I can't believe it has been 10 days since I last wrote. My goal is to write a little every day so I need to "try harder!"
My new job is challenging, fun and has allowed me to have some hopes and dreams again that had been tucked away for "later" and "later" is NOW! I've some new found motivation and started an exercise/diet regiment yesterday. I'm not even thinking about what to eat and what not to eat but I am simply thinking about giving my body what it needs to produce the energy that I need. I have so many things I still want to accomplish and to do it, I need ENERGY and strength. My dream right now goes back to the same dream I had in 2008 when the bottom fell out of my world for a short while. I am dreaming of a rafting trip, down the Colorado river through the Grand Canyon. I am thinking "Best of the Grand" and the url is http://www.canyoneers.com so you can check it out and join me! Next August maybe???
It seems the older I get the faster time passes and the more I want to accomplish. Yet when I look back in my journals, I marvel at what I was able to accomplish in a day. Time is an illusion anyhow! So, with that having been said, the reality is that I need to jump in the shower and get to work!
Hope you have a wonderful day today. Expect a miracle and you'll surely get one. Namaste!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
After a full week of work, the weekend has taken on new meaning for me! I have had a terrific week and I love my job, the people there, and the commute is so sweet! From my driveway to the driveway at work is 2 miles! How AWESOME is that?!
It's about time for me to jump in the shower but right at this moment, it is peaceful here. Wizzie is spread out on the bed beside me, snoring his little doggy snore. He has a way of moving the bed covers around with his paws to get it "just right" and then he circles a little and finally plops down. He likes a little pillow, too. Who knew dogs could have such personalities? That would be a silly question to my friends who live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. They have a rescue home for Golden Retrievers and would look at me as if I had an extra head if I asked that question of them. God bless those who have rescue homes!
A slow week for news about my young Mr. Robert Pattinson but he's filming a new movie. Less than six months more to wait for "Breaking Dawn" but I am sure it will be an event for me and "my girls!" I'll let you know what we cook up.
A long weekend coming up and I have a secret desire to work on Monday. Is that wrong? I just want to go to my job. Not my call so I will celebrate Monday, remember the reason for the holiday and spend the day with my family. I plan to write, read and relax this weekend and if the mood hits...I have canvas sitting there blank, calling to me.
Wishing you a safe and happy weekend and holiday! Remember to share your love and be good to your own self, too. It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is!
It's about time for me to jump in the shower but right at this moment, it is peaceful here. Wizzie is spread out on the bed beside me, snoring his little doggy snore. He has a way of moving the bed covers around with his paws to get it "just right" and then he circles a little and finally plops down. He likes a little pillow, too. Who knew dogs could have such personalities? That would be a silly question to my friends who live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. They have a rescue home for Golden Retrievers and would look at me as if I had an extra head if I asked that question of them. God bless those who have rescue homes!
A slow week for news about my young Mr. Robert Pattinson but he's filming a new movie. Less than six months more to wait for "Breaking Dawn" but I am sure it will be an event for me and "my girls!" I'll let you know what we cook up.
A long weekend coming up and I have a secret desire to work on Monday. Is that wrong? I just want to go to my job. Not my call so I will celebrate Monday, remember the reason for the holiday and spend the day with my family. I plan to write, read and relax this weekend and if the mood hits...I have canvas sitting there blank, calling to me.
Wishing you a safe and happy weekend and holiday! Remember to share your love and be good to your own self, too. It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Doomsday or expecting a miracle?
It is a GREAT day to be alive here in beautiful downtown Buford. I drove down Main Street while waiting for the train to pass so I could cross to my side and it is such a lovely little town. I noticed a family out walking together and several other people getting their exercise in the early morning after I dropped Wiz off for his grooming. Small town, USA and it is quaint, rustic and sweet. I love it here although I know I shall leave someday but this is a time when I am making a memory.
I am compassionate towards the "doomsday" Christians because they are so sure the world is going to end tomorrow and the rapture is going to occur. I wonder how they will adjust when what they believed so completely does not happen. There was a time, in 1975, when I was a newly "born again" Christian and I was on street corners passing out leaflets and spreading the "good word" and trying to help others save their soul. It was an interesting time for me and I'm glad I had that experience but it was fleeting. Once I began to question the teachings the veil of illusion was lifted and life got back to being more normal. I guess it was what I needed at the time and perhaps this is what the "doomsdayers" need in their life at this time, too. I wonder what they are doing with their "last" day. How will they spend it knowing they will be raptured tomorrow? Will it be in prayer, fasting, saying goodbye to loved ones? What will they do on Monday is the bigger question, I think, when they find the rapture has not occurred and life goes on? Will the veil of illusion be lifted for them, too? Life goes on.
For me, Monday is much anticipated as I begin my new job that I have searched so hard to find. I am beginning a new adventure and looking forward to meeting new people and having new purpose in my life. The past couple of years have been difficult for me but a time of growing and learning and becoming more of who I am meant to be in this life. Even in the midst of so much turmoil, I could find joy in the day and constantly reminded myself that happiness is an inside job. It's my responsibility to my own Self to find my place of peace and happiness and I accept that responsibility. I fly solo and I am still a soul searcher! Life goes on.
There is too much to be grateful for in this life to live in fear that it is going to end. It is going to end and that's a certainty. Yet not today so live this day in the best way you know how and enjoy the gifts and the miracles that will come your way as they surely will.
I cleaned the carpet in my newly vacated spare room yesterday. I opened the windows and let the fresh air in and the stale air out and it feels happier in there already. Mom lived there for a while and I was happy to have her there. A friend of mine lived there for a while and I was happy to have her there, too. Now, it is mine alone again and I will make it into my studio and I will be happy to have ME in there! Next weekend I will do a clearing of the energy in the room using sage and prayers and then I will begin setting up my studio so I can create again. I've missed having the space to paint, write, make cards and draw. I feel another level of being beginning. A new adventure on more levels than one and that is life, isn't it? Nothing is static and everything is always changing, at least in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I wrote two new poems yesterday and worked a little on a book I am helping edit. I am hoping to have my book of poetry completed so I can gift it at Christmas to my family and a few friends. I had to make myself stay on task because when I start opening boxes and footlockers that have been stored away, I get caught up in looking at what's in the boxes and reminisce about the memories contained therein. I am a keeper of the memories and what is in those boxes and footlockers are the history of my life and my children's life. I consider each memory a pearl in the necklace of my life and treasure them as they are priceless.
Do you journal or have keepsakes tucked away in a box somewhere? I've tried to teach my children to do that but I don't think it is as important to them as it is to me yet someday, I believe they will appreciate that I was the "keeper of the memories." Perhaps it is important to me because I did not have stability in my life as we moved so often. I like that I was constantly having a new adventure but part of me has always envied those who were born, lived and stayed in the same place and my dearest friends are people whose lives were such. They balance me in that way because that was not my path in this life.
Well, I'm rambling so that means it's time for me to get productive as there is much to be accomplished today. There are memories to be made and tonight I will be spending time with my grandchildren and that's always fun for me. So, carpe diem! If this is the last day, then let's make it the best!
The angel was gift from my son and his wife and the angel is holding up a lantern. I love that angel, not only because they gave it to me which makes it special to my heart but because I enjoy the image of an angel to show me the way. I am expecting a miracle today. How about you? Remember, the best is yet to come! And so it is.
I am compassionate towards the "doomsday" Christians because they are so sure the world is going to end tomorrow and the rapture is going to occur. I wonder how they will adjust when what they believed so completely does not happen. There was a time, in 1975, when I was a newly "born again" Christian and I was on street corners passing out leaflets and spreading the "good word" and trying to help others save their soul. It was an interesting time for me and I'm glad I had that experience but it was fleeting. Once I began to question the teachings the veil of illusion was lifted and life got back to being more normal. I guess it was what I needed at the time and perhaps this is what the "doomsdayers" need in their life at this time, too. I wonder what they are doing with their "last" day. How will they spend it knowing they will be raptured tomorrow? Will it be in prayer, fasting, saying goodbye to loved ones? What will they do on Monday is the bigger question, I think, when they find the rapture has not occurred and life goes on? Will the veil of illusion be lifted for them, too? Life goes on.
For me, Monday is much anticipated as I begin my new job that I have searched so hard to find. I am beginning a new adventure and looking forward to meeting new people and having new purpose in my life. The past couple of years have been difficult for me but a time of growing and learning and becoming more of who I am meant to be in this life. Even in the midst of so much turmoil, I could find joy in the day and constantly reminded myself that happiness is an inside job. It's my responsibility to my own Self to find my place of peace and happiness and I accept that responsibility. I fly solo and I am still a soul searcher! Life goes on.
There is too much to be grateful for in this life to live in fear that it is going to end. It is going to end and that's a certainty. Yet not today so live this day in the best way you know how and enjoy the gifts and the miracles that will come your way as they surely will.
I cleaned the carpet in my newly vacated spare room yesterday. I opened the windows and let the fresh air in and the stale air out and it feels happier in there already. Mom lived there for a while and I was happy to have her there. A friend of mine lived there for a while and I was happy to have her there, too. Now, it is mine alone again and I will make it into my studio and I will be happy to have ME in there! Next weekend I will do a clearing of the energy in the room using sage and prayers and then I will begin setting up my studio so I can create again. I've missed having the space to paint, write, make cards and draw. I feel another level of being beginning. A new adventure on more levels than one and that is life, isn't it? Nothing is static and everything is always changing, at least in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I wrote two new poems yesterday and worked a little on a book I am helping edit. I am hoping to have my book of poetry completed so I can gift it at Christmas to my family and a few friends. I had to make myself stay on task because when I start opening boxes and footlockers that have been stored away, I get caught up in looking at what's in the boxes and reminisce about the memories contained therein. I am a keeper of the memories and what is in those boxes and footlockers are the history of my life and my children's life. I consider each memory a pearl in the necklace of my life and treasure them as they are priceless.
Do you journal or have keepsakes tucked away in a box somewhere? I've tried to teach my children to do that but I don't think it is as important to them as it is to me yet someday, I believe they will appreciate that I was the "keeper of the memories." Perhaps it is important to me because I did not have stability in my life as we moved so often. I like that I was constantly having a new adventure but part of me has always envied those who were born, lived and stayed in the same place and my dearest friends are people whose lives were such. They balance me in that way because that was not my path in this life.
Well, I'm rambling so that means it's time for me to get productive as there is much to be accomplished today. There are memories to be made and tonight I will be spending time with my grandchildren and that's always fun for me. So, carpe diem! If this is the last day, then let's make it the best!
The angel was gift from my son and his wife and the angel is holding up a lantern. I love that angel, not only because they gave it to me which makes it special to my heart but because I enjoy the image of an angel to show me the way. I am expecting a miracle today. How about you? Remember, the best is yet to come! And so it is.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Oh, Happy Day!
It is such a happy day for me and I am in a place of gratitude for my MAJOR miracle. Yesterday, I got the job I most wanted and it is so perfect for me and only 2 miles from my home. I start Monday and I am joyful and anticipating a wonderful new adventure.
My energy work has paid off and all the prayers of friends helped, too. It was a collective effort and God is good! I don't even have the words (and you know I can always find words!) to describe how happy I feel as a result of finding the job. Getting to this new plateau has been a tough uphill climb yet here I stand and the better I am for the climb. My knees are bloody, shoes worn bare, dirt smeared across my forehead but I am satisfied and fortified by the experience! It has been an adventure frought with dangers and joys along the way and so may "helpers" to get this point in the journey.
First, I helped another without expectation of anything other than making someone else's life better. I did it without thought but felt what I call "God on my heart." When I "feel" that, I just do whatever feels right because I know it is not really me but God working through me. I sacraficed my own life to do this. Eventually, it was apparent that it was time for a change and change does not always occur without some pain. Have you experienced that to be true in your own life?
Still, by holding on to faith and hope, and the belief that there is something better coming I got through that time and came out on the other side. So many times in life when I try to control a situation, I am not to gently reminded that although I do have free will, when I allow myself to be guided by my "inner voice" then everything seems to flow so much more easily. Divine flow. It's a beautiful thing.
Not only that, but any goodness that I gave, came back to multiplied. I can't even begin to thank my friends and family who came to my "rescue" when all way dark and I couldn't see that light at the end of the tunnel. My heart and spirit have been so touched by the love and generosity of others and everyday a new miracle occurred and bolstered my faith in my friends and family. I am so blessed.
So, I expected a miracle and I got a really big one! Monday, the new adventure begins and it will feel so great to be back in an office for a few more years (I hope) and it's a great company to be with to put the period on the end of my career (when it comes time!).
Still, I took to the future and the day I see Buford in my rear view mirror as I pull off in my little RV heading WEST to California. But that's a story for another day and there's a lot of living and many adventures before that happens.
So, for today, I say, expect a miracle and hang on to your dreams! They can come true.
From the window of my hotel at the foot of Macchu Picchu. Now THAT is a mountain!
My energy work has paid off and all the prayers of friends helped, too. It was a collective effort and God is good! I don't even have the words (and you know I can always find words!) to describe how happy I feel as a result of finding the job. Getting to this new plateau has been a tough uphill climb yet here I stand and the better I am for the climb. My knees are bloody, shoes worn bare, dirt smeared across my forehead but I am satisfied and fortified by the experience! It has been an adventure frought with dangers and joys along the way and so may "helpers" to get this point in the journey.
First, I helped another without expectation of anything other than making someone else's life better. I did it without thought but felt what I call "God on my heart." When I "feel" that, I just do whatever feels right because I know it is not really me but God working through me. I sacraficed my own life to do this. Eventually, it was apparent that it was time for a change and change does not always occur without some pain. Have you experienced that to be true in your own life?
Still, by holding on to faith and hope, and the belief that there is something better coming I got through that time and came out on the other side. So many times in life when I try to control a situation, I am not to gently reminded that although I do have free will, when I allow myself to be guided by my "inner voice" then everything seems to flow so much more easily. Divine flow. It's a beautiful thing.
Not only that, but any goodness that I gave, came back to multiplied. I can't even begin to thank my friends and family who came to my "rescue" when all way dark and I couldn't see that light at the end of the tunnel. My heart and spirit have been so touched by the love and generosity of others and everyday a new miracle occurred and bolstered my faith in my friends and family. I am so blessed.
So, I expected a miracle and I got a really big one! Monday, the new adventure begins and it will feel so great to be back in an office for a few more years (I hope) and it's a great company to be with to put the period on the end of my career (when it comes time!).
Still, I took to the future and the day I see Buford in my rear view mirror as I pull off in my little RV heading WEST to California. But that's a story for another day and there's a lot of living and many adventures before that happens.
So, for today, I say, expect a miracle and hang on to your dreams! They can come true.
From the window of my hotel at the foot of Macchu Picchu. Now THAT is a mountain!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Expecting a miracle...
I interviewed for a job yesterday that I really would enjoy, working for a good company and terrific people and the commute would be a matter of minutes. It is so perfect for me so today, I really am expecting a miracle. I am hoping to hear that I am hired and when I need to report for my first day at work.
Am I nervous? Yes! I want this job so badly and not only that, but I need it. My meditation today was a good one and I was reminded that I am "guided by destiny" which is just another way to say that I am in divine flow so only that which is for my higher and better good will occur. Even though I want this job the Universe may have something else in store for me so I have made the conscious choice to stop worrying, which is a useless and non-productive thing to do anyhow.
I am changing my focus RIGHT NOW! Very shortly, I am meeting one of my dear friends from high school (so we're definitely "old" friends!) in Dawsonville and we are going to do "girly-things" and have lunch together. It will be fun and I am looking forward to seeing her.
I read a quote this morning by Robert Frost who said "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." No wonder I love Robert Frost because he nailed it. It goes on. No matter what befalls us, if we look at every day as a gift, then no matter what comes our way, we can "go on." I needed to hear that this morning. If I get this job, I will be ecstatic for many reasons and life will go on. If I don't get this job, I will be disappointed but know there is something better in store for me and life will go on.
I believe that as long as I am breathing, there is hope. So, I am putting my "will I get this job" worries in an imaginary jeweled box that glitters and delights and I'm putting it on the shelf where I will come back later today and release it. But right now, in this gift of a moment, I'm jumping in the shower and getting ready to go enjoy what I know is going to be a wonderful day filled with love, friendship, fun and hopefully, some good food!
I will tellyou know tomorrow if I got the job (or not..but I am feeling positive!). We may all need to celebrate the end of a long dry-spell and the beginning of a great new adventure for me!
Either way, it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Have some fun for your own SELF today! Smile and know that you are loved.
She is waiting for a miracle, too!Namaste, my friends!
Am I nervous? Yes! I want this job so badly and not only that, but I need it. My meditation today was a good one and I was reminded that I am "guided by destiny" which is just another way to say that I am in divine flow so only that which is for my higher and better good will occur. Even though I want this job the Universe may have something else in store for me so I have made the conscious choice to stop worrying, which is a useless and non-productive thing to do anyhow.
I am changing my focus RIGHT NOW! Very shortly, I am meeting one of my dear friends from high school (so we're definitely "old" friends!) in Dawsonville and we are going to do "girly-things" and have lunch together. It will be fun and I am looking forward to seeing her.
I read a quote this morning by Robert Frost who said "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." No wonder I love Robert Frost because he nailed it. It goes on. No matter what befalls us, if we look at every day as a gift, then no matter what comes our way, we can "go on." I needed to hear that this morning. If I get this job, I will be ecstatic for many reasons and life will go on. If I don't get this job, I will be disappointed but know there is something better in store for me and life will go on.
I believe that as long as I am breathing, there is hope. So, I am putting my "will I get this job" worries in an imaginary jeweled box that glitters and delights and I'm putting it on the shelf where I will come back later today and release it. But right now, in this gift of a moment, I'm jumping in the shower and getting ready to go enjoy what I know is going to be a wonderful day filled with love, friendship, fun and hopefully, some good food!
I will tellyou know tomorrow if I got the job (or not..but I am feeling positive!). We may all need to celebrate the end of a long dry-spell and the beginning of a great new adventure for me!
Either way, it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Have some fun for your own SELF today! Smile and know that you are loved.
She is waiting for a miracle, too!Namaste, my friends!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
"So beautiful or so what?"
I watched Paul Simon on Saturday Night Live and he sang a song (of course!) and the chorus lyrics were "Life is what you make of it, so beautiful or so what!" Actually, I'm watching it at 6:30am on Sunday morning because I "DVRed" (that's a verb?) it so I can fast forward through the commercials. It offends me to have to pay for cable TV and then have to watch commercials. That's not what I want to write about this morning though (aren't you glad?!)
"Life is what you make of it, so beautiful or so what!"
[a couple of hours later...]
I got that far earlier and then I wrote, deleted, wrote, deleted, wrote, deleted until the Universe REALLY got my attention by shutting down my connection to the internet. At that point I said, "Okay! I get it!" I turned off the computer and went into the kitchen to do my "morning work." I knew there was a message and it wasn't coming through until I had completed my morning work and meditation.
The Universe provided me with a great message and I am excited about Monday's potential because I have another job interview but I AM LIVING IN THE RIGHT THIS MINUTE and it's all beautiful, oh yes!
I usually close my blogs with "Namaste!" and I've been asked what "namaste" means so let me share with you. Mahatma Gandhi said that in India, when people use the word "namaste" they are saying "I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor that place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us." Now I ask you, what could be more beautiful than the meaning of "namaste," according to Mahatma Gandhi? It is honoring GOD and the place in each of us where GOD is and connecting us to the other person and EVERYTHING that is because we are all a part of the Universe or God. It makes me feel unlimited and miniscule at the same time and it's beauty is simplicity.
So, keeping it short and sweet this morning, I say to you, my reader, NAMASTE! With "prayer hands" in front of my heart, head slightly bent, I say to you, NAMASTE!
May you make your life so beautiful today! Remember, it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is!
This is a gift I painted (or let the Universe paint through me) for my son:
"Life is what you make of it, so beautiful or so what!"
[a couple of hours later...]
I got that far earlier and then I wrote, deleted, wrote, deleted, wrote, deleted until the Universe REALLY got my attention by shutting down my connection to the internet. At that point I said, "Okay! I get it!" I turned off the computer and went into the kitchen to do my "morning work." I knew there was a message and it wasn't coming through until I had completed my morning work and meditation.
The Universe provided me with a great message and I am excited about Monday's potential because I have another job interview but I AM LIVING IN THE RIGHT THIS MINUTE and it's all beautiful, oh yes!
I usually close my blogs with "Namaste!" and I've been asked what "namaste" means so let me share with you. Mahatma Gandhi said that in India, when people use the word "namaste" they are saying "I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor that place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us." Now I ask you, what could be more beautiful than the meaning of "namaste," according to Mahatma Gandhi? It is honoring GOD and the place in each of us where GOD is and connecting us to the other person and EVERYTHING that is because we are all a part of the Universe or God. It makes me feel unlimited and miniscule at the same time and it's beauty is simplicity.
So, keeping it short and sweet this morning, I say to you, my reader, NAMASTE! With "prayer hands" in front of my heart, head slightly bent, I say to you, NAMASTE!
May you make your life so beautiful today! Remember, it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is!
This is a gift I painted (or let the Universe paint through me) for my son:
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Lazing about on Saturday morning!
An Alaskan sunrise from 2005 that I just felt like sharing. I've been sitting here in bed since 6:30am (so almost five hours) doing absolutely nothing. I had my latte and a devil's food cupcake with vanilla icing and that's all I've accomplished today other than letting Wizard out so he could take care of his business. I'm just lazing about and that's okay. It's a gift I give to myself occasionally. I am sure everyone could benefit from a lazy morning. I spend so much time either thinking about what needs to be done or doing what needs to be done that it feels good to let that all go for a minute. It will be there when I'm ready to get active again.
I have been pushing hard and being so aggressive about my job search and it takes a lot out of me. I think it would be easier, and less tiring, to sell beachfront property in Arizona than it is to sell ME to a recruiter or a potential employer. There is a good reason I'm not a salesperson. I don't enjoy it! I want to present the facts, step away, and let the other arrive at their own conclusion or decision about those facts. I know it doesn't work that way though. We have to finesse the facts, highlight the facts that are pertinent to the "buyer" and oh! I am getting a headache just thinking about it and I choose not to let it ruin my relaxing, lazy morning! I present myself and just don't understand why I am not immediately chosen (as I have been in the past) because my skills are above average and my experience is varied. Oh, there I go again...thinking about it (which is just as tiring!)...change the thought, Sabra. Back to "relax..." Just breath!
Okay, I'm relaxed! Jen, Ian and Ethan came over to spend the evening with me last night. We had dinner and then baked a cake for Jen to take home and some cupcakes to eat immediately (one of which I had for breakfast). I steam mopped the living room, hall and kitchen before they got here because Ethan, at 7 months, is crawling all over the place. I am happy to say his knees were not even dirty when they left so I guess it was a good idea to give the floors a once over before they got here.
Ian, who is three, had to have a bath at Mimi's. He played with the same toys I bought when Austin, who is now 15, was a baby. It makes me feel good when they have fun tub-time at Mimi's. It makes me feel very, very happy whenever they are at my house and I love each of them in their own special way. My niece came over to visit last night, too. Ian is crazy about her and they were sitting together in the chair and it was too cute.
I don't have much to talk about of merit today. Just rambling. Jess is back in Connecticut and hating it and we miss her. Josh is in Costa Rica with his girlfriend and loving it. Jen is finding that being a stay-at-home Mom has it's challenges and "adult conversation" takes on new meaning. Lisa is thinking about a new job although she loves her current one. Keeping her options open and that's smart.
I surfed around this morning, spent time on Facebook and was shocked when I saw the profile picture of my 10-year-old niece. I would not allow my 10-year-old to be on Facebook but she has something like 71 friends and most of them are about the same age. I can remember when Jen was about 14 and I was just letting her have e-mail and yes, I did go in and lurk about her e-mails and I found pictures some young boy had sent to her and he was exposing his junk and very proud of it. So, I had to block her e-mail from getting any photos. I had parental controls and blocked everything but the bare minimum and I was a "mean" Mom. I once read that the greatest compliment your child can give you is to call you a "Mean Mom!" This is a new day, though, with access to the Internet and everything on it so different than it was only a few years ago. I learned my granddaughter had stumbled on to a porn site when she was looking something up on the internet. I hated to think those images were even available to her yet they are easily accessible. I am all for SUPERVISED time on the internet, tracking where they go, etc. etc. You wouldn't let a 9 or 10 year old go to the Mall alone so why let them on the internet alone? BE AWARE...or at least as aware as you can be because I thought I was aware but when they grow up and tell you some of the things they got by you, well...let's just say TRY to be aware.
I am rambling but I know you guys want to know what's going on so here you have it. It's a lazy day for me. I am brain dead. Wizard is beside me snoring and a few minutes ago he was dreaming. Must have been a hell of a dream because he was moving parts of his body that I haven't seen him move lately. Maybe he was chasing a cat? Someone outside is mowing a lawn. Windows are open and breeze is delightful. I'm starting to feel hungry again so I'll need to get up and heat up the leftover broccoli and salmon I didn't eat last night. I am facebooked out as I commented on photos and status updates and watched linked youtube videos. I think I'll watch Gone With the Wind now as I eat my lunch. Maybe afterwards I will take a nap and when I get up, I might do something productive and then again, I might not. It's lovely to have the choice.
I hope you are having a day of doing whatever you want to do, even if it is absolutely nothing. Have no guilt and enjoy the moment! It is a great day to be alive in America and I expect a miracle! Remember, the best is yet to come. And so it is! Namaste!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Holding the resonance...
Resonance, according to Webster's Dictionary, is the quality or state of being resonant and when I looked up resonant it says "relating to or exhibiting resonance." So does that make anything more clear? Not to me! So, I looked up the word "resonate" and it was the closest to what I mean when I talk about holding the resonance and the definition is (drum roll, please!) "to relate harmoniously." Okay, so now that makes it a bit clearer, right? To relate harmoniously. So, if hope is one end of the spectrum and hopelessness is at the other, I am "holding the resonance" to "relate harmoniously" with the end of the spectrum that is HOPE. Okay, enough of that! I could go on and on and it would be "much ado about nothing" and overuse of quotes and inuendos.
So, let's get to the real stuff. I went to a staffing agency in Atlanta and met with a delighter Recruiter and redundantly completed an application on their computer system in the office which duplicated the information I had completed online at their website and the information I had provided in my attached e-mail of my resume and references. I spent an hour there, about 10 minutes of it with recruiter. At least the parking was free!
The Recruiter has forwarded my information to an HR Manager and it is another iron in the fire. With all the irons I've got in the fire now, it must be referred to as a bonfire and I am sure hoping a little spark comes back to me in the way of a job offer. This job search is a tiring process and it is becoming a habit to grab my computer first thing in the morning and send out a minimum of two resumes.
Before 8:00am I had already sent out my first two resumes as I enjoyed my daily latte. In the background, "New Moon" was on my TV and I paused to look at "Edward" whenever he came on the screen. Sigh! I want to be Bella! Now, I have "Twilight" on and they are just going to eat at the restaurant where she orders mushroom ravioli and Robert Pattinson sings in the background "Never Think." Ahh, sigh. I want to be Bella! I suppose fantasizing about Rob (oh, I know him so well!) is my escape from this difficult reality.
My children think my "obsession" (it's not really an obsession, just an interest) with Robert Pattinson is funny since he's about half my age (okay, at least) but it's not so much him (although he is truly luscious) but more the opportunity to REMEMBER a time when I was "holding the resonance" with another in "that" way. [So what IS with all the quotes today, Sabra?] The early 20's are a fantastic time (or they can be) in life, at least in retrospect. But, as it has been said, [okay, here go the quotes again, forgive me] "hindsight is 20-20."
So [Bella is just figuring out that Edward is a vampire] back to my reality... I have another interview in Atlanta today at 3:00pm and one in Roswell tomorrow at 9:30am. More irons into that fire! [Look of angst between Edward and Bella as she heads off into the forest and will confront him about being a vampire.] This job search has been a real eye-opener for me. I have been fortunate in my life to have found great opportunities and work for amazing men. I have worked for some women but they weren't as amazing (or fun to work with) as the men. My President's were strong, goal oriented, forward thinking, considerate, kind, respectful and, in their own way, sensitive and they loved me as much as I loved them and it was a great win-win situation. [Edward is showing Bella his "beautiful" skin that glitters like diamonds...oh, can I touch it just once????]
My affirmations for yesterday were: (1)I relax and trust life; (2)Life gives me all I need to be happy; and (3)Happiness is my natural condition. Yesterday, I resonated with happiness and as I went into the interview, I relaxed and trusted that only that which is for my higher and better good would occur. In one of my suit jacket pockets I had hope and in the other, I had faith. In the middle was happiness! [Edward: "You don't know how long I've waited for you."] I think when I finally get my REAL job offer, I will be saying "You don't know how long I've waited for you."
Time to start thinking about today's interview and to do my "morning work" to raise my resonance and find my harmony with the universe. [Bella: "I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."] ["OH MY GOD!" as Edward and Bella walk into the school yard as a couple for the first time. Dang, he would stop me in my tracks if I saw him walking towards me. My mouth would go dry and I would be unable to talk and I would just stare at him, probably with my mouth open and drool dribbling down my chin!]
So, I think my resonance is up and my little mental excursion into the "Twilight" world has been fun this morning. It is OKAY to combine work and play...it's balance and I strive to maintain balance in my life (not that I always succeed but I try!).
Again, today I am taking faith and hope with me to my interview and I KNOW the Universe will provide because it always does. It is a great day to be alive in America and the best is yet to come! And so it is!
About whom or what do you think I am "wondering" today? [LOL] You would probably be more surprised than you'd imagine! Namaste!
So, let's get to the real stuff. I went to a staffing agency in Atlanta and met with a delighter Recruiter and redundantly completed an application on their computer system in the office which duplicated the information I had completed online at their website and the information I had provided in my attached e-mail of my resume and references. I spent an hour there, about 10 minutes of it with recruiter. At least the parking was free!
The Recruiter has forwarded my information to an HR Manager and it is another iron in the fire. With all the irons I've got in the fire now, it must be referred to as a bonfire and I am sure hoping a little spark comes back to me in the way of a job offer. This job search is a tiring process and it is becoming a habit to grab my computer first thing in the morning and send out a minimum of two resumes.
Before 8:00am I had already sent out my first two resumes as I enjoyed my daily latte. In the background, "New Moon" was on my TV and I paused to look at "Edward" whenever he came on the screen. Sigh! I want to be Bella! Now, I have "Twilight" on and they are just going to eat at the restaurant where she orders mushroom ravioli and Robert Pattinson sings in the background "Never Think." Ahh, sigh. I want to be Bella! I suppose fantasizing about Rob (oh, I know him so well!) is my escape from this difficult reality.
My children think my "obsession" (it's not really an obsession, just an interest) with Robert Pattinson is funny since he's about half my age (okay, at least) but it's not so much him (although he is truly luscious) but more the opportunity to REMEMBER a time when I was "holding the resonance" with another in "that" way. [So what IS with all the quotes today, Sabra?] The early 20's are a fantastic time (or they can be) in life, at least in retrospect. But, as it has been said, [okay, here go the quotes again, forgive me] "hindsight is 20-20."
So [Bella is just figuring out that Edward is a vampire] back to my reality... I have another interview in Atlanta today at 3:00pm and one in Roswell tomorrow at 9:30am. More irons into that fire! [Look of angst between Edward and Bella as she heads off into the forest and will confront him about being a vampire.] This job search has been a real eye-opener for me. I have been fortunate in my life to have found great opportunities and work for amazing men. I have worked for some women but they weren't as amazing (or fun to work with) as the men. My President's were strong, goal oriented, forward thinking, considerate, kind, respectful and, in their own way, sensitive and they loved me as much as I loved them and it was a great win-win situation. [Edward is showing Bella his "beautiful" skin that glitters like diamonds...oh, can I touch it just once????]
My affirmations for yesterday were: (1)I relax and trust life; (2)Life gives me all I need to be happy; and (3)Happiness is my natural condition. Yesterday, I resonated with happiness and as I went into the interview, I relaxed and trusted that only that which is for my higher and better good would occur. In one of my suit jacket pockets I had hope and in the other, I had faith. In the middle was happiness! [Edward: "You don't know how long I've waited for you."] I think when I finally get my REAL job offer, I will be saying "You don't know how long I've waited for you."
Time to start thinking about today's interview and to do my "morning work" to raise my resonance and find my harmony with the universe. [Bella: "I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."] ["OH MY GOD!" as Edward and Bella walk into the school yard as a couple for the first time. Dang, he would stop me in my tracks if I saw him walking towards me. My mouth would go dry and I would be unable to talk and I would just stare at him, probably with my mouth open and drool dribbling down my chin!]
So, I think my resonance is up and my little mental excursion into the "Twilight" world has been fun this morning. It is OKAY to combine work and play...it's balance and I strive to maintain balance in my life (not that I always succeed but I try!).
Again, today I am taking faith and hope with me to my interview and I KNOW the Universe will provide because it always does. It is a great day to be alive in America and the best is yet to come! And so it is!
About whom or what do you think I am "wondering" today? [LOL] You would probably be more surprised than you'd imagine! Namaste!
Job Search,
New Moon,
Robert Pattinson,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
There is always hope...
One of my favorite sayings is "Hope is the little bird who feels the sun and sings though the dawn be dark!" Holding to that hope has gotten me through some dark times and I was trying so hard to feel the sun and sing although my voice was cracking with the effort. The events of the past couple of months have really tested my faith and my ability to cling to that hope. I've felt like Rose from "Titanic," clinging to that piece of wood and realizing she has lost someone so close and dear to her heart and fearing she may not be rescued or even survive. But...she was and she lived on and so shall I!
I am always striving to live my life from a place of gratitude, faith in God and that "The Universe" will provide and part of the reason I try so hard is because I know that I am setting an example not only for my children but my friends who also face their dark times. I want to be a good example and live by doing and if I can help someone else then I am so joyful.
I had one of my darkest moments last week and an Angel came to my rescue and I realized that there have been many angels in my life and when I sat down to list them and to thank God for my many blessings, I realized that it wasn't as dark as it had seemed only moments ago. Nothing changed except my realization...my "feeling the sun and singing." Even in the midst of that dark moment, I was praying for the strength to accept that if what I wanted and needed to happen did NOT happen, then God certainly had something even better in store for me. I wasn't able to see it and when you're staring down a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it, it is hard to feel that sun and sing. Yet that is when we most need to sing the loudest because we need to hear our own voice singing.
I guess I've lived long enough to understand the meaning of living in the moment. I still want to have a plan, and I do. I have dreams and goals, even though I don't see the means to the end, I hang on to those dreams and goals. I understand that I have only THIS MINUTE, this RIGHT NOW and if I can just stay in it, keep doing the things that I know I need to do but staying in this minute, I can feel the sun. I can sing.
I accept the responsibility for my own life. I accept the responsibility for my own happiness. I also accept that I have made mistakes that have led me to place where I feel I am at the point of no return. That's when I have to remember that little bird and I remind myself to "Expect a Miracle." So many miracles have occurred in my life and the most recent one, totally unexpected, brought me to my knees. I could feel God upon me or maybe it was an angel wrapping her wings around me but I definitely felt something when I was "rescued" for a moment.
I am a strong person, a strong personality and I have a strong faith but I can't say that I never waver in any of things. Sometimes, it is OKAY to be rescued. It's like a rest or a pause and it is a leveling occurrence. Just like being on a teeter-totter it is important to be up as often as it is to be down because that's what makes it fun!
I have been very aggressive in my job search for the past two weeks. I had thought I was being aggressive before but I realize now that I was not pushing as hard as I could have and necessity being the mother of invention, I have been hard on it every day and am finally starting to see some benefits of my efforts. I expect that I will have the perfect job position for me within the next two weeks. I affirm it and so it is!
I have been in contact with a number of recruiters and what surprises me is that the level of professionalism exhibited and follow-up by many of them is much less than it was last time I worked with a recruiter. I think my age may be a factor but I have experience, health and a number of good "working" years left in me and there is hardly anything that I have not done as an Executive support person and as an Office Manager/Bookkeeper. I would hire me in a minute if I would looking for a support person. I have excellent customer service skills, I communicate well in writing and orally, I am dependable, trustworthy, discreet with confidential materials and I am loyal. Now what more could any employer want except that I be 10 or 20 years younger? I'd take the experience over the youth any day if I were in a hiring position, wouldn't you?
I will keep you up to date when that perfect job appears, as it will! I have interviews Wednesday and Thursday of this week and I've got several other irons in the fire so I know SOMETHING is going to happen for me soon because I can feel that sun and I am singing like a Lark!
Wishing you the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the song of a bird. Expect a miracle and don't discount it when it comes your way, because it will! It IS a great day to be alive and the best...is...yet...to...come!
I am always striving to live my life from a place of gratitude, faith in God and that "The Universe" will provide and part of the reason I try so hard is because I know that I am setting an example not only for my children but my friends who also face their dark times. I want to be a good example and live by doing and if I can help someone else then I am so joyful.
I had one of my darkest moments last week and an Angel came to my rescue and I realized that there have been many angels in my life and when I sat down to list them and to thank God for my many blessings, I realized that it wasn't as dark as it had seemed only moments ago. Nothing changed except my realization...my "feeling the sun and singing." Even in the midst of that dark moment, I was praying for the strength to accept that if what I wanted and needed to happen did NOT happen, then God certainly had something even better in store for me. I wasn't able to see it and when you're staring down a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it, it is hard to feel that sun and sing. Yet that is when we most need to sing the loudest because we need to hear our own voice singing.
I guess I've lived long enough to understand the meaning of living in the moment. I still want to have a plan, and I do. I have dreams and goals, even though I don't see the means to the end, I hang on to those dreams and goals. I understand that I have only THIS MINUTE, this RIGHT NOW and if I can just stay in it, keep doing the things that I know I need to do but staying in this minute, I can feel the sun. I can sing.
I accept the responsibility for my own life. I accept the responsibility for my own happiness. I also accept that I have made mistakes that have led me to place where I feel I am at the point of no return. That's when I have to remember that little bird and I remind myself to "Expect a Miracle." So many miracles have occurred in my life and the most recent one, totally unexpected, brought me to my knees. I could feel God upon me or maybe it was an angel wrapping her wings around me but I definitely felt something when I was "rescued" for a moment.
I am a strong person, a strong personality and I have a strong faith but I can't say that I never waver in any of things. Sometimes, it is OKAY to be rescued. It's like a rest or a pause and it is a leveling occurrence. Just like being on a teeter-totter it is important to be up as often as it is to be down because that's what makes it fun!
I have been very aggressive in my job search for the past two weeks. I had thought I was being aggressive before but I realize now that I was not pushing as hard as I could have and necessity being the mother of invention, I have been hard on it every day and am finally starting to see some benefits of my efforts. I expect that I will have the perfect job position for me within the next two weeks. I affirm it and so it is!
I have been in contact with a number of recruiters and what surprises me is that the level of professionalism exhibited and follow-up by many of them is much less than it was last time I worked with a recruiter. I think my age may be a factor but I have experience, health and a number of good "working" years left in me and there is hardly anything that I have not done as an Executive support person and as an Office Manager/Bookkeeper. I would hire me in a minute if I would looking for a support person. I have excellent customer service skills, I communicate well in writing and orally, I am dependable, trustworthy, discreet with confidential materials and I am loyal. Now what more could any employer want except that I be 10 or 20 years younger? I'd take the experience over the youth any day if I were in a hiring position, wouldn't you?
I will keep you up to date when that perfect job appears, as it will! I have interviews Wednesday and Thursday of this week and I've got several other irons in the fire so I know SOMETHING is going to happen for me soon because I can feel that sun and I am singing like a Lark!
Wishing you the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the song of a bird. Expect a miracle and don't discount it when it comes your way, because it will! It IS a great day to be alive and the best...is...yet...to...come!
Monday, May 2, 2011
A new week begins...
Monday and first thing I see when I log on this morning is that "Osama bin Laden" is dead. What immediatedly came to mind was a song from the movie "The Wizard of Oz." The lyrics are "Ding! Dong! The witch is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch! Ding! Dong! The wicked witch is dead." For those of you who know that movie, you will remember that as a result of the death of the wicked witch came some heavy consequences and responsibilities. My next thought was, "now what!" I try not to think too hard or too long about politics or war because it hurts my head and I am conflicted in my heart and my soul about what is the "right" thing. I still want us all to learn to just love one another and live in peace and harmony. I just want to get back to Auntie Em and live on the farm with Toto.
Okay, so enough about that because in my world, I just had a beautiful weekend. I had all of my grandchildren in a room at once (all 7 of them!) and that doesn't happen very often. My son was visiting from Denver and brought my two "Denver" grandchildren. We had a great family weekend with a lot of love, kisses and hugs and what IS good in life. I slept with three of the grandkids in a queen-sized bed (imagine that!) and each time I got up (several times!) I looked at their sweet faces and my heart filled with joy. Admittedly, I did finally get into another bed (alone) but before they woke up, I climbed back in with them so we all woke up together. There was one person missing this weekend but she was remembered and we included her as much as possible with texts and pictures sent. Not the same as being here, for sure, but the best we could do for the moment.
Once the kids grow up and the grandkids come along, they all have their own little satellite world away from us (parents), as it should be. Yet when we can all get together, for just a short while and share a meal and spend some quality together, it is so beautiful. I thank God for my healthy, happy, productive, wonderful and unique family and for any time that we can spend together.
I watched the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton and it thrilled my heart. I wish them joy and happiness! It was a beautiful, fairy tale wedding and although my kids made fun of me, I didn't care because it was a romantic and beautiful event and I loved being able to watch it and I was waiting for that kiss on the balcony! I loved seeing all the beautiful clothes and hats and it was fabulous in every way, to me.
I am still at my daughter's house. Her husband has gone to work and the kids are off to school and now I am going to spend a few hours doing housework here. I kept all the grandchildren here and they do tend to leave evidence of their presence! So, Mimi is going to help get things back in order today and later this evening, I will head back to my own little shangri-la!
Wishing you a joy-full day! It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is! Namaste!
Okay, so enough about that because in my world, I just had a beautiful weekend. I had all of my grandchildren in a room at once (all 7 of them!) and that doesn't happen very often. My son was visiting from Denver and brought my two "Denver" grandchildren. We had a great family weekend with a lot of love, kisses and hugs and what IS good in life. I slept with three of the grandkids in a queen-sized bed (imagine that!) and each time I got up (several times!) I looked at their sweet faces and my heart filled with joy. Admittedly, I did finally get into another bed (alone) but before they woke up, I climbed back in with them so we all woke up together. There was one person missing this weekend but she was remembered and we included her as much as possible with texts and pictures sent. Not the same as being here, for sure, but the best we could do for the moment.
Once the kids grow up and the grandkids come along, they all have their own little satellite world away from us (parents), as it should be. Yet when we can all get together, for just a short while and share a meal and spend some quality together, it is so beautiful. I thank God for my healthy, happy, productive, wonderful and unique family and for any time that we can spend together.
I watched the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton and it thrilled my heart. I wish them joy and happiness! It was a beautiful, fairy tale wedding and although my kids made fun of me, I didn't care because it was a romantic and beautiful event and I loved being able to watch it and I was waiting for that kiss on the balcony! I loved seeing all the beautiful clothes and hats and it was fabulous in every way, to me.
I am still at my daughter's house. Her husband has gone to work and the kids are off to school and now I am going to spend a few hours doing housework here. I kept all the grandchildren here and they do tend to leave evidence of their presence! So, Mimi is going to help get things back in order today and later this evening, I will head back to my own little shangri-la!
Wishing you a joy-full day! It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! And so it is! Namaste!
Robert Pattinson,
Royal Wedding,
Wizard of Oz
Thursday, April 28, 2011
It's a beautiful day!
Wow! Mother nature kicked up a ruckus across the South last night but my sweet little haven barely even got any rain although it was quite windy. I read that 250 people had died in the storms and my heart is heavy for all of those affected by the storms. I have been praying for my friends in Birmingham today because I haven't learned if they are safe yet, or not. I am hoping!
So, for the good news...it was a beautiful, balmy day today and I had all of the windows open and the cross breeze was divine. I love this time of year when we can have the windows open to enjoy the fresh air.
I am excited to see my son and my grandchildren who are visiting from Denver tomorrow. Well, I am visiting them tomorrow although they arrived Wednesday night. I am especially looking forward to seeing the kids because I haven't seen them for 16 months! It's another of the downsides of being unemployed. Travel has stopped completely and I sure miss it!
I love sending cards to my friends and to my family. Texts, e-mails, and Facebook are wonderful ways to communicate but I am a firm believer that it is still very exciting to get something in the mail besides a bill or an advertisement! Letter writing is becoming a lost art and it's too bad. I have letters I received over 40 years ago and they are incorporated into a part of my life's history. I'd hate not to have that, wouldn't you? So when you have a moment and you are walking by the greeting card section in any store, take a moment to look at the cards (some are quite amusing) and grab one and send it to someone you care about. I guarantee you that it will make their day and come back to you tenfold!
Prince William and Kate Middleton get married tomorrow. I wonder how they are feeling tonight!!!! Probably like anyone about to be married except intensified by a million percent! I'll bet it is going to be so beautiful and I have my DVR set to record so I can enjoy it at my leisure. I am excited to see her dress and how she will wear her hair and ALL OF IT!!! It's a fairy tale! The Prince has found his Princess and hopefully they will live happily ever after! That's the way it should be anyhow, or so I read many years ago.
Hope you are having a terrific day (or night!). Expect a miracle and remember, the best is yet to come!
So, for the good news...it was a beautiful, balmy day today and I had all of the windows open and the cross breeze was divine. I love this time of year when we can have the windows open to enjoy the fresh air.
I am excited to see my son and my grandchildren who are visiting from Denver tomorrow. Well, I am visiting them tomorrow although they arrived Wednesday night. I am especially looking forward to seeing the kids because I haven't seen them for 16 months! It's another of the downsides of being unemployed. Travel has stopped completely and I sure miss it!
I love sending cards to my friends and to my family. Texts, e-mails, and Facebook are wonderful ways to communicate but I am a firm believer that it is still very exciting to get something in the mail besides a bill or an advertisement! Letter writing is becoming a lost art and it's too bad. I have letters I received over 40 years ago and they are incorporated into a part of my life's history. I'd hate not to have that, wouldn't you? So when you have a moment and you are walking by the greeting card section in any store, take a moment to look at the cards (some are quite amusing) and grab one and send it to someone you care about. I guarantee you that it will make their day and come back to you tenfold!
Prince William and Kate Middleton get married tomorrow. I wonder how they are feeling tonight!!!! Probably like anyone about to be married except intensified by a million percent! I'll bet it is going to be so beautiful and I have my DVR set to record so I can enjoy it at my leisure. I am excited to see her dress and how she will wear her hair and ALL OF IT!!! It's a fairy tale! The Prince has found his Princess and hopefully they will live happily ever after! That's the way it should be anyhow, or so I read many years ago.
Hope you are having a terrific day (or night!). Expect a miracle and remember, the best is yet to come!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hump Day...! - Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I should be up cleaning the kitchen floor since I took everything except the table out of the kitchen yesterday yet here I sit! This is much more fun and I'm all about fun today.
Monday I went to an interview at a staffing agency and when she called (yes, this one called me) I thought she had an "imminent" position and I completed all the paperwork, including tax information, and sat and chatted with the "Recruiting Specialist" and went over my resume. She thanked me for my time and told me that she may need me to come back and take some tests and I said "Bring them on!" and here it is Wednesday and I've not heard another word from her.
Same day around 5:30pm I got a call from another recruiting specialist who is in Tampa who also saw my resume online. He told me about a position he thought I would be a good candidate for and I felt a little excited. So he sent me the information via e-mail and then asked for something so sacred I couldn't believe he was asking me to tell him over the telephone or by e-mail and I wondered if he was a scammer. He asked for my social security number.
Now what is the one thing you always hear about your social security number? Do NOT give it to anyone over the telephone or by e-mail. But, guess what?! After "Googling" the job position and the agency I decided what the heck and I called him back and gave him my ssn. He said AT&T has their own way of doing things and they will not accept any candidate without the SSN. Now I may be crazy to have done this or so desperate for a job that I am throwing caution to the wind, but if anyone tries to use my SSN to get credit, well they will get what they deserve which is NOTHING!
I read an article last night about a young woman, 23, who lost her $50,000 a year job and ultimately ended up homeless and then blogged and wrote a book about it. It was an interesting article and really a bit frightening because it's as if we are in a mini-depression but it is not so well-covered by the media so there is the "illusion" that everything is okay and we all love our illusions, don't we. She finally found a job that she likes and is back "in business" so I am happy for her. I guess the premise was, "see, it worked out for me and it can work out for you, too." Apparently there are many, many people, especially in California where she lives (and in Georgia, where I live) that are looking for a job. I never thought in my lifetime that I would find myself in a position where I am ready to work and can't find a job.
That may all change tomorrow though and I am going to enjoy my day. I am hopeful and optimistic and what's the worse that could happen? Well, let's change that thought...what's the BEST that could happen and I'll hold that energy today! For now, it's all good.
My children are healthy, happy (and employed) and my health is still good and I am definitely "employable." I am certain something will open up for me by the end of...well, better change that because I was going to say by the end of the month but since we're almost there, I'll say by the middle of May. Yep, I'm sure.
So, back to living in the moment and whew! It is really ALL good! I have the entire day to do whatever I want to do. I made a pot of espresso and steamed some milk with thick foam, just the way I like it and since I had one little, tiny bottle (the kind you buy in the liquor store that are called "mini's," I think) of Grand Marnier left, I decided to go ahead and add it to the mix and yum! yum! What a treat and it feels so decadent to be having alcohol before noon. Almost like being on vacation and having a Bloody Mary (or two) to start the day! For today, I consider myself on vacation!
I am going to play some music that I love (perhaps some Uriah Heep, "Demons and Wizards") so that I can sing along at the top of my lungs because there's no one to hear but me and now that Wizzie is deaf, it won't bother him either. I am going to go in and give my kitchen floor a deep steam cleaning and change some things around, reorganize a cabinet and clean the refrigerator. Oh, what did you say? Am I boring you?
Well, it helps me to feel happy when things are clean and organized so I try to stay on top of it!
I made it to the gym several times last week but even with my best intentions haven't made it yet this week but maybe later today? I have seen Water for Elephants twice now. I am obsessed with Robert Pattinson but only in my dreams. He makes me wish I were 21 again or perhaps it is that he makes me REMEMBER what it felt to be 21. He seems to be a genuine, good person who has done well and I wish him continued success and happiness with the love of his life who seems to be his co-star in the Twilight Saga, Kristen Stewart. They are a little wierd about their relationship but whatever makes them happy! I can't even begin to imagine what life would be under the media glare they live on a daily basis and I've seen pictures where I would love to smack down the photographer and tell him to just leave them the hell alone. It's just part of it, I guess, but not a very enjoyable part for them. Anyhow, I loved the movie and I think he acted the part well and I will probably see it again. I enjoyed his movie "Remember Me" and cried buckets at the end. It was a great movie and I don't understand why the critics tear his movies up so badly because they are as good, if not better, than a lot of the movies out there. I think if "Crazy Heart" which is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen, could win an Oscar, then Robert certainly deserves one for WFE!!!!
There's a slight breeze through my open window ruffling the curtains. I can hear my wind chime tinking and a bird is singing. I'm glad I sat down to write because I am cheered as a result.
I have been doing my "morning pages" (from "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron) but sporadically and when I do, I feel great! I self-motivate more often than not but some mornings, I just sleep in because I can and I know when I finally "retire" for good, sleeping in will be something I do several times a week. I'm not one who wants to "waste time" sleeping, normally, because there is so much to do!
Soon, I will have my studio BACK and I can't wait to get started "creating" again! Expect to see paintings, cards, paper and I don't know what else will flow but it will all be fun!!!! I'm still holding the dream of my own little motor home and doing arts/crafts shows! It will happen! I am confounded by gas prices and hope they get back DOWN (which is unlikely) before I hit the road in about 6 years! Still, it is a nice dream.
So, that's it...it is ALL ABOUT ME...right? No, it's about US! WE need to stay positive and motivated. Don't let the "news" get US down, look for the GOOD, the PURE, the POWERFUL, the POSITIVE and the OPTIMISTIC because it has been said that you WILL find what you are looking for so make sure you're looking for the right stuff!
Now...on to my kitchen and on with the day. I'm about finished with my cappucino's (hey...Jess & Arlo...I'm still using the expresso machine y'all gave me for Christmas some years (eons?) back! It's still working great and I love that you guys gave it to me! It is a gift that has been well appreciated!).
Okay, I'm done for today. I hope YOU have an awesome day...if you have a job...give it your best. If you don't and you want one (like me), keep sending out those resumes and while you're waiting for that perfect position, ENJOY the time and make the most of it. It is so easy to get depressed. I know, believe me! Perhaps tomorrow I can write about suicide thoughts but then again, maybe not because that is SO negative but I will jump out there and admit, it's a thought that has once or twice crossed my mind...but briefly. Anyhow, that's a topic for another day and I am here to help not only myself but anyone who reads my blog to stay POSITIVE and MOTIVATED and if not happy, at least to be able to see the JOY in the day. It is a great day to be alive and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!! And so it is! Namaste!
Monday I went to an interview at a staffing agency and when she called (yes, this one called me) I thought she had an "imminent" position and I completed all the paperwork, including tax information, and sat and chatted with the "Recruiting Specialist" and went over my resume. She thanked me for my time and told me that she may need me to come back and take some tests and I said "Bring them on!" and here it is Wednesday and I've not heard another word from her.
Same day around 5:30pm I got a call from another recruiting specialist who is in Tampa who also saw my resume online. He told me about a position he thought I would be a good candidate for and I felt a little excited. So he sent me the information via e-mail and then asked for something so sacred I couldn't believe he was asking me to tell him over the telephone or by e-mail and I wondered if he was a scammer. He asked for my social security number.
Now what is the one thing you always hear about your social security number? Do NOT give it to anyone over the telephone or by e-mail. But, guess what?! After "Googling" the job position and the agency I decided what the heck and I called him back and gave him my ssn. He said AT&T has their own way of doing things and they will not accept any candidate without the SSN. Now I may be crazy to have done this or so desperate for a job that I am throwing caution to the wind, but if anyone tries to use my SSN to get credit, well they will get what they deserve which is NOTHING!
I read an article last night about a young woman, 23, who lost her $50,000 a year job and ultimately ended up homeless and then blogged and wrote a book about it. It was an interesting article and really a bit frightening because it's as if we are in a mini-depression but it is not so well-covered by the media so there is the "illusion" that everything is okay and we all love our illusions, don't we. She finally found a job that she likes and is back "in business" so I am happy for her. I guess the premise was, "see, it worked out for me and it can work out for you, too." Apparently there are many, many people, especially in California where she lives (and in Georgia, where I live) that are looking for a job. I never thought in my lifetime that I would find myself in a position where I am ready to work and can't find a job.
That may all change tomorrow though and I am going to enjoy my day. I am hopeful and optimistic and what's the worse that could happen? Well, let's change that thought...what's the BEST that could happen and I'll hold that energy today! For now, it's all good.
My children are healthy, happy (and employed) and my health is still good and I am definitely "employable." I am certain something will open up for me by the end of...well, better change that because I was going to say by the end of the month but since we're almost there, I'll say by the middle of May. Yep, I'm sure.
So, back to living in the moment and whew! It is really ALL good! I have the entire day to do whatever I want to do. I made a pot of espresso and steamed some milk with thick foam, just the way I like it and since I had one little, tiny bottle (the kind you buy in the liquor store that are called "mini's," I think) of Grand Marnier left, I decided to go ahead and add it to the mix and yum! yum! What a treat and it feels so decadent to be having alcohol before noon. Almost like being on vacation and having a Bloody Mary (or two) to start the day! For today, I consider myself on vacation!
I am going to play some music that I love (perhaps some Uriah Heep, "Demons and Wizards") so that I can sing along at the top of my lungs because there's no one to hear but me and now that Wizzie is deaf, it won't bother him either. I am going to go in and give my kitchen floor a deep steam cleaning and change some things around, reorganize a cabinet and clean the refrigerator. Oh, what did you say? Am I boring you?
Well, it helps me to feel happy when things are clean and organized so I try to stay on top of it!
I made it to the gym several times last week but even with my best intentions haven't made it yet this week but maybe later today? I have seen Water for Elephants twice now. I am obsessed with Robert Pattinson but only in my dreams. He makes me wish I were 21 again or perhaps it is that he makes me REMEMBER what it felt to be 21. He seems to be a genuine, good person who has done well and I wish him continued success and happiness with the love of his life who seems to be his co-star in the Twilight Saga, Kristen Stewart. They are a little wierd about their relationship but whatever makes them happy! I can't even begin to imagine what life would be under the media glare they live on a daily basis and I've seen pictures where I would love to smack down the photographer and tell him to just leave them the hell alone. It's just part of it, I guess, but not a very enjoyable part for them. Anyhow, I loved the movie and I think he acted the part well and I will probably see it again. I enjoyed his movie "Remember Me" and cried buckets at the end. It was a great movie and I don't understand why the critics tear his movies up so badly because they are as good, if not better, than a lot of the movies out there. I think if "Crazy Heart" which is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen, could win an Oscar, then Robert certainly deserves one for WFE!!!!
There's a slight breeze through my open window ruffling the curtains. I can hear my wind chime tinking and a bird is singing. I'm glad I sat down to write because I am cheered as a result.
I have been doing my "morning pages" (from "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron) but sporadically and when I do, I feel great! I self-motivate more often than not but some mornings, I just sleep in because I can and I know when I finally "retire" for good, sleeping in will be something I do several times a week. I'm not one who wants to "waste time" sleeping, normally, because there is so much to do!
Soon, I will have my studio BACK and I can't wait to get started "creating" again! Expect to see paintings, cards, paper and I don't know what else will flow but it will all be fun!!!! I'm still holding the dream of my own little motor home and doing arts/crafts shows! It will happen! I am confounded by gas prices and hope they get back DOWN (which is unlikely) before I hit the road in about 6 years! Still, it is a nice dream.
So, that's it...it is ALL ABOUT ME...right? No, it's about US! WE need to stay positive and motivated. Don't let the "news" get US down, look for the GOOD, the PURE, the POWERFUL, the POSITIVE and the OPTIMISTIC because it has been said that you WILL find what you are looking for so make sure you're looking for the right stuff!
Now...on to my kitchen and on with the day. I'm about finished with my cappucino's (hey...Jess & Arlo...I'm still using the expresso machine y'all gave me for Christmas some years (eons?) back! It's still working great and I love that you guys gave it to me! It is a gift that has been well appreciated!).
Okay, I'm done for today. I hope YOU have an awesome day...if you have a job...give it your best. If you don't and you want one (like me), keep sending out those resumes and while you're waiting for that perfect position, ENJOY the time and make the most of it. It is so easy to get depressed. I know, believe me! Perhaps tomorrow I can write about suicide thoughts but then again, maybe not because that is SO negative but I will jump out there and admit, it's a thought that has once or twice crossed my mind...but briefly. Anyhow, that's a topic for another day and I am here to help not only myself but anyone who reads my blog to stay POSITIVE and MOTIVATED and if not happy, at least to be able to see the JOY in the day. It is a great day to be alive and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!! And so it is! Namaste!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Still transitioning...
Occurred to me that I need to get back to blogging especially since I'm in a job search once again and find the going rough! I heard it said that when the going gets tough, the tough get going and I've been trying. I've sent out hundreds of resumes and been to several interviews but I either come on too strong or not strong enough and it's hard to know what is expected anymore. There was a time when I was a one-interview person and if I could get the interview, I always got the job, if I wanted it. I am not finding that to be the case this time around.
I am not giving up though and I keep sending out my resumes every single day knowing that at some point, hopefully in the very near future, "the Universe will provide." I am doing my part, that's for sure.
It seems when there are "woes" in life, at least in my life, they seem to all lump up at the same time. I whine a bit but then I try to find a place of positivity and focus again and I'm trying hard to be there right now although it is an uphill event for me. So, I try to write my "gratitude" list in the mornings to remind myself of all the many blessings that are in my life and the many things for which I am grateful. It works for a little while.
Of course, if I don't find a job soon, I will find myself unable to make my mortgage payments and will become one of the homeless which is a scary thought to me. I can see how it happens though and that's something I never thought I would see. I've been working since I was 12 years old, non-stop except for a few years here and there when I stayed home with the kids and even then I watched other children. Now, I find myself one of the "more mature" employees and no one seems to want a "mature, professional" and it surprises me because if I were hiring, I would be thrilled to find someone with my experience, professionalism and skills especially since I am willing to accept a job making much less than what I know I am capable of earning. No one seems to want an "old bird" no matter how skilled and I am sure if I were 25 I would have had no problem getting one of the jobs I'm applying for so I am screaming "age discrimination" but I have absolutely no recourse and that's the most frustrating thing about looking for a job right now for me.
I just found out that the job I had wanted and interviewed for last week that is only one mile from my house and which I could do in probably half the time they have allotted and bring many added qualities and benefits to the position does not want to hire me and they say it's because I have only 3 years experience with Quickbooks. Well, that's a BS reason because I have been working with Quickbooks since the product was first released. I have sold it, trained others how to use it, set up different companies books on QB and so to give me a BS reason like they want someone with more QB experience makes my stomach queasy. Just say it like it is and that's that you want a YOUNGER employee. I guess that just proves they are NOT the company I'd want to work for anyhow if they are so limited and narrow in their thinking.
Well, that's my vent for this morning. I am feeling angry and aggravated so I think I'll put on some yard clothes and go dig in the dirt. That always makes me feel better. At least I can tend a flower bed and it responds lovingly.
I am still hoping for a good job in the very near future. I've been drawing unemployment for 13 weeks and I want to WORK! I WANT A JOB! I don't want to be on unemployment and I have mad skills and can't understand why some progressive company is not scarfing me up. Craziness. Pure craziness!
Going to dig in the dirt. Tomorrow is a new day and a perfect job may open up for me tomorrow. Hope your day is happy and productive! Namaste!
I am not giving up though and I keep sending out my resumes every single day knowing that at some point, hopefully in the very near future, "the Universe will provide." I am doing my part, that's for sure.
It seems when there are "woes" in life, at least in my life, they seem to all lump up at the same time. I whine a bit but then I try to find a place of positivity and focus again and I'm trying hard to be there right now although it is an uphill event for me. So, I try to write my "gratitude" list in the mornings to remind myself of all the many blessings that are in my life and the many things for which I am grateful. It works for a little while.
Of course, if I don't find a job soon, I will find myself unable to make my mortgage payments and will become one of the homeless which is a scary thought to me. I can see how it happens though and that's something I never thought I would see. I've been working since I was 12 years old, non-stop except for a few years here and there when I stayed home with the kids and even then I watched other children. Now, I find myself one of the "more mature" employees and no one seems to want a "mature, professional" and it surprises me because if I were hiring, I would be thrilled to find someone with my experience, professionalism and skills especially since I am willing to accept a job making much less than what I know I am capable of earning. No one seems to want an "old bird" no matter how skilled and I am sure if I were 25 I would have had no problem getting one of the jobs I'm applying for so I am screaming "age discrimination" but I have absolutely no recourse and that's the most frustrating thing about looking for a job right now for me.
I just found out that the job I had wanted and interviewed for last week that is only one mile from my house and which I could do in probably half the time they have allotted and bring many added qualities and benefits to the position does not want to hire me and they say it's because I have only 3 years experience with Quickbooks. Well, that's a BS reason because I have been working with Quickbooks since the product was first released. I have sold it, trained others how to use it, set up different companies books on QB and so to give me a BS reason like they want someone with more QB experience makes my stomach queasy. Just say it like it is and that's that you want a YOUNGER employee. I guess that just proves they are NOT the company I'd want to work for anyhow if they are so limited and narrow in their thinking.
Well, that's my vent for this morning. I am feeling angry and aggravated so I think I'll put on some yard clothes and go dig in the dirt. That always makes me feel better. At least I can tend a flower bed and it responds lovingly.
I am still hoping for a good job in the very near future. I've been drawing unemployment for 13 weeks and I want to WORK! I WANT A JOB! I don't want to be on unemployment and I have mad skills and can't understand why some progressive company is not scarfing me up. Craziness. Pure craziness!
Going to dig in the dirt. Tomorrow is a new day and a perfect job may open up for me tomorrow. Hope your day is happy and productive! Namaste!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Time marches on...January 27, 2011
I started to blog and then was interrupted and now I'm blocked! My best time for writing is in the early morning, just after I finish my morning work. Seems that's the best time for me to connect and find the inspiration and direction for what I need to write.
Now, it's 1:54pm and half the day is gone and so is my creative inspiration because I'm in "doing" mode instead of "thinking" mode. I'm off an running with my list of what needs to be accomplished this day before the sun sets.
I will also do something for ME today, too. I'm beginning to understand how important it is that we treat ourselves as we would others and that means TIME for what brings us joy and happiness.
I'm on Day 9 of my morning pages so I am being consistent and that feels good! Tomorrow I am going to start water aerobics and lots of fun stuff is up for the weekend so I won't blog again until Monday.
I am going to make every effort to get the Spiritual Learning Center on Sunday. I feel very strongly that I need to check it out.
So, as time is marching on and the day is getting by me I will say that it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Namaste!
Now, it's 1:54pm and half the day is gone and so is my creative inspiration because I'm in "doing" mode instead of "thinking" mode. I'm off an running with my list of what needs to be accomplished this day before the sun sets.
I will also do something for ME today, too. I'm beginning to understand how important it is that we treat ourselves as we would others and that means TIME for what brings us joy and happiness.
I'm on Day 9 of my morning pages so I am being consistent and that feels good! Tomorrow I am going to start water aerobics and lots of fun stuff is up for the weekend so I won't blog again until Monday.
I am going to make every effort to get the Spiritual Learning Center on Sunday. I feel very strongly that I need to check it out.
So, as time is marching on and the day is getting by me I will say that it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Namaste!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Breathe Deeply and Relax! ~ January 23, 2011
I didn't go to the Center for Spirit Living today although it is on my list for next Sunday. One of my life lessons is to slow down, balance and take things step by step.
I began the creative cluster last Tuesday night and with that group came my new commitment to completing my morning pages every day. I have been consistent and as a result, "things" are happening. Synchronistic, spontaneous, spiritual, and interesting experiences are occurring with such rapidity I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I find I am having to "cool my jets" because I am in fast forward. Sometimes it feels as if I'm traveling so fast that everything is a blur and I WANT TO SEE the scenery along the way. Do you know what I mean?
So much is coming to me at once and I need time to process everything. I need to stop, breath deeply and then breathe deeply again. My friend Kris says that I over analyze everything and that I "talk a point to death" and she may be right but this is my way of processing. We all process life differently and I think perhaps that is what keeps life interesting, at least from my perspective.
Kris, for all her crabbing about me, is a true gift from God to me. She is a dear friend and we met at a weekend retreat in Dahlonega, Georgia. The retreat,for Kris, if I remember correctly, was a gift from her daughter(s) and she came with a friend. Kris is from Virginia so it was an unlikely crossing of paths but as I said, I believe God brought her to me or us to each other. I was there to enjoy the retreat with my friend who was facilitating the retreat and I'd gifted the retreat to another friend so she could enjoy some relaxation, too. The retreat meant something different to Kris than it did to most of us there but the main thing that happened for me that weekend, was that our paths crossed and we became friends.
Because of that meeting, my life has been enriched in so many ways and I have had experiences that I could never, ever have conceived if I had not had that chance meeting. I won't go into all of the wonderful experiences in the blog today but suffice it to say, it has been EPIC!
Imagine being in the high Andes of Peru, in the middle of Lake Titicaca in a boat made of Torturo reeds by a Uros Indian. Lake Titicaca is supposed to be the highest navigable lake in the world at approximately 12,630 ft. The Inca believed that their first ruler and his sister emerged from a cave on an island in the lake, and that at creation the sun itself rose from the waters of the lake. It was a very spiritual place and I was there with Kris!
You know, you just never know what a day will bring. Each day is a gift. In 2003 the daily gifts were exotic and brand new and nothing I could have imagined. It HAD TO BE EXPERIENCED!
Today was not as exciting as day waking up in a lodge beside the sacred Urubamba River in Acqua Calientes at the foot of Macchu Picchu but it was a good day here in Buford, Georgia...and within ME is the memory of that morning I woke up, after a refreshing nights sleep with the window thrown open. I slept under warm, alpaca blankets with the sounds of the rushing river lulling me to a peaceful slumber. This is the view from my window. But my main point is that had I never met Kris at that retreat, I would NEVER had had this experience and many more just like them. She has been a friend and a mentor and a travelling companion and teacher...a true gift to me for which I shall be eternally grateful!
The morning after our night in Acqua Calientes, Kris and I rode in a bus, up a long, winding road to the very top of the mountain to see the ruins at Macchu Picchu. All the books I'd read, all the pictures I'd viewed and even a video or two did not prepare me for the actuality of Macchu Picchu. It had to be felt! I had to stand there with my feet on the ground, sacred ground and wonder how in the world those ruins got up there so far from everything and so high above everything. It was magical.
Words cannot adequately express my physical, spiritual and emotional experience there.
Speaking of a peaceful slumber, I'm writing this in the evening and it's about time for just that...peaceful slumber. So, I will wish you pleasant dreams and a start to a terrific week!
I began the creative cluster last Tuesday night and with that group came my new commitment to completing my morning pages every day. I have been consistent and as a result, "things" are happening. Synchronistic, spontaneous, spiritual, and interesting experiences are occurring with such rapidity I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I find I am having to "cool my jets" because I am in fast forward. Sometimes it feels as if I'm traveling so fast that everything is a blur and I WANT TO SEE the scenery along the way. Do you know what I mean?
So much is coming to me at once and I need time to process everything. I need to stop, breath deeply and then breathe deeply again. My friend Kris says that I over analyze everything and that I "talk a point to death" and she may be right but this is my way of processing. We all process life differently and I think perhaps that is what keeps life interesting, at least from my perspective.
Kris, for all her crabbing about me, is a true gift from God to me. She is a dear friend and we met at a weekend retreat in Dahlonega, Georgia. The retreat,for Kris, if I remember correctly, was a gift from her daughter(s) and she came with a friend. Kris is from Virginia so it was an unlikely crossing of paths but as I said, I believe God brought her to me or us to each other. I was there to enjoy the retreat with my friend who was facilitating the retreat and I'd gifted the retreat to another friend so she could enjoy some relaxation, too. The retreat meant something different to Kris than it did to most of us there but the main thing that happened for me that weekend, was that our paths crossed and we became friends.
Because of that meeting, my life has been enriched in so many ways and I have had experiences that I could never, ever have conceived if I had not had that chance meeting. I won't go into all of the wonderful experiences in the blog today but suffice it to say, it has been EPIC!
Imagine being in the high Andes of Peru, in the middle of Lake Titicaca in a boat made of Torturo reeds by a Uros Indian. Lake Titicaca is supposed to be the highest navigable lake in the world at approximately 12,630 ft. The Inca believed that their first ruler and his sister emerged from a cave on an island in the lake, and that at creation the sun itself rose from the waters of the lake. It was a very spiritual place and I was there with Kris!
You know, you just never know what a day will bring. Each day is a gift. In 2003 the daily gifts were exotic and brand new and nothing I could have imagined. It HAD TO BE EXPERIENCED!
Today was not as exciting as day waking up in a lodge beside the sacred Urubamba River in Acqua Calientes at the foot of Macchu Picchu but it was a good day here in Buford, Georgia...and within ME is the memory of that morning I woke up, after a refreshing nights sleep with the window thrown open. I slept under warm, alpaca blankets with the sounds of the rushing river lulling me to a peaceful slumber. This is the view from my window. But my main point is that had I never met Kris at that retreat, I would NEVER had had this experience and many more just like them. She has been a friend and a mentor and a travelling companion and teacher...a true gift to me for which I shall be eternally grateful!
The morning after our night in Acqua Calientes, Kris and I rode in a bus, up a long, winding road to the very top of the mountain to see the ruins at Macchu Picchu. All the books I'd read, all the pictures I'd viewed and even a video or two did not prepare me for the actuality of Macchu Picchu. It had to be felt! I had to stand there with my feet on the ground, sacred ground and wonder how in the world those ruins got up there so far from everything and so high above everything. It was magical.
Words cannot adequately express my physical, spiritual and emotional experience there.
Speaking of a peaceful slumber, I'm writing this in the evening and it's about time for just that...peaceful slumber. So, I will wish you pleasant dreams and a start to a terrific week!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Celebration of Life - January 21, 2011
Today is my daughter's birthday and I am feeling very fortunate and blessed to have her as my daughter. The birth of each of my children was such a miracle and a wonder to me. I chose to have natural childbirth and my husband was with me for the birth of all three and he was the perfect partner for me for the birthing process. He was there as my support person and his being there was a comfort to me and I am grateful to him.
We took LaMaze classes before each of them and after our first child, Joshua was born, we went to the class behind us and shared our experience. It was a 24-hour labor but I had read enough and practiced enough that I was able to get through it without having drugs. I knew exactly what was going on in my body and I worked with it. It felt like the right thing to do, for me and I was very much in the moment and at the moment of birth, it was as if the entire room was lit with bright light and I knew the angels were dancing this day. It felt like that with each of them.
Two years later, for Jessica's birth, we chose a different method (since we were "seasoned" birthers) and she was born in a room with dimmed lights and was delivered into a tub of warm water and her cord was not cut until it had stopped pulsating. She never cried once but her eyes were open wide and I don't think I have ever seen more beautiful or perfect lips.
Fast forward nine years and our third child, a daughter was brought into the world in the midst of the family. We all had a job to do. Joshua was eleven and Jessica was nine. We took them to classes so they would not be intimated by any part of the birthing process and they had a coach who was with them during the birth. She was my best friend. My husband delivered Jenny. Joshua cut the cord. Jessica accompanied her for her PKU tests. It was a bonding and very powerful experience for all of us. I have a picture of Joshua holding Jenny just after birth and they are gazing into each other's eyes and it is one of my most prized photographs.
Were the births painfree? Heck no! Were they worth the pain? Heck yes! Was it managable? Yes, it was because I had prepared myself, mentally, physically, and emotionally. What I hadn't expected was the gift of the spiritual connection I felt as each came into this world. I can't even describe the feeling as it must be experienced for one to understand. Those three moments were the defining moments in my life. The BEST three moments of my life and a time when there was absolutely no doubt in mind that God IS and the flood of emotions were so powerful that I can only hope the passing on (or death) experience is as powerful. In my deepest heart, I believe the coming and going are similar experiences. The angels danced the day they were born and I joined in the celebration.
So, happy birthday to my sweet daughter, Jessica! All three of my children came into this world under the sign of Aquarius. What does that mean? It's something I've pondered over time. I'm still not sure!
So, today is a CELEBRATION OF LIFE! I celebrate the day new life came into my world and I celebrate Jessica for being the one! I wish all expectant mother's the same joy of birth.
I have to take Mom to the Kidney Center in Gainesville today. I have a bike rack on the back of the Mustang where I hang her wheelchair. It works for us! My Mom was out cold when I was born and didn't even recover until hours after I came into the world. Makes me feel sad for her. She had a "spinal" which was a complete deadening from the waist down and then they put her asleep so the doctor could deliver me. Seems such a cold way to be born and it's no wonder I suffered from colic as a baby. Oh, that's for another day.
I'm grateful I was able to have the birthing experiences that I did and I am glad I was born into the world at the time and place I was born. It was perfect for me.
Today is a GREAT day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Off to the Kidney Center!
We took LaMaze classes before each of them and after our first child, Joshua was born, we went to the class behind us and shared our experience. It was a 24-hour labor but I had read enough and practiced enough that I was able to get through it without having drugs. I knew exactly what was going on in my body and I worked with it. It felt like the right thing to do, for me and I was very much in the moment and at the moment of birth, it was as if the entire room was lit with bright light and I knew the angels were dancing this day. It felt like that with each of them.
Two years later, for Jessica's birth, we chose a different method (since we were "seasoned" birthers) and she was born in a room with dimmed lights and was delivered into a tub of warm water and her cord was not cut until it had stopped pulsating. She never cried once but her eyes were open wide and I don't think I have ever seen more beautiful or perfect lips.
Fast forward nine years and our third child, a daughter was brought into the world in the midst of the family. We all had a job to do. Joshua was eleven and Jessica was nine. We took them to classes so they would not be intimated by any part of the birthing process and they had a coach who was with them during the birth. She was my best friend. My husband delivered Jenny. Joshua cut the cord. Jessica accompanied her for her PKU tests. It was a bonding and very powerful experience for all of us. I have a picture of Joshua holding Jenny just after birth and they are gazing into each other's eyes and it is one of my most prized photographs.
Were the births painfree? Heck no! Were they worth the pain? Heck yes! Was it managable? Yes, it was because I had prepared myself, mentally, physically, and emotionally. What I hadn't expected was the gift of the spiritual connection I felt as each came into this world. I can't even describe the feeling as it must be experienced for one to understand. Those three moments were the defining moments in my life. The BEST three moments of my life and a time when there was absolutely no doubt in mind that God IS and the flood of emotions were so powerful that I can only hope the passing on (or death) experience is as powerful. In my deepest heart, I believe the coming and going are similar experiences. The angels danced the day they were born and I joined in the celebration.
So, happy birthday to my sweet daughter, Jessica! All three of my children came into this world under the sign of Aquarius. What does that mean? It's something I've pondered over time. I'm still not sure!
So, today is a CELEBRATION OF LIFE! I celebrate the day new life came into my world and I celebrate Jessica for being the one! I wish all expectant mother's the same joy of birth.
I have to take Mom to the Kidney Center in Gainesville today. I have a bike rack on the back of the Mustang where I hang her wheelchair. It works for us! My Mom was out cold when I was born and didn't even recover until hours after I came into the world. Makes me feel sad for her. She had a "spinal" which was a complete deadening from the waist down and then they put her asleep so the doctor could deliver me. Seems such a cold way to be born and it's no wonder I suffered from colic as a baby. Oh, that's for another day.
I'm grateful I was able to have the birthing experiences that I did and I am glad I was born into the world at the time and place I was born. It was perfect for me.
Today is a GREAT day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Off to the Kidney Center!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
There is always a flow!
Penney Pierce in "The Intuitive Way" says "...there is always a flow, and you can enter it whenever you choose and stay in it as long as you want." I realize that in my life, I have stepped in and out of the flow and it was necessary to have the experiences I needed to grow.
I have been getting the message that I need to find a home for my spirituality where I am with others who are on a similar journey. With perfect synchronicity and in going with my intuition, this morning, somehow and I can't even tell you how but I was led to the website of Dr. Ken Wilcox at the Center for Spiritual Living in Atlanta. He is affiliated with Science of Mind which I have been loosely studying since 1998 when my dear friend, Sam (I miss you!) took me to the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta for my first experience at the Science of Mind Church. It was my "next step" and exactly what I needed then and now. I completely identify with the teachings and they feel right to me. On Sunday, I will go to the Center for Spiritual Living in Atlanta and see if it really is "home." It may be just what I need for NOW and I'm excited. I think I've met him before when I went to a Wednesday night meeting so this will be fun and interesting. If it's not a good fit, I can always go back to the SOM at the Woodruff Arts Center. The church service welcomes all and respects all. I took a friend of mine there once who is a Presbyterian and sometime Episcopalian (depending on who he's married to at the time) and he told me he enjoyed the service but he wouldn't be able to go there because they didn't worship Jesus as the ONE.
He so missed the point of the service and it was a message to me that I didn't get until I'd learned a painful lesson. In SOM, Jesus is A ONE, as Buddha is A ONE and both are respected and revered equally. Jesus is A WAY and Buddha is A WAY and there are countless more WAYS but ultimately, they all lead to GOD. To me, that's the difference between religion and spirituality. I know there are many who agree and many who disagree with me there and that's okay because their truth is their truth and I respect their right to believe as they wish (as long as they don't try to cram it down my throat).
I guess I got off on a tangent there but what's important to me is that from being "in the flow" this came to me this morning. I also got the Heirophant in the Spirit position this morning in my reading. That message was "Seek the presence of a master or teacher. Involve yourself in groups for personal growth." I consider the finding of Dr. Wilcox and the website that said "YOU ARE HOME" to be synchronistic event.
So, that's my spiritual experience for this morning but while doing my morning pages and listening to music, Carlos Nakai's "The Inward Journey" waas playing and immediately my friend Nadyne came to mind. She loves his music and she and I had a less than enthusiastic (or perhaps acrimonious would be a better word) parting and I miss her. I took the Nakai music as a sign I need to be a "bigger person" and call her. I will do that today. It's "on my list."
My Mom's up early today and she's needs my help so I'll have to cut this short this morning and I'm torn between letting my thoughts flow a little longer and getting up and helping her. She can do things on her own but I know she likes for me to do them for her and I like helping her. I try to spend time in the morning and evening giving her my total attention. We all need that and after all, she IS my Mom. Part of me is berating myself for wanting to sit here but I recognize that little voice IMMEDIATELY (because I AM being mindful!) and know that it is perfectly okay for me to want to be SELFish but I am CHOOSING to do something UNSELFish that is really a good thing for my own SELF. See how that all flows in a circle? I love it! Life is so wonderful, don't you agree!
It IS a great day to be alive. The sun is shining, my little Wizzie is right my feet, beautiful music, much to do today, and an opportunity, right now, to do something nice for someone else!
This is from my trip to Alaska with my brother, Jack, in 2005. What an AWESOME experience that was and yet I know....the best is yet to come! My next big dream is rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. Talk about flow...run, River, run! I can't wait.
Wishing you a very happy, joyFULL day!
I have been getting the message that I need to find a home for my spirituality where I am with others who are on a similar journey. With perfect synchronicity and in going with my intuition, this morning, somehow and I can't even tell you how but I was led to the website of Dr. Ken Wilcox at the Center for Spiritual Living in Atlanta. He is affiliated with Science of Mind which I have been loosely studying since 1998 when my dear friend, Sam (I miss you!) took me to the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta for my first experience at the Science of Mind Church. It was my "next step" and exactly what I needed then and now. I completely identify with the teachings and they feel right to me. On Sunday, I will go to the Center for Spiritual Living in Atlanta and see if it really is "home." It may be just what I need for NOW and I'm excited. I think I've met him before when I went to a Wednesday night meeting so this will be fun and interesting. If it's not a good fit, I can always go back to the SOM at the Woodruff Arts Center. The church service welcomes all and respects all. I took a friend of mine there once who is a Presbyterian and sometime Episcopalian (depending on who he's married to at the time) and he told me he enjoyed the service but he wouldn't be able to go there because they didn't worship Jesus as the ONE.
He so missed the point of the service and it was a message to me that I didn't get until I'd learned a painful lesson. In SOM, Jesus is A ONE, as Buddha is A ONE and both are respected and revered equally. Jesus is A WAY and Buddha is A WAY and there are countless more WAYS but ultimately, they all lead to GOD. To me, that's the difference between religion and spirituality. I know there are many who agree and many who disagree with me there and that's okay because their truth is their truth and I respect their right to believe as they wish (as long as they don't try to cram it down my throat).
I guess I got off on a tangent there but what's important to me is that from being "in the flow" this came to me this morning. I also got the Heirophant in the Spirit position this morning in my reading. That message was "Seek the presence of a master or teacher. Involve yourself in groups for personal growth." I consider the finding of Dr. Wilcox and the website that said "YOU ARE HOME" to be synchronistic event.
So, that's my spiritual experience for this morning but while doing my morning pages and listening to music, Carlos Nakai's "The Inward Journey" waas playing and immediately my friend Nadyne came to mind. She loves his music and she and I had a less than enthusiastic (or perhaps acrimonious would be a better word) parting and I miss her. I took the Nakai music as a sign I need to be a "bigger person" and call her. I will do that today. It's "on my list."
My Mom's up early today and she's needs my help so I'll have to cut this short this morning and I'm torn between letting my thoughts flow a little longer and getting up and helping her. She can do things on her own but I know she likes for me to do them for her and I like helping her. I try to spend time in the morning and evening giving her my total attention. We all need that and after all, she IS my Mom. Part of me is berating myself for wanting to sit here but I recognize that little voice IMMEDIATELY (because I AM being mindful!) and know that it is perfectly okay for me to want to be SELFish but I am CHOOSING to do something UNSELFish that is really a good thing for my own SELF. See how that all flows in a circle? I love it! Life is so wonderful, don't you agree!
It IS a great day to be alive. The sun is shining, my little Wizzie is right my feet, beautiful music, much to do today, and an opportunity, right now, to do something nice for someone else!
Wishing you a very happy, joyFULL day!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Going with the flow...01/19/2011
I am bursting with so many ideas this morning that I feel my head is going to explode before I capture my thoughts into some coherent message to share.
We began our Creative Cluster last night and will meet for the next 12 weeks on Tuesday nights. We are basing our sessions on Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" with modifications as needed. The book was published in 1992 and we realized that some of the wording is dated and we've learned (discovered/recovered) more since the book was written. Still, it's a good book with valid and valuable tools for helping us to "discover/recover" even more of our Self through this "journey" together.
I was so stimulated after our meeting that I found it difficult to fall asleep and when I awoke this morning, it was from a dream that I immediately wrote in my morning pages while it was fresh on my mind. Part of the process in the The Artist's Way is to write, long-hand, three pages every morning. These handwritten pages are called the morning pages and are for stream of consciousness writing. We are instructed to do this faithfully, every morning but these pages are not to be looked back upon or shared.
In our creative cluster, we are writers, for the most part with other talents but we especially love writing. To write something and then "let it go" is a difficult thing for us to do. We tend to hang on to everything we write thinking we may need it for something we create in the future. So, in addition to doing our morning pages, we have decided to bring our morning pages to our meeting and have a little ceremony where we burn the previous weeks morning pages. This is a way of teaching ourselves to "let go." We discussed the process of letting go and agreed that letting go is not easy. Letting go of bad relationships. Letting go of toxic friends. Letting go of bad personal images. Letting go of "others" statements or beliefs about us that we know are not truth about who we are so I guess the best example would be letting go of judgments. Hanging on to something or someone who is not in alignment with who we are who we want to be seems to be a life theme. It is very hard to just LET GO!
Burning our morning pages, we are symbolically LETTING GO of anything and everything that does not serve our higher and better good. We are letting go of the old to make room for the new.
One of my messages from my reading this morning was to "learn from water." Once I finished my morning work I pulled "The Tao of Birth Days...using the i-ching to become who you were born to be" by Denny Sargent from my shelf. The book was published in 2000 and I pulled it because my daughter's birthday is coming up on January 21st. I knew there wasfound an interesting message that related to my morning work and it was the first sentence in the book, the Prologue on Page 1 which says in bold letters: "Prologue: Please read!" Denny Sargent wrote: "Sometimes the simplest is the best; in fact, the goal of the Taoist is wei wu wei--"Nothing doing Nothing." This translates as GOING WITH THE FLOW. [emphasis my own].
He says that he is not naturally that type of person and I have to admit that until later in my life, I have not been that type of person either. Yet I am realizing the value of going with the flow and letting go and letting God. When I am able to BE in the flow, life seems to be so much better on all levels. So, how can I BE in the flow? How do I let go and let God?
Those are the questions I ponder yet I know that each of us comes to our own truth in our own time. The Tao tells us that all things happen for a reason and when they are supposed to happen. I wake up in the morning and I am excited at the prospect of a new day. I start my day filling my head with positive affirmations and lifting any problems up to God knowing the solution will appear when the time is right. I try to live my life in divine flow knowing that all that happens in my life is either created or allowed by me so that I can learn and grow and "become who I was born to be." I want to be happy. I believe we all want to be happy. But if we weren't sad once in a while, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the joy and elation of being happy as deeply as we do, don't you think?
I practiced mindfulness this morning. I was listening to music as I was doing my morning work and a violin piece came on. I felt so moved by its beauty that I put aside my pen, paper, books (doing all of this in bed) and went into a meditation pose, closed my eyes,started my deep breathing and totally focused on the sounds I was hearing. What a gift to me that moment in time was because I became one with EVERYTHING. I felt peaceful and connected to the ONENESS of God, Goddess, All There Is. I became the music. When the piece ended another began and it was a piano piece and I lingered at that place of "nothing doing nothing" and I knew without a doubt that I was in divine flow at that moment in time. It was a gift and I gave it to myself. When I refocused on my body and opened my eyes, I realized my cheeks were covered in tears. It was a moment of rapture. I was not only going with the flow but I was the flow. I think everyone should treat themselves to such a moment and I challenge you to gift that to yourself today!
There is so much joy, so much beauty, so much to learn, so much to know, so much to share and we are all capable of doing and being so much more as we travel along our path in life. We are remarkable beings and I marvel at something or someone every day. When I hear music such as I listened to this morning, I know it is a gift from God. I believe we all have gifts from God, every single one of us on this earth has a gift from God. We all have a contribution to make to this world.
I e-mailed Frank Riccio, the artist I mentioned yesterday, to tell him how his work moved me and how much I enjoyed looking at his work and thinking about the symbolism. I searched around on the internet until I found an e-mail address and in doing so was treated to seeing other works of his. He actually wrote back and thanked me for my e-mail. How awesome! I'd like to ask him questions about his creative process. I'm really becoming interested in knowing about the process other artists experience as they create. Anyhow, I'm getting off subject...but going with the flow?!
Well, I am getting wordy as I have a propensity for doing so I will stop now and get on with my day. I have a lot to do today but I am focused on going with the flow. I'm excited and each new day is like unwrapping a gift. I am filling my mind with the good, the pure, the powerful, the positive and the opimistic. (Thank you and God bless you Zig Ziglar!) It IS a GREAT day to be alive and the best is yet to come!
Sending best wishes for a day of going with the flow and enjoying the beauty around you!
[16X20 Acrylic w/sand on canvas - Untitled - by Sabra L. Ray (moi!)
Enjoy and lose yourself "in the flow!"
We began our Creative Cluster last night and will meet for the next 12 weeks on Tuesday nights. We are basing our sessions on Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" with modifications as needed. The book was published in 1992 and we realized that some of the wording is dated and we've learned (discovered/recovered) more since the book was written. Still, it's a good book with valid and valuable tools for helping us to "discover/recover" even more of our Self through this "journey" together.
I was so stimulated after our meeting that I found it difficult to fall asleep and when I awoke this morning, it was from a dream that I immediately wrote in my morning pages while it was fresh on my mind. Part of the process in the The Artist's Way is to write, long-hand, three pages every morning. These handwritten pages are called the morning pages and are for stream of consciousness writing. We are instructed to do this faithfully, every morning but these pages are not to be looked back upon or shared.
In our creative cluster, we are writers, for the most part with other talents but we especially love writing. To write something and then "let it go" is a difficult thing for us to do. We tend to hang on to everything we write thinking we may need it for something we create in the future. So, in addition to doing our morning pages, we have decided to bring our morning pages to our meeting and have a little ceremony where we burn the previous weeks morning pages. This is a way of teaching ourselves to "let go." We discussed the process of letting go and agreed that letting go is not easy. Letting go of bad relationships. Letting go of toxic friends. Letting go of bad personal images. Letting go of "others" statements or beliefs about us that we know are not truth about who we are so I guess the best example would be letting go of judgments. Hanging on to something or someone who is not in alignment with who we are who we want to be seems to be a life theme. It is very hard to just LET GO!
Burning our morning pages, we are symbolically LETTING GO of anything and everything that does not serve our higher and better good. We are letting go of the old to make room for the new.
One of my messages from my reading this morning was to "learn from water." Once I finished my morning work I pulled "The Tao of Birth Days...using the i-ching to become who you were born to be" by Denny Sargent from my shelf. The book was published in 2000 and I pulled it because my daughter's birthday is coming up on January 21st. I knew there wasfound an interesting message that related to my morning work and it was the first sentence in the book, the Prologue on Page 1 which says in bold letters: "Prologue: Please read!" Denny Sargent wrote: "Sometimes the simplest is the best; in fact, the goal of the Taoist is wei wu wei--"Nothing doing Nothing." This translates as GOING WITH THE FLOW. [emphasis my own].
He says that he is not naturally that type of person and I have to admit that until later in my life, I have not been that type of person either. Yet I am realizing the value of going with the flow and letting go and letting God. When I am able to BE in the flow, life seems to be so much better on all levels. So, how can I BE in the flow? How do I let go and let God?
Those are the questions I ponder yet I know that each of us comes to our own truth in our own time. The Tao tells us that all things happen for a reason and when they are supposed to happen. I wake up in the morning and I am excited at the prospect of a new day. I start my day filling my head with positive affirmations and lifting any problems up to God knowing the solution will appear when the time is right. I try to live my life in divine flow knowing that all that happens in my life is either created or allowed by me so that I can learn and grow and "become who I was born to be." I want to be happy. I believe we all want to be happy. But if we weren't sad once in a while, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the joy and elation of being happy as deeply as we do, don't you think?
I practiced mindfulness this morning. I was listening to music as I was doing my morning work and a violin piece came on. I felt so moved by its beauty that I put aside my pen, paper, books (doing all of this in bed) and went into a meditation pose, closed my eyes,started my deep breathing and totally focused on the sounds I was hearing. What a gift to me that moment in time was because I became one with EVERYTHING. I felt peaceful and connected to the ONENESS of God, Goddess, All There Is. I became the music. When the piece ended another began and it was a piano piece and I lingered at that place of "nothing doing nothing" and I knew without a doubt that I was in divine flow at that moment in time. It was a gift and I gave it to myself. When I refocused on my body and opened my eyes, I realized my cheeks were covered in tears. It was a moment of rapture. I was not only going with the flow but I was the flow. I think everyone should treat themselves to such a moment and I challenge you to gift that to yourself today!
There is so much joy, so much beauty, so much to learn, so much to know, so much to share and we are all capable of doing and being so much more as we travel along our path in life. We are remarkable beings and I marvel at something or someone every day. When I hear music such as I listened to this morning, I know it is a gift from God. I believe we all have gifts from God, every single one of us on this earth has a gift from God. We all have a contribution to make to this world.
I e-mailed Frank Riccio, the artist I mentioned yesterday, to tell him how his work moved me and how much I enjoyed looking at his work and thinking about the symbolism. I searched around on the internet until I found an e-mail address and in doing so was treated to seeing other works of his. He actually wrote back and thanked me for my e-mail. How awesome! I'd like to ask him questions about his creative process. I'm really becoming interested in knowing about the process other artists experience as they create. Anyhow, I'm getting off subject...but going with the flow
Well, I am getting wordy as I have a propensity for doing so I will stop now and get on with my day. I have a lot to do today but I am focused on going with the flow. I'm excited and each new day is like unwrapping a gift. I am filling my mind with the good, the pure, the powerful, the positive and the opimistic. (Thank you and God bless you Zig Ziglar!) It IS a GREAT day to be alive and the best is yet to come!
Sending best wishes for a day of going with the flow and enjoying the beauty around you!
[16X20 Acrylic w/sand on canvas - Untitled - by Sabra L. Ray (moi!)
Enjoy and lose yourself "in the flow!"

Denny Sargent,
Frank Riccio,
i ching,
Julia Cameron,
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Abundance and Love - January 18, 2011
I bought the book "Abounding River" by Matthew and Terces Englelhart as a gift to myself for 2011. The cover promises "an unfamiliar view of being abundant." In the introduction, they tell me that this book "is a Spiritual perspective and practice and is designed for people who already have a spiritual connection in their lives, or for those who are willing to open up to one, particularly in the area of abundance! Which may only look like you are simple tired of living with LACK!"
The book includes a 42-day process which can transform the reader's (me...you)thinking from one of lack to abundance. For anyone interested, I bought the book online. The Englehart's own, among other things, a restaurant on Shattuck Street in Berkeley that I visited with friends called Cafe Gratitude. Their website is www.cafegratitude.com and you can purchase the book in the webstore. The website is interesting and if you take a look, I'd love to know what you think.
Twelve years ago, I read Sarah Ban Breathnac's book "Simple Abundance" which is a "Daybook of Comfort and Joy." In her introduction, she saids "Reading books changes lives." I agree with her completely and her book certainly changed my life and I am expecting no less from The Abounding River. Her book is about abundance of the SOUL and I suspect The Abounding River is going to be the next step for me. I'll keep you posted!
I hadn't planned to write about abundance this morning but I ask for guidance before I sit down to write that whatever comes through is for my higher and better good and the higher and better good of all and then it's my job to just let it flow. So what flowed this morning was abundance.
Affirm: I am abundant. My life is abundant. Abundance is my natural condition.
There is such a sense of LACK rampant in consciousness right now and it takes all my effort to block that negative flow of energy. It is people like Sarah Ban Breathnac and the Englehart's who are resonating with abundance and love and as a species, if we are to survive, we need to be focused on all that we do have and on helping each other and sharing. It all starts with one person and that one person is SELF. I want to help others and I want abundance to continue in my life and in the life of others. I want to be a better person. That doesn't mean I'm not a good person but part of the process of life, in my opinion, is to grow in spirit and in love. There is so much I DON'T UNDERSTAND so when I get overwhelmed I go within and find that place of peace and love so I CAN share. And as I write I hear "each person is on their own path and will come to the place they need to be in their own time." I am no hero. I am, daily, finding my own path, my own place, my own peace. It's a process. It's all a process.
Back to yesterday's blog and I was going to tell you about the second thing that happened. A friend I adore and respect said she thought I was "angry" and covering it up with "love and light." Since I do have a great respect for her, I thought about it for a while. Am I angry? Why I am angry, if I am angry? Do I cover up my anger? Is it all a facade? What does it mean? Why would she think that of me? She sent another e-mail with 45 things to know and one of those 45 things was that it is okay to agree to disagree. So there was my answer to her! I thanked her for opinion but said that we can agree to disagree on this point. She said I search and I search but don't find my answers. She was partly right because I do search and search and that's because I am a seeker. The part where she was wrong is that I do find answers.
I am a seeker. I seek truth, love, light, joy, peace, knowledge, understanding. That's my path. That's my journey. She has been a light along my way and I love and honor her for all that she has shown me. One answer leads to another question. I'm questing. This life is a quest and I seek the holy grail. Yet I have traveled far enough along this journey to know that when I find the holy grail, the journey is complete and that will hopefully, not be for quite a while as I still have a lot of road to put behind me. So am I angry? No, I'm not. Not that I'm covering it up with love and light. I AM love and light! God shines through me. He shines through each of us although perhaps differently and more brighter in some than others. So although I did not agree with what she said, I did not let it "hurt my feelings" and cause me to "shut down" as it may have in the past when I wasn't quite as far along in my journey. I was able to thank her for her opinion, disagree and let it go. That's how I know I am growing. It's a "self-measurement" and I am learning to be my own champion rather than being so self-critical. That's how I know I am growing. How about you? In what ways are you becoming more of who you are meant to be in this life?
On the cover of the Abounding River is a blue sky above the horizon of a desert landscape which looks to be Sedona, Arizona with Bell Rock front and center. There is a dried river bed with pebbles and river rocks and on the dried river bed sits a pair of mirrored sunglasses. In the mirror of the sunglasses is a frothing ocean with waves hitting the shore and splashing upon rocks which are at the edge of a line of trees that are in full bloom. In the waves you see a couple of leaves floating.
The cover art is by Frank Riccio and the powerful symbolism of that cover just stops me in my tracks and makes me want to see more of his work. I will put that on my list of things to research. Bravo, Frank! Bellissimo!
My blogging time is up and it is time to move in to what is going to be a very full day. Tonight my creative cluster meets for the first time and I am very, very excited to get that going and to be a part of a new group.
Remember...Today IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Wishing you abundance in your mind, for your body and most importantly may your soul be abundantly nourished this day! Namaste!
The book includes a 42-day process which can transform the reader's (me...you)thinking from one of lack to abundance. For anyone interested, I bought the book online. The Englehart's own, among other things, a restaurant on Shattuck Street in Berkeley that I visited with friends called Cafe Gratitude. Their website is www.cafegratitude.com and you can purchase the book in the webstore. The website is interesting and if you take a look, I'd love to know what you think.
Twelve years ago, I read Sarah Ban Breathnac's book "Simple Abundance" which is a "Daybook of Comfort and Joy." In her introduction, she saids "Reading books changes lives." I agree with her completely and her book certainly changed my life and I am expecting no less from The Abounding River. Her book is about abundance of the SOUL and I suspect The Abounding River is going to be the next step for me. I'll keep you posted!
I hadn't planned to write about abundance this morning but I ask for guidance before I sit down to write that whatever comes through is for my higher and better good and the higher and better good of all and then it's my job to just let it flow. So what flowed this morning was abundance.
Affirm: I am abundant. My life is abundant. Abundance is my natural condition.
There is such a sense of LACK rampant in consciousness right now and it takes all my effort to block that negative flow of energy. It is people like Sarah Ban Breathnac and the Englehart's who are resonating with abundance and love and as a species, if we are to survive, we need to be focused on all that we do have and on helping each other and sharing. It all starts with one person and that one person is SELF. I want to help others and I want abundance to continue in my life and in the life of others. I want to be a better person. That doesn't mean I'm not a good person but part of the process of life, in my opinion, is to grow in spirit and in love. There is so much I DON'T UNDERSTAND so when I get overwhelmed I go within and find that place of peace and love so I CAN share. And as I write I hear "each person is on their own path and will come to the place they need to be in their own time." I am no hero. I am, daily, finding my own path, my own place, my own peace. It's a process. It's all a process.
Back to yesterday's blog and I was going to tell you about the second thing that happened. A friend I adore and respect said she thought I was "angry" and covering it up with "love and light." Since I do have a great respect for her, I thought about it for a while. Am I angry? Why I am angry, if I am angry? Do I cover up my anger? Is it all a facade? What does it mean? Why would she think that of me? She sent another e-mail with 45 things to know and one of those 45 things was that it is okay to agree to disagree. So there was my answer to her! I thanked her for opinion but said that we can agree to disagree on this point. She said I search and I search but don't find my answers. She was partly right because I do search and search and that's because I am a seeker. The part where she was wrong is that I do find answers.
I am a seeker. I seek truth, love, light, joy, peace, knowledge, understanding. That's my path. That's my journey. She has been a light along my way and I love and honor her for all that she has shown me. One answer leads to another question. I'm questing. This life is a quest and I seek the holy grail. Yet I have traveled far enough along this journey to know that when I find the holy grail, the journey is complete and that will hopefully, not be for quite a while as I still have a lot of road to put behind me. So am I angry? No, I'm not. Not that I'm covering it up with love and light. I AM love and light! God shines through me. He shines through each of us although perhaps differently and more brighter in some than others. So although I did not agree with what she said, I did not let it "hurt my feelings" and cause me to "shut down" as it may have in the past when I wasn't quite as far along in my journey. I was able to thank her for her opinion, disagree and let it go. That's how I know I am growing. It's a "self-measurement" and I am learning to be my own champion rather than being so self-critical. That's how I know I am growing. How about you? In what ways are you becoming more of who you are meant to be in this life?
On the cover of the Abounding River is a blue sky above the horizon of a desert landscape which looks to be Sedona, Arizona with Bell Rock front and center. There is a dried river bed with pebbles and river rocks and on the dried river bed sits a pair of mirrored sunglasses. In the mirror of the sunglasses is a frothing ocean with waves hitting the shore and splashing upon rocks which are at the edge of a line of trees that are in full bloom. In the waves you see a couple of leaves floating.
The cover art is by Frank Riccio and the powerful symbolism of that cover just stops me in my tracks and makes me want to see more of his work. I will put that on my list of things to research. Bravo, Frank! Bellissimo!
My blogging time is up and it is time to move in to what is going to be a very full day. Tonight my creative cluster meets for the first time and I am very, very excited to get that going and to be a part of a new group.
Remember...Today IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Wishing you abundance in your mind, for your body and most importantly may your soul be abundantly nourished this day! Namaste!
Abounding River,
Cafe Gratitude,
Frank Riccio
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Joyful Journey ~ 01/17/2011
Two things were mirrored to me as a result of my blog yesterday.
(One)Someone who was once significant to my life apparently took the time to read my post and came back to Facebook to tell me "Bullsh**." At first, it made me angry and then, it just made me sad for him. I'll admit it bothered me. This morning, I picked up the book "In the Spirit" by Susan Taylor and on page 9 she says "We can't experience the love we crave when we are angry or holding grudges." I have spent way too much of my life being angry at this person for one reason or another and he's about the only one I know what can make my blood boil in what is an uncharacteristic manner for me. He's "got my button" which means he's mirroring a part of myself that I need to resolve.
Miss Taylor goes on to say "Expecting them to be who we want them to be, or to operate BEYOND THEIR LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING (my emphasis) is an exercise in frustration for us and is unfair to them. We'd best accept folks as they are, or let them grow on without us." I believe she is on to something there, especially the last part where she says to "let them grow on without us." I closed my eyes,went to my center and channeled pure love to this person. I surrounded him with love and light. I released any negativity towards him and lifted him up to God and with a prayer that all that happen to him be for his higher and better good and that he find his way and his joy in life. I found that any anger I had towards him was gone completely. His derogatory remark could only hurt me if I let it and I choose love over hurt. By sending love to him, I am, in essence, loving myself. I guess that's the next step for me. We can hear something over and over and over in a number of different ways. One day, it's just "clicks" and we hear what we are supposed to hear and THAT is when we are one step closer to realizing our own self. His words have no power over me unless I let them.
Miss Taylor wrote: "Under the influence of love, everything in your life gets better. Clouds begin to dissipate and your sense of inner freedom expands. You realize that you are free to love, free to be, free to create the good life you envision. And so your life becomes the joyful journey that God promises."
So even though that "Bullsh**" could have been destructive (as was intended) it became an opportunity for growth. I think we all have someone in our life who is always saying "bullsh**" to what's important to us. Someone who says "no, you can't" or "you'll never be able to..." That person has value. That person makes us GROW. Until we do, we'll get more of the same. Perhaps today I've realized the value of that person and I can truly get on with the joyful journey. I have to say, it was much easier this time. That's a good thing!
Secondly, a friend suggested that I was ...
Well, I got a "something special" as I was writing this post. My precious friend from my favorite place on EARTH...(Linda Mar)Pacifica, California called to chat. I'll have to get back to that second "mirror" train of thought tomorrow. I have spent my blogging time chatting with CN so it's on with my day and the joyful journey! I am lightened from my contact with my friend and thank GOD for her and our time together this morning.
The message from my morning work was very interesting because after thoroughly shuffling the cards and fanning them out, I drew two of the same cards I drew yesterday. I had to laugh and call it "God's magic trick!" The third card from the draw was in my deck "by mistake?" It was card with the address for the Ordo Templi Orientis in Austin and there was a message indicating that "at first sight one would suppose this arrangement to be arbitrary, but it is not." Pretty cool, wouldn't you agree? So anyhow, to make the above more undstandable to us "everyday" people, there are no accidents and the cards are synchonistic to the message I need to hear for this day. I believe it and so it is!

IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE...and the BEST is yet to come! Wishing you a joyful journey of your own today!
(One)Someone who was once significant to my life apparently took the time to read my post and came back to Facebook to tell me "Bullsh**." At first, it made me angry and then, it just made me sad for him. I'll admit it bothered me. This morning, I picked up the book "In the Spirit" by Susan Taylor and on page 9 she says "We can't experience the love we crave when we are angry or holding grudges." I have spent way too much of my life being angry at this person for one reason or another and he's about the only one I know what can make my blood boil in what is an uncharacteristic manner for me. He's "got my button" which means he's mirroring a part of myself that I need to resolve.
Miss Taylor goes on to say "Expecting them to be who we want them to be, or to operate BEYOND THEIR LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING (my emphasis) is an exercise in frustration for us and is unfair to them. We'd best accept folks as they are, or let them grow on without us." I believe she is on to something there, especially the last part where she says to "let them grow on without us." I closed my eyes,went to my center and channeled pure love to this person. I surrounded him with love and light. I released any negativity towards him and lifted him up to God and with a prayer that all that happen to him be for his higher and better good and that he find his way and his joy in life. I found that any anger I had towards him was gone completely. His derogatory remark could only hurt me if I let it and I choose love over hurt. By sending love to him, I am, in essence, loving myself. I guess that's the next step for me. We can hear something over and over and over in a number of different ways. One day, it's just "clicks" and we hear what we are supposed to hear and THAT is when we are one step closer to realizing our own self. His words have no power over me unless I let them.
Miss Taylor wrote: "Under the influence of love, everything in your life gets better. Clouds begin to dissipate and your sense of inner freedom expands. You realize that you are free to love, free to be, free to create the good life you envision. And so your life becomes the joyful journey that God promises."
So even though that "Bullsh**" could have been destructive (as was intended) it became an opportunity for growth. I think we all have someone in our life who is always saying "bullsh**" to what's important to us. Someone who says "no, you can't" or "you'll never be able to..." That person has value. That person makes us GROW. Until we do, we'll get more of the same. Perhaps today I've realized the value of that person and I can truly get on with the joyful journey. I have to say, it was much easier this time. That's a good thing!
Secondly, a friend suggested that I was ...
Well, I got a "something special" as I was writing this post. My precious friend from my favorite place on EARTH...(Linda Mar)Pacifica, California called to chat. I'll have to get back to that second "mirror" train of thought tomorrow. I have spent my blogging time chatting with CN so it's on with my day and the joyful journey! I am lightened from my contact with my friend and thank GOD for her and our time together this morning.
The message from my morning work was very interesting because after thoroughly shuffling the cards and fanning them out, I drew two of the same cards I drew yesterday. I had to laugh and call it "God's magic trick!" The third card from the draw was in my deck "by mistake?" It was card with the address for the Ordo Templi Orientis in Austin and there was a message indicating that "at first sight one would suppose this arrangement to be arbitrary, but it is not." Pretty cool, wouldn't you agree? So anyhow, to make the above more undstandable to us "everyday" people, there are no accidents and the cards are synchonistic to the message I need to hear for this day. I believe it and so it is!
IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE...and the BEST is yet to come! Wishing you a joyful journey of your own today!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Look to the future in a spirit of trust...01/16/2011
Sunday, and it is a beautiful day with the sun shining and the snow melting and I can see my driveway from top to bottom! There are still patches of snow, which are pretty, but I think I've had my quota of snow for this winter season!
I had a good time visiting with my friend, JT, at P.F. Chang's yesterday. I was a few minutes late (no surprise there) and almost as soon as I sat down they served the calamari she'd ordered for us and I was singing her praises. JT is very dependable. Not only was she there ON TIME but I'll bet she was a few minutes early. She's my inspiration for more reasons than one.
We had a darling, young red-haired server named Diedrich who became even more darling when he managed to serve my ice cold Cosmo in record time! P.F. Chang's is a traditional meeting place for my friends and me. They have the very best Cosmo in town, as far as I am concerned, and their appetizers are awesome!
I hadn't seen JT in several months so we had a pleasant "happy new year" reunion. She's a writer and an artist although she calls it her "business." She is one of those rare persons who functions on both sides of the brain equally well. In appearance, she's very conservative but her thinking is outside the box! She has a great sense of humor and I find myself chuckling when I'm on my way home at something she said that was so unexpected. I learned yesterday that she had once taken an improv class. I always learn something new about her every time we are together and she is amazing. At first, I thought she was quiet and shy. Once I got to know her better, I realized she is just quiet and peaceful and has a wonderful, open mind but she's not really shy. She is very interested in everything in L~I~F~E and open to exploring spiritual and metaphysical subjects which I totally enjoy. She is structured and that's something I could use more of in my life but at this point, I doubt it going to happen. Maybe in my next incarnation? She's always on time (unlike me) and she approaches things in a step-by-step way (unlike me). There is much I can learn from her! I feel blessed to have her in my life and I'm happy she is my friend. We're salt and pepper but together we season things well!
She has a new hobby (remember, ART is her BUSINESS) and it is knitting. She gave me a knitted hat yesterday and I was so touched. She said it's only the third one she's made but it is adorable and I love it! I had her take this picture of me with my new knitted hat as we left the restaurant yesterday. Perfect fit!
After lunch, we said our goodbyes and JT went next door to Barnes and Nobles and I drove to Loganville. I spent time with my children and grandchildren because it always makes me happy to be around them. It feels like fresh air blowing through me when I'm with them. They always lift my spirit, even when it doesn't need lifting and a hug from one of them is like a grand treat to me and I do not take their love for granted EVER!
Yesterday was a very good day! On in to today and it is 11:11am (hm!?!) and I completed my morning work with the message to look to "look to the future in a spirit of trust!"
JT and I talked about that a little yesterday when we approached the "birds falling from the sky" and "2012" subject. We both agreed that we are not going to live in FEAR and if it is the "apocalypse" or "end times" or whatever the doomsayers want to call it, we are not going to change a thing about the way we live our lives because we are living in gratitude and love on a daily basis. I asked her what she would do different if she knew the world was going to end on 12/21/2012 (my mother's 82nd birthday, by the way) and she said "absolutely nothing." I'm with her. We already know how important it is to start each day in a positive way and to tell/show those we love how much we care in every way we can. We enjoy every minute and we look to the future "in a spirit of trust." We help each other be mindful and that's a good thing for friends to do for and with each other.
I have had friends who are negative and want to argue about everything, especially political or religious. What a waste of time, in my opinion. I got sucked in to it for a while but I quickly realized that was not a place I wanted to be and those friends went by the by. Glad they "passed through" my life and I don't look back. Not any more! It's not that I am ungrateful for each person that has been in my life because in the "soup" of it, they've been meat and potatoes, too. Sometimes though, when the soup's not quite right, it's best to throw it out and start all over, remembering NOT to use a particular ingredient again! Live and learn, Sisters and Brothers, live and learn!
I woke up this morning, got my coffee, came back to bed and turned on the tv and "Dear John" was on HBO. So, I watched it. I've seen it in bits and pieces but I never saw the beginning or the ending...just bits and pieces. It was another "happily ever after" ending but there was so much agony in between the "fall in love" and "we get to be together finally" part that it almost felt real to me. I'm glad I took the time to watch it because I enjoyed it and my heart was warmed. I may be 60 and I've had a really good life and I may alone now and thoroughly enjoying it BUT...and it's a big BUT...I do "look to the future in a spirit of trust!" I know there's a plan for me and I know I won't spend the last few years of my life alone. In fact, I know there's a whole new exciting time about to happen in my life. It will be within the next five years,or sooner and I'll keep you posted. I AM looking to the future in a spirit of trust and I am living TODAY in the same spirit.
Today I am making a pot of red beans and rice because that's what my Mom requested. I love red beans and rice, too and I grew up eating lots of fish and lots of beans. Fish were plentiful as I was in the "luckiest fishing village in the world" and beans were cheap because growing up there meant "service" industry and people in the "service" industry don't make a lot of money. Little did we realize that those are two of the best things to put into the body and today I pay big dollars for that prized piece of fresh fish. Beans are still cheap but I realize the value of them now and for bang for the buck, they are one of the best deals at the market!
I am also continuing work on my "project." Now that I have a big mess in EVERY room, I don't know where to begin but I'll figure it out today, or tomorrow, or the next day. (Time to channel JT and take one step at a time!) So, to that end, I'll get on with the day. Geez, it's half over and I'm still sitting her in my gown with my hair sticking up in 90 different directions. Oh, does that feel delicious!
The message from my "morning work" was this: (S)Enjoy today. (M)Trust in spirituality and all encompassing love. (B)Look to the future in a spirit of trust. So I move into the day being mindful of joy and trust.
Tomorrow, I reschedule the job interview AND drive to Gainesville to apply for unemployment. I'm curious to see what's going to come my way next week but I know it's all good! I TRUST in a good result!
Always remember, it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Namaste, my friends.
I had a good time visiting with my friend, JT, at P.F. Chang's yesterday. I was a few minutes late (no surprise there) and almost as soon as I sat down they served the calamari she'd ordered for us and I was singing her praises. JT is very dependable. Not only was she there ON TIME but I'll bet she was a few minutes early. She's my inspiration for more reasons than one.
We had a darling, young red-haired server named Diedrich who became even more darling when he managed to serve my ice cold Cosmo in record time! P.F. Chang's is a traditional meeting place for my friends and me. They have the very best Cosmo in town, as far as I am concerned, and their appetizers are awesome!
I hadn't seen JT in several months so we had a pleasant "happy new year" reunion. She's a writer and an artist although she calls it her "business." She is one of those rare persons who functions on both sides of the brain equally well. In appearance, she's very conservative but her thinking is outside the box! She has a great sense of humor and I find myself chuckling when I'm on my way home at something she said that was so unexpected. I learned yesterday that she had once taken an improv class. I always learn something new about her every time we are together and she is amazing. At first, I thought she was quiet and shy. Once I got to know her better, I realized she is just quiet and peaceful and has a wonderful, open mind but she's not really shy. She is very interested in everything in L~I~F~E and open to exploring spiritual and metaphysical subjects which I totally enjoy. She is structured and that's something I could use more of in my life but at this point, I doubt it going to happen. Maybe in my next incarnation? She's always on time (unlike me) and she approaches things in a step-by-step way (unlike me). There is much I can learn from her! I feel blessed to have her in my life and I'm happy she is my friend. We're salt and pepper but together we season things well!
She has a new hobby (remember, ART is her BUSINESS) and it is knitting. She gave me a knitted hat yesterday and I was so touched. She said it's only the third one she's made but it is adorable and I love it! I had her take this picture of me with my new knitted hat as we left the restaurant yesterday. Perfect fit!

After lunch, we said our goodbyes and JT went next door to Barnes and Nobles and I drove to Loganville. I spent time with my children and grandchildren because it always makes me happy to be around them. It feels like fresh air blowing through me when I'm with them. They always lift my spirit, even when it doesn't need lifting and a hug from one of them is like a grand treat to me and I do not take their love for granted EVER!
Yesterday was a very good day! On in to today and it is 11:11am (hm!?!) and I completed my morning work with the message to look to "look to the future in a spirit of trust!"
JT and I talked about that a little yesterday when we approached the "birds falling from the sky" and "2012" subject. We both agreed that we are not going to live in FEAR and if it is the "apocalypse" or "end times" or whatever the doomsayers want to call it, we are not going to change a thing about the way we live our lives because we are living in gratitude and love on a daily basis. I asked her what she would do different if she knew the world was going to end on 12/21/2012 (my mother's 82nd birthday, by the way) and she said "absolutely nothing." I'm with her. We already know how important it is to start each day in a positive way and to tell/show those we love how much we care in every way we can. We enjoy every minute and we look to the future "in a spirit of trust." We help each other be mindful and that's a good thing for friends to do for and with each other.
I have had friends who are negative and want to argue about everything, especially political or religious. What a waste of time, in my opinion. I got sucked in to it for a while but I quickly realized that was not a place I wanted to be and those friends went by the by. Glad they "passed through" my life and I don't look back. Not any more! It's not that I am ungrateful for each person that has been in my life because in the "soup" of it, they've been meat and potatoes, too. Sometimes though, when the soup's not quite right, it's best to throw it out and start all over, remembering NOT to use a particular ingredient again! Live and learn, Sisters and Brothers, live and learn!
I woke up this morning, got my coffee, came back to bed and turned on the tv and "Dear John" was on HBO. So, I watched it. I've seen it in bits and pieces but I never saw the beginning or the ending...just bits and pieces. It was another "happily ever after" ending but there was so much agony in between the "fall in love" and "we get to be together finally" part that it almost felt real to me. I'm glad I took the time to watch it because I enjoyed it and my heart was warmed. I may be 60 and I've had a really good life and I may alone now and thoroughly enjoying it BUT...and it's a big BUT...I do "look to the future in a spirit of trust!" I know there's a plan for me and I know I won't spend the last few years of my life alone. In fact, I know there's a whole new exciting time about to happen in my life. It will be within the next five years,or sooner and I'll keep you posted. I AM looking to the future in a spirit of trust and I am living TODAY in the same spirit.
Today I am making a pot of red beans and rice because that's what my Mom requested. I love red beans and rice, too and I grew up eating lots of fish and lots of beans. Fish were plentiful as I was in the "luckiest fishing village in the world" and beans were cheap because growing up there meant "service" industry and people in the "service" industry don't make a lot of money. Little did we realize that those are two of the best things to put into the body and today I pay big dollars for that prized piece of fresh fish. Beans are still cheap but I realize the value of them now and for bang for the buck, they are one of the best deals at the market!
I am also continuing work on my "project." Now that I have a big mess in EVERY room, I don't know where to begin but I'll figure it out today, or tomorrow, or the next day. (Time to channel JT and take one step at a time!) So, to that end, I'll get on with the day. Geez, it's half over and I'm still sitting her in my gown with my hair sticking up in 90 different directions. Oh, does that feel delicious!
The message from my "morning work" was this: (S)Enjoy today. (M)Trust in spirituality and all encompassing love. (B)Look to the future in a spirit of trust. So I move into the day being mindful of joy and trust.
Tomorrow, I reschedule the job interview AND drive to Gainesville to apply for unemployment. I'm curious to see what's going to come my way next week but I know it's all good! I TRUST in a good result!
Always remember, it IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Namaste, my friends.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
A Taste of Freedom...01/15/2011
I don't have much time to write this morning but I am trying to keep my promise of being consistent so I am making the time to do this. It will shorten my shower but I'm not that dirty anyhow and who needs makeup?
I am feeling giddy that I am getting out of the house today. Five days of being homebound were beginning to wear on me. I had lots of projects to complete and I still have lots of projects to complete because all I managed to do was make a huge mess by tearing things out of closets, off of bookshelves and now, it's worse than before I began but there is the POSSIBILITY of a great thing happening here and I'm all about possibilities. To go with that is the PROBABILITY and I know it will happen but I just can't say when.
I seem to work best under pressure and since I have my Creative Cluster forming here on Tuesday, I'll have it all back together before then, probably in a tear on Monday and on Tuesday morning but I WILL get it done. I know that about myself and accept it. It's one of the benefits of living alone. No one to berate me for leaving things "out of place" longer than they should be. I think I do it just for the joy of that fact?! Not really. Basically, I think I've just been lazy. Yep, that's it and it has been wonderful!
I'm meeting a friend for lunch today at P.F. Chang's and I'm looking forward to a nice visit while enjoying some lettuce wraps and a couple of ice cold Cosmos. Then, I'm going to take Sabra to a movie and afterwards, I'll drive to Loganville to visit my children and grandchildren. It's shaping up to be a great day OUTSIDE of the house.
Part of me feels badly for Mom because she'll be stuck here by herself but there's nothing to be done for it today. Maybe my brother will come over and visit her or my sister. She'd like that and they could look at my "reorganization projects" (mess) and feel superior because their houses are in order. That's okay. I'm cool with it! What are sisters for if not to make her siblings feel better about themselves! :-)
I didn't do my morning work but I did watch the movie "Legion" this morning. It made me think about hope and faith, two things of which I'm full of for many different things. In fact, I think those are two of my best features. Today, I hope I can get down my driveway and I have faith that I am going to have a great time with other people! I guess hope and faith can work in a lot of different ways. They go hand in hand. In the movie, the hero is asked why he keeps on hoping when he knows all hope is lost. Well, duh. He HOPES so obviously all hope isn't lost and his faith in love and his hope for love are what saves the day for mankind although at the end, when he's driving down the road with the woman who is the object of his affection and the baby who has a mighty journey ahead, it looks so sweet with the three of them and looks like he's gotten all his dreams come true. Then, it pans to the back of the car and it's loaded down with machine guns. Hmmm...I guess faith and hope are good things to have but a machine gun is good for back up when all else fails. Guess I'll get one when I'm at the mall today.
Well, Wiz is whining and I need to jump in the shower so I'll conclude by wishing you a terrific day, filled with hope and faith! (Forget the guns! I'm really more of a "flower power" person!).
It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Namaste!
I am feeling giddy that I am getting out of the house today. Five days of being homebound were beginning to wear on me. I had lots of projects to complete and I still have lots of projects to complete because all I managed to do was make a huge mess by tearing things out of closets, off of bookshelves and now, it's worse than before I began but there is the POSSIBILITY of a great thing happening here and I'm all about possibilities. To go with that is the PROBABILITY and I know it will happen but I just can't say when.
I seem to work best under pressure and since I have my Creative Cluster forming here on Tuesday, I'll have it all back together before then, probably in a tear on Monday and on Tuesday morning but I WILL get it done. I know that about myself and accept it. It's one of the benefits of living alone. No one to berate me for leaving things "out of place" longer than they should be. I think I do it just for the joy of that fact?! Not really. Basically, I think I've just been lazy. Yep, that's it and it has been wonderful!
I'm meeting a friend for lunch today at P.F. Chang's and I'm looking forward to a nice visit while enjoying some lettuce wraps and a couple of ice cold Cosmos. Then, I'm going to take Sabra to a movie and afterwards, I'll drive to Loganville to visit my children and grandchildren. It's shaping up to be a great day OUTSIDE of the house.
Part of me feels badly for Mom because she'll be stuck here by herself but there's nothing to be done for it today. Maybe my brother will come over and visit her or my sister. She'd like that and they could look at my "reorganization projects" (mess) and feel superior because their houses are in order. That's okay. I'm cool with it! What are sisters for if not to make her siblings feel better about themselves! :-)
I didn't do my morning work but I did watch the movie "Legion" this morning. It made me think about hope and faith, two things of which I'm full of for many different things. In fact, I think those are two of my best features. Today, I hope I can get down my driveway and I have faith that I am going to have a great time with other people! I guess hope and faith can work in a lot of different ways. They go hand in hand. In the movie, the hero is asked why he keeps on hoping when he knows all hope is lost. Well, duh. He HOPES so obviously all hope isn't lost and his faith in love and his hope for love are what saves the day for mankind although at the end, when he's driving down the road with the woman who is the object of his affection and the baby who has a mighty journey ahead, it looks so sweet with the three of them and looks like he's gotten all his dreams come true. Then, it pans to the back of the car and it's loaded down with machine guns. Hmmm...I guess faith and hope are good things to have but a machine gun is good for back up when all else fails. Guess I'll get one when I'm at the mall today.
Well, Wiz is whining and I need to jump in the shower so I'll conclude by wishing you a terrific day, filled with hope and faith! (Forget the guns! I'm really more of a "flower power" person!).
It IS a great day to be alive and the best is yet to come! Namaste!
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