesigned again. I haven't done that yet. What I spent my time on, for the most part, was a redesign of the order form. I finished that up around 9:50am knowing it would only take me 5 minutes to get to Anita's ArtsCool from my house.

I started getting my stuff together. Pulled a painted canvas out from under the futon to overpaint since I don't have a blank one available. Then, into my drawers for the paints to take with me. I had to completely pull out the bottom drawer of the cabinet I keep my paints in because it's under my work table. I left that drawer laying out on the floor next to my work table. Next, which brushes should I take? Where to put it all? In a grocery bag...nah, too amateurish. Dug through the closet to find my trusty, roomy old black leather briefcase from my consulting days and was happy to find everything fit nicely. It was under a stack of other things that are now laying outside my closet door in a heap. Oh my gosh, forgot that I was planning on coloring my hair this morning while doing my morning meditations (trying to be a multi-tasker just didn't seem to work for me this morning) so I started looking for an appropriate hat to cover my sad-looking hair. On the top shelf of the bookcase I keep in my closet for extra folded clothes is where all my hats are located and wouldn't you know it...the one I wanted was on the bottom of all the other hats so there's also a pile of hats on the floor outside my closet. My room is now a collection of "piles" of "stuff" that needs to be put away.

By now, Wizzie knows something is going on and he's following me around like the puppy dog he is because he's wanting to take a walk but it's raining so I take him out to the front porch and put him on his tether to let him stay outside while I'm gone. He has water and a bed there and he'll be dry and comfortable and can go off the porch to relieve himself if needs to instead of peeing in my house because I was too busy to take him out for a walk as I should have and I wasn't looking forward to piles of stuff AND a wet mess to clean up when I got back home.

Next, I go looking for my IPOD as I love painting to music and find it where it should be, wonder of wonders and threw it in my bag. Then, I grab my stuff and out the door I go and I'm only 10 minutes late. By the time I got there, I was frazzled and 15 minutes late but no one had even started painting yet which was a good thing. Before I got out of the car, I took a moment to go into total relaxation and breathed deeply five times before opening the door and walking in with a big smile on my face and my black cap on my head so no one could see my hair with grey roots showing prominently, canvas under my arm and "professional-looking" briefcase in my other hand filled with paints, brushes, etc. I probably looked like it was something I did every day! No one knew I'd left a trail of destruction in my path just to get there.

Anita introduced me to all of the ladies, who were very friendly and then I found my spot and laid out some newspaper and put down my canvas on a flat surface. I pulled out my IPOD, strapped it on my arm and pressed MENU and nothing happened. So, the battery is dead which means NO MUSIC as usual and I had a brief moment of panic because it is the music infusing my soul that allows the connection between the "oneness" and my canvas. Oh well, I take that as a sign that I wasn't MEANT to listen to my IPOD so that leaves me the opportunity to communicate more with others as I paint. I believe it was Divine intervention that I not cut myself off from everyone else and pull from their energy instead and it worked out beautifullly. Thank you, God!

I SHOULD have used an easel because two hours of bending over the table to paint created a little problem for me that I felt AFTER I left at 1:30pm. I had so much fun there and did a couple more moments of deep breathing and closed my eyes and started letting the energy of the room, the people and the moment seep into my soul so I could create. There was nice background music playing which was a joy to me since my IPOD was dead. Now, all of the artists got busy. Some were using watercolors, some acrylics (like me), some were using oils and one lady was doing a painting on silk. It was a very interesting process and I could easily tell how beautiful it will be when finished.

The painting session was supposed to last from 10:00am-12:00pm but we painted until around 12:30pm and I think I was one of the first to start my cleaning up process so the time is flexible from what I can tell. Afterwards, there was a delightful critique session. One of the local artists who has a rather large following came to oversee the critique and she was set up in a director's chair directly in from of a large easel. We'd all put our work on one of the tables if we wanted a critique and another artist acted as facilitator and put each piece of art on the easel, one at a time in front of the "Director Artist" and then she offered her critique first before the floor was opened to anyone else who may have some suggestions regarding the piece on the easel. By now, there were about 15 artists in the room, all women. Lots of Yin energy in the room and it was lovely.

The critique portion lasted for about an hour and it was very exciting to me to be a part of it all. My painting was well received and it made me feel good to hear other artists say nice things about it and I received one very good suggestion which I will incorporate into my painting next week when I go again. I wasn't too emotionally attached to it and was open to any comments from anyone there as they all certainly know a lot more than I do about this process. I just PAINT for the love of being in "color" and "energy" and I was proud that a fairly good piece came out this morning in such a small amount of time.

I enjoyed myself immensely and was happy I finally got around to going to the sessions. Anita invited me months ago and today is the first day I went and I will go again and often. I look forward to getting to know the ladies better as time goes on and my finances permit me to participate. It was one of those times I couldn't think of anything I would want to be doing more. I want to manifest more opportunities like this for myself and believe the "Universe will provide." If I never went again, I would have such a wonderful memory tucked away inside of that I can pull on that now when I need a "happy thought." (I actually have a very large cache of these type of thoughts!) This was a very talented group of women and I was just happy to be there with them, creating right along with those who were so much better and much more experienced artists than me. I learned that everyone is a little insecure about their work and how it will be received, not just ME! It was an "eureka" moment, for sure.

Afterwards, the artists usually go to lunch together but I didn't want to participate today as I was feeling a bit unsettled about how I'd left everything at home. I stopped at the new Dillard's Bar-b-que and got a rib sandwich to bring home (thank you, Sister!) and eat in peaceful silence. As soon as I walked in I let my Wizzie into the house and he was so happy to see me that it warmed my heart. I swear I love that dog of mine as much as I love any other member of my family and he ALWAYS loves me no matter what I do (like not taking the time to give him a proper walk this morning). I often joke and say that if I knew "then" what I know "now" about having a pet, I'd have gotten a dog instead of getting married! Maybe it's not really a joke? Ah, but then I wouldn't have gotten the three wonderful children and six grandchildren that make my life full and rich.

I sat down at the table and ate my sandwich, giving Wiz the two rib bones which he enjoyed unabashedly. I was happy to share with him. As I was sitting there eating, I felt the stab of pain in my back and thought, uh-oh. Now I'm paying for bending over the table for over two hours while I was painting. Instead of cleaning up the piles and messes I left in my wake this morning, I took two Advil, turned my electric blanket to high, stripped down and crawled into bed thinking I'd have a little nap before tidying up my house. Just as I dozed off the phone rang. It was my daughter Jenny calling to schedule time for next week to talk about her wedding WHICH IS IN THREE WEEKS. I took that call and turned over to snuggle back down and just as I dozed off the phone rang again. It was my daughter-in-law in Denver calling to talk about the plans for the wedding WHICH IS IN THREE WEEKS. Plan? Hell, I don't know. I'm so out of the loop on the planning of this wedding it's like I'm hardly a part of it. That changes NOW! I hung up the phone from her and turned over to go to sleep but my mind was in gear thinking of what I need to do around the wedding.

I've scheduled the time with Jenny and Elliot for Tuesday night. We'll talk about menu's and decorations and logistics. I scheduled time to drive up to the mountains on Saturday to Elliot's Dad's place (a 2-hour drive) so I can see the "lay of the land" and talk to his folks about the "plan." they are getting married on his property which is called "the Briar Patch" and is a beautiful piece of land in the North Georgia mountains between Blue Ridge and Blairsville. We've got to have a "plan" and since I work best under pressure I know that by the end of the evening on Tuesday night, THE PLAN will be in place. I am not going to let myself get crazy around this as I want to enjoy and savor every moment of it as it's the last wedding I'll get to be a part of as a MOM. I still can't believe my baby is getting married nor has it sunk in that she's no longer my baby. My other two children I can relate to as adults but not my baby. I wanted to keep her under my wing for far longer than she was willing. Is it that way for all Mother's?

With my job situation being what it (or isn't) I haven't been able to participate in this wedding as much as I would have liked financially. I'll do what I can do which is help with THE PLAN. I'm grateful that her "other" family (and that's a story for another day) who has offered some financial assistance as it has really helped her make her wedding what she wants it to be. In the midst of all the wedding plans, they are also buying their first home together. What craziness all at once! Two of the most stressful things a person experiences in life and they are doing them both at the same time. Strong, young adults they are and I am impressed by them both. I guess that's one way to only have to be totally crazy once! Fortunately, Elliot's Dad is in a better position than Jen's parents (us) and he's helped them with the house. Her grandmother has helped her with a whopping gift that has helped in ways she doesn't even know and the beautiful dress has been paid for by "the other" Dad! It's all going to work out fine and I'm sure it will be a touching, beautiful, loving event enjoyed and remembered fondly by all of us and THE PLAN will work beautifully.

So, with all of that having been said. I'm leaving the mess, the grey streak in my head and taking two more Advil and going back to bed (turning off the ringer on the phone, too) and see if I can't wake up feeling refreshed and pain free so I can use my evening to pick up behind the Sabra that was in a tear to get out this morning and have one of the most fun times of her life! It was worth it.

Tomorrow night, I'm going to a lecture at the Fox Theatre by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities" in Egypt. The lecture is entitled "Mysteries of Tutankhamun Revealed" and promises to be a wonderful evening. I've seen Dr. Hawass on several PBS and Discovery Channel programs and I am delighted to have an opportunity to see him speak in person. The "Treasures of Tutankhamun" exhibit is at the Atlanta Civic Center now and I viewed it and bought my tickets to see Dr. Hawass on the same day. I was a little disappointed in the exhibit only because it wasn't as extensive as the exhibit I was fortunate enough to see about 20 years ago when it was in San Francisco. They were running tours 24 hours a day and my husband and I had tickets for a week night at 1:30am and we were happy to have gotten them. It was an amazing experience and the exhibit included a lot more artifacts and jewelry than the current one in Atlanta.

Originally, Dr. Hawass' lecture was scheduled for the Atlanta Civic Center but because he had an emergency out of the country, it was rescheduled for a week later and changed to the Fox Theatre which delighted me as I love going to the Fox. It's a marvelous relic of days gone past, and an Atlanta landmark. Being there reminds me of one of my first memories of being in Atlanta and realizing it was a whole new world of wonder, far from the fishing village I moved from with a one-room library and no cultural activities AT ALL unless you include charter boat fishing as a cultural activity. We moved to Atlanta when I was 15 and my class took a field trip there to see an Opera (in Italian, no less). At that time, I was just a little hick from a very small town in Florida and Atlanta was a BIG city and the FOX was a cultural experience that opened my eyes to a whole new world. The Fox theatre is a magical place, built in the pre-crash 1920's and it's ornate and gloriously fabulous. I highly recommend seeing it if you're in Atlanta.

Every day is an adventure and something new and wonderful seems to happen for me every day. It's a wonderful world in which we live and there is so much to do and see if we only take the time. It's easy to get wrapped up and bogged down in life's "little messes." but I choose to keep my options open. I know that when I do my morning meditations AS I SHOULD then I can expect a miracle in my day and most days, many more than one miracle will occur for me. I expect a miracle and I'm never disappointed. Ask me about my sister coming by and sharing her love with me this morning in a way that was totally unexpected and totally appreciated. It started my day of miracles. And...it's not over yet! God is good!

I hope you are having a good day and looking for your own miracles. I have no doubt they are there for you. I'm sending a bubble love and light to all. A special bubble goes out to Anita's friend Rosemary who had surgery this morning and I'm lifting her up for a speedy recovery.

It IS a great day to be alive and all is well in my world.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Messages from God - 03-24-09

I woke up at 4:15am but decided to sleep in a while so I didn't actually get up and started on my morning meditations until around 6:30am. By then I had a cup of coffee in hand and my mind was slowing becoming more alert.

I lit my candles and incense, did my deep breathing and pulled the energy up and down until I felt ready to do my morning reading. The messages this morning were:

1.(Spirit)I need to look at things as they are rather than how I want them to be and that I am ready to perceive on different levels and from different perspectives. I related that the the Angel I've been working on for someone whose daughter recently transitioned. I've been trying to force the energy instead of letting it flow so I needed to hear that message. Once I assimiliated that into my thinking, I was able to get it laid out and now I'm ready to put it all together for her. It just "came" and now I'm ready to finish it knowing that it IS what it IS supposed to be and carries the energy that is most important for her at this time.

2. (Mind)Release/Detachment. This was a reminder that I need to "let go" and move forward. I must be ready to accept the pain that may come from the loss of the old. For me, this message was about toxic relationships. Sometimes I find myself in a relationship with someone I care deeply about but being around them is not always for my higher and better good. Sometimes I deserve more than I am getting from a relationship and although I want to cling to it, I realize I would be better off just stepping away. I've decided to do that with someone I've loved for many years. The message to see things as they are rather than how I want them to be is important here, too. It is time to let go and move forward. Without letting go, I cannot move forward so it is time to release and detach and I'm willing to accept the pain of the loss knowing I gave all that I could to make it a working relationship.

3. (Physical/Body)Exercise and build new worlds. I need to pay more conscious attention to the exercise that my body needs and wants. This is a time for me to take action and if I do so, important experiences will result.

These were the perfect messages for me to hear today. After I wrote my affirmations, re-read them and posted them in my calendar to refer to later, I started the productivity part of my day. Here it is almost 3:30pm and the morning and afternoon have gotten away from me because I've been so absorbed in what I was doing.

I had to redesign my flyer for the Mind/Body/Spirit workshops I'm doing because I saved and overwrote the original file and then Print Shop wouldn't open the file, nor would Adobe although I thought I'd saved it in PDF format. This was one of those challenges and in redoing it, the final outcome was better than what I had originally and I am very happy with the results. I made several phone calls and answered e-mails and wrote to art galleries in the area attaching the flyers for the Artist Way workshops and the Mind/Body/Spirit workshops. Within 15 minutes, one of the owners of a local gallery called me and relayed her recent experience about her own message received from God. She's going to close the gallery (which I was very sad to hear) and focus on mind/body retreats. I suggested that perhaps we could do something together in the future and suggested a location for a retreat which is close enough to drive to from Atlanta for a weekend but far enough away and in the mountains to offer a setting of serenity.

I received another call from a woman who is an artist and runs an art school here in Buford. She suggested that I come with her to a "Power of Positive Thinking" session on Wednesday after we get together to paint. I will go as I am always open to learning something new and because I want to network with others of like mind. I may even be an asset to the group because of my experience in the New Thought movement.

I did some other administrative things surrounding my art and now, I think I'm going to take a nap as I have just a small niggling headache and I think it's because I've been straining my eyes this morning. We artists have to take care of our eyes and because I can, I'm listening to my body which is saying "take a break!" It's been a good day and it's only half over!

It IS a great day to be alive in America and all is well in my world. Remember to LISTEN as well as talk when communicating with God! Sending wishes of the same for you!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday unfolding...

I've been up and busy since 4:15am. I completed my "morning work" and then worked on my book for a while before going online and checking my e-mail. I had an e-mail from Facebook so clicked on the link and added a friend and then starting a search for "artist's groups" in the area and was so heartened to see a LOT of groups in the area. I joined a few, posted a few notices about the upcoming workshop I'm facilitating and looked at what other artist's are doing. It was enlightening and inspiring.

As always, my morning meditations have me "fired up" and ready to go and I'm having to rein myself in and FOCUS because my mind is sprinting in too many different directions.

So...deep breath, relaxing, centering and focusing on this blog!

I didn't create this weekend because I was fortunate enough to have young energy to enjoy. Three of my grandchildren spent Saturday and Sunday with me. I took them to Buford Dam and had a picnic on a sandy bank, under a tree, by the Chattahoochee River. It was a warm, Sunny Spring day and I let them roll up their pants and get their feet in the water. We took a hike and they hugged a tree (my grandson, Ayden who was having his 10th birthday asked me if this meant he was a real "tree hugger" and made me laugh!). We thanked the tree for it's loving energy and I had them close their eyes on more than one occasion to "see" what they felt without "seeing" literally. Children are so wonderful to be around because they are spontaneous, uninhibited, honest and innocent. I enjoy sitting back and observing them just "be" because as adults, we sometimes are so busy doing that we forget the joy of just being. I didn't mind not creating this weekend because their energy is such a gift to me.

On Wednesday I am going to paint with a group of ladies. I've been trying to get over to paint with them for months but am going to MAKE it happen this Wednesday. I am only familiar with one of the women as an aquaintance but she is very interesting to me and is a professional artist as well as a business owner promoting the learning of art in several different media. I know I can learn from her and the others in the group and hopefully I will add an integral, positive element to the group, too.

Thursday night I am going to see Dr. Zahi Hawass speak at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta and I am soooooooooo excited. He's talking about the mysteries of Egypt and I have decided that my next trip (after my Colorado River rafting trip) must be to see the pyramids. I'd love to hear from anyone who had already had the experience and know how it affected and changed them as a person.

I can see it is going to be a beautiful day and part of me wants to throw on my "yard" clothes and get out there and pull some weeds and work on my beds. I was gone a lot through the winter and now that it's Spring, my yard is calling. Yesterday, I noticed the dogwoods starting to bloom and my lilies and other perennials are starting to peep through the ground. I planted a Thundercloud Plum tree last Fall and already it delighted me with pink blooms and now the red leaves are starting to grow in. The tops of the tall trees are greening and buds are popping out on everything. This is such an exciting time of year to me. My hyacinths are glorious and the scent divine and the daffodils contine to delight.

Okay...FOCUS! I got an order out on Friday and that felt very good to me. I designed my invoices, two marketing flyers for the Mind/Body/Spirit workshops and the "Artist's Way" workshops and finished the artist's bio (well...at least it's a good start...and I've already shared that with you).

Spoke to my CPA on Sunday (the man works 365 days a year, I think) and looks like I will be able to help with the upcoming wedding (my daughter) and finance some weekend art shows. I understand the meaning of "starving artist" but know it's a process. I am reminded to take things step-by-step and lay a good foundation and then all will fall in to place. Life gives me all that I need to be happy and everything comes to me at the proper time. I believe it.

My youngest child is getting married on April 18th and it will be a sweet, intimate event in a natural setting. They are getting married out-of-doors and it will be sweet and simple and a real celebration of love. Fortunately, all of my children seem to have the perfect mates and God is good. When my children are happy, I am happy! I express my gratitude to God daily for their happiness and health.

So, moving in to my day now with a full plate open to all the goodness that is coming this way! It IS a great day to be alive and I am expecting a miracle today. Sending a bubble light to everyone! Smile often and keep a grateful heart.


Friday, March 20, 2009


3 is commonly accepted as a sacred number and as I walked in the door from mailing my first MAIL ORDER package, the clock in the kitchen read 333. More than once, I have awakened at 3:33am and it feels like such a gift. Some may think getting up at that time is crazy but those early morning hours can be very productive hours for me, especially spiritually and creatively. So I am heartened that the clock read 333 because that is a very good sign.

I worked hard on my flyers, artist bio, set up the template for my invoice, went to the post office (twice), and sent and received a dozen or so e-mails. I am so excited about my "Scrappies" art cards and 25 of them went off at the Post Office today and I sent them with loving energy knowing they will do their good and perfect work.

Communication is so important and so many of us are e-mail only communicators and mail is used solely for marketing and paying bills. I thoroughly enjoy getting a card or a note through the mail and I enjoy sending cards. I suppose that's why my "Scrappies" note cards are so special to me. I am sharing my art and my love at the same time when I jot a quick note to a friend.

I've set a goal of making a minimum of 25 cards, four days per week. I only managed three days this week but there were administrative tasks that needed to be accomplished, as well as research for my workshops.

I spend at least and hour to an hour and a half in the mornings doing what I call my "morning work" and I'll talk more about that in another blog.

For now, I'm happy because 333 has come up for me today, more than once. A good sign. A very good sign, indeed.

Writing my Artist's Bio

Today I am working on creating my artist's bio. I researched online and then sat down to "let it flow." This is what came this morning...

Artist Bio of Sabra L. Ray

I am a multi-dimensional artist. I paint using acrylics and began painting as a result of a series of workshops that I co-facilitated on the Chakras which are subtle energy centers in the body. I also make paper and have designed a line of custom note cards called “Scrappies” using my handmade paper and inspirational or motivational quotes. I have also created a set of “Motivational Moments” consisting of 30 cards, one for each day of the month. Each card contains a powerful positive affirmation meant to set the focus and tone for the day. I write poetry and short-stories.

I believe that everyone has an artist, of some kind, within them that only needs to be awakened. My interest in the mind, body, spirit connection has led me to this truth. I facilitate workshops that assist others in finding that inner artist, inner peace and knowledge of the subtle energy systems of our body to promote health, happiness and peace. We can all use the power of our imagination to create what we want in our life so being an artist is not just about putting paint to canvas or pen to paper but living life to the fullest and seeing the beauty in every moment of every day. I try to help others to find their way home to their own Self and to see the beauty within that wants to be expressed and shared.

I have asked myself, many times, “What is my purpose?” I took many wrong turns in trying to find my answers and hit many a barrier before I finally realized that my purpose, is to grow spiritually. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain, Carl Jung, Deepak Chopra, Ernest Holmes. Joseph Camplbell and many others have helped me along my path and made me realize that to truly grow spiritually, I need to help others. I try to do this through my art and my workshops.

I live and work in a 60-year-old bungalow in the Historic downtown area of Buford, Georgia with my best pet friend, a black and white Shih Tzu named Wiz. I love to travel and some of my favorite journeys were to Guatemala, Peru and Mexico where I spent a week on a whale watching expedition in the Sea of Cortez. Visiting Macchu Picchu and other places in Peru was a life changing experience and I am still absorbing the energy of that trip. In Guatemala I was fortunate enough to stay at a Catholic mission, Santo Tomas La Union and to travel with Father Hazelton high up into the central highlands to observe as he performed ceremonies in K’iche for the indigenous Mayan’s. In my travels, I was exposed to Aztec, Incan and Mayan cultures and their art and spirituality has influenced me deeply on all levels of being.

It will probably be changed a hundred times before I'm through but if I am to do things "step-by-step" I'll call this step one. I also created flyers and registration forms and set up my calendar and overall, it's been a very productive morning. Now, it's time for me to get into the studio and create for a couple of hours before moving on to more mundane things like laundry, vacuuming, walkign the dog and getting ready to go to my daughter's to babysit for my beautiful grandchildren tonight.

Life is so beautiful and I am feeling very blessed today. It IS a great day to be alive and all is well in my world. Wishing the same for you! Namaste.